Speeding down the fast track of life in my speed boat not looking to the left or the right. I just keep plugging into any ray of hope there might be in the wind. Going with the flow of those who can keep up with me.

My body is like an old person, worn and torn and running out of gas. Not knowing what to do next or how to get off this river of a mess of my life. Crying for help not a person in sight to save me off this river of life with my life such a mess.

Looking around the speed boat, I see something stuffed under the seats. I pulled it out to see what it was, its an inter-tube! My life savoir! My way off this fast track! I found the energy to blow it up and get in to this river of life. Drifting with the current and going with the flow of the river of life

I notice the flowers along the river bed that I had trampled down in my haste for speed. The tall trees that seemed to bloomed into the big blue open sky! How wonderful it was seeing that blue blue sky! Then I realized that this river of life has recharged me in a new way!

Wide awake now just drifting along the river of life. I hear the gushing of water flowing over the rocks. Seeing the ripples take off across the river of life. Then I hear a small still voice, telling me those ripples are like people who have an affect on you. The ones with Christ will have a ripple effect from one person to another that never ends.

Coming to grips with what I just heard. I found my long lost friend I had lost along the way of the fast track of life! I had not heard from in such a long time! It was a relief to know he was still around me! He was telling me that on that fast track of life, the ripple effect I had spread among friends and those I had met. Were not the ones that had Christ in Me!

Slow down my child, he called me his child! Wow this is my Father up in Heaven of the deep blue skies! I am his child! I had called upon his name a long time ago, we walk and we talk and he showed me the way. But somehow I got on the wrong river of life! A life of work a life of fun and out all night and doing things my way. I met new people who said they were my friends, yet in the end they were not around to be found.

But in the end I found my true friend who I had never lost! He had been with me all this time, through thick and thin Jesus was at my side. He waited until just the right moment that He knew I would hear him speak to me. I had to get off that fast track and be drifting in the slow lane of HIS RIVER OF LIFE!

Transformed and refreshed and looking at the sights all around me. How wonderful the smells of the flowers along the river bed and gazing upward into the deep blue sky and knowing I was safe just floating down that river of life and watching the ripple effects of Christ in Me going all across the river into a new life that was no longer a mess!


© 2009

Jacqueline L. Greek

August 17, 2009

Revelation 22 (New International Version)

Revelation 22: 1-6

The River of Life

1Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2 down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. 3 No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. 4 They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. 5 There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever. 6 The angel said to me, "These words are trustworthy and true. The Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent his angel to show his servants the things that must soon take place."

August 17, 2009

The Holy Spirit had showed me today as I had gone inter-tubing down the Clarion River.

On the 15, of August I was in a Christian room on Pal talk and a word came forth from a strong women in Christ a Prophetess. The word was not for me, but she had this word for this lady to get out the inter-tubes and take a journey down the river of life and just go with the flow.

I claimed that for myself, for inter-tubing is something I love to do in the summer I needed a break big time. Just to get away from it all. So much going on with my daughter and helping her out of a jam. Trying to find publishing companies that were serious about publishing my book. I had sent my manuscript in to several of them, and got a reply back that they would look it over and send me a review in about 2 to 9 weeks. That sounds right.

God had been dealing with me on this, that I had jump the gun and sent my manuscript out to soon, it needed more work on it. Told me not to be to hasty in signing anything one publishing company said they would do it for free! Wow I wanted to go with that one! I would have it published in no time! How easy was that. I sent them my manuscript last week and they said in 2 to 4 weeks I would hear from them.

Last night my sister called me and asked if I wanted to go tubing? I jumped on that one, yes I want to go! I knew that word from the Lord was for me! I thought my sister would be working and that is why I had not called her up to go! My car is in the shop so I had no other way to go if I even could find one friend with a car. We needed 2 cars. Her husband had off from work and was going to drive the other car up. I got out my inter-tubes and away we went! That was Gods word for me!

My Sister and her husband had floated past me and I just drifted with the flow, and praising God for allowing this time to just rest in Him and get away from it all. When he showed me 2 rivers of life. His and the worlds fast track on the speed boat.

Then showing me the ripples when the gushing water went over the rocks. What a wonderful revelation that was for me to receive from the Lord! Looking up in to the sky of heavens! How vast it all was with the trees blooming into the sky, I felt like a small ant in my inter-tube knowing that our God was like a giant hovering over me and watching me drift off on his River of Life.

When I got home and got my email I had several from different publishing companies. One turn me down flat, which I knew that one would happen. The Holy Spirit had already told me I was in to much of a rush and the bio and synopsis was not done right! I had answered all the questions wrong as well in my rush to find a good Christian company to take my book! The other one wanted my book! But it was only a week and I did not think they really read my manuscript! They would publish it free and sent me a contract!

They even called me, and try to sell me to do with them. My daughter called on the other line and when I got back to the publisher he had hung up on me! That a blessing!

I did hear back from another author who did get his book published by them, He was pleased with what they did do. But you got to do all the work to get into the book stores.

Well I did some checking on this company thanks to my friend Shirlett who is a Para-legal! Not much good said about this company at all! Not even from the Better Business Bureau

This is what my friend had to say on this company.

“If I was you I would hold off on signing this. It seems to be vague in a few of the paragraphs and not 100% clear on releasing you and your work should the publisher decide to not publish the work. Keep looking at the Better Business Bureau on line and I will forward this contract to the office and ask Marnie if DGW can take a look at it for you.


If I had rushed in and signed this, they could have rights to my book for seven years! Even if they did not publish my book.

This is Gods book I am writing, I can not write, the Lord gives me the words and I just write what I hear him telling me. I got to have this book perfect for the Lord.

This was spoken to me back in the 1990’s.

"For you will speak into the hearts and lives of many and even unto your relatives say's the Lord! That word was given to me years ago not by one Prophet but by three Prophets! In different times and years.

A few weeks ago I had another word from the Lord saying that God had given me a prophetic gift in my writing and he was going to wake me up at night to write and he would increased that gift, that he is already doing it! And I would have songs for the Lord and new songs! I would share it with many people!

God was giving me a book or books, not one book but books! And this was from the Lord and also stating that the Ministry I was in and the Ministry he was moving me into, that he would allow me to do it and he will bring the finances to do it! (This confirmed what the Lord had spoken to me back in June!) God will confirm his word to you!

If that meant for finances for getting the books published he will do it! I don't need a free publishing company who will cheat me out on God's best! But also God knows my car I use it for him as well and what I do may seemed small to you but not in God’s eye is it small, and he has always come through on getting my little car fixed and providing the money just at the right time!

The way I had planed on doing my book was on here and just doing it as one book! Then Last week the Lord gave me a revelation on how to tear down one book into three! I now have some of what I wrote down to one book and it is about 168 pages!

The Lords ways are not our ways!

Now just a few days ago a Prophetess in this Christian room on Pal talk spoke a word over the room, I know that most of what was said I know that it was for me. I felt the anointing of the Lord over me. I did not get this down word for word, but I got down, what I knew the Lord was saying to me!

“The Lord says that I have taken you out of the wilderness, this is a new cycle this is a new day, new way and new day, new strategies. I am going to teach you how to deal with the giants that stand before you, the Lords says yes there are giants before you; I will teach you how to defeat them. Teach you how to work smarter not harder. Say’s the Lord; I will show you my battle plan say’s the Lord. You have stood in your own strength and you called them come down, come down! They stood and stood and stood, and they have multiplied, say’s the Lord.”

“I am pulling you back and don’t get discourage say’s the Lord and I am dressing you in my love and I am reposition you with my wisdom say’s the Lord and I am showing you what to do! I am going to teach you how to stay focus in the midst of the battle. Say’s the Lord. I am beheading your giants once and for all."

“I am going to call you to listen to me as never before, I am calling Godly council into your midst, to listen an to speak with my word”

“Also what was spoken was to stop running after the healers, and the Prophet the Lord say’s start running toward me, I am the way maker, I am the one who produce all things. It is me who gives the Prophet the word, it is me that heals it is me who is full of love and mercy and I know ever hair on your head. Everything you need, this is the hour of patience."

"I am calling many of you to wait and see the salivation of the Lord, I am calling you into the deep and many of you have been traveling without Jesus in your boat. Go back to the shore you can not travel with out Jesus in your boat.”

Praise be on to God! He is with me! Also what was mention that we did not have Jesus in our boat that we need to ask Jesus into our boat, I did that very night, asked Jesus to come in to the boat, I can not go on the waters without him.

Seeing what the Lord showed me today on the river, we do not have Jesus with us we are on the speed boat! We need to get out of that speed boat and into a row boat! Today for me it was the inter-tube! And just flowing down that river of life with Jesus!

It was wonderful! I had seen the river in such a way I never seen before.

Last night the Lord reviled something to me that I never knew, well I knew it but not in this way. The first time I heard the Lord speak to me back in 1981 was when I was going to lose my eye due to the Tmj joint and the cartilage from the joint was heading into my eye. I had no money no way of getting the surgery and in the midst of my tears driving home from the Dr’s office.

I heard God tell me not to worry it was all taken care of! I went home and got my mothers bible out and on her book marker was Deut 31:6 that he will never leave me nor forsaken me! That part I knew and held on to all these years, but I forgot to hold on to about the worrying part! I took it for granted that word was just for me not to worry about losing my eye, that he had a way to get it fix.

But no! I was never to worry again about anything! God was going to take care of my every need! My every need! I had been worry over a bunch of things through out that 28 years and each and every time my God came through!

I don’t need to complain or worry about a thing! God’s word will not come back void! He is faithful and just in all things! I just got to trust in him to get me through these giants of publishing companies!

I now know I do not need to rush this, I want my book to go to a company that cares about there work and that they will put it in bookstores! My God is a perfect God and the books he has given me must also be perfect.

I emailed that other company that accepted my book and told them I will not go with them; I wanted my book that the Lord gave me to me perfect! For the Lord is perfect. I believe with all my heart that the anointing of the Lord will be over those books and it will be a best seller. I can only do this with Jesus in my boat! For my God is a faithful God even when I get on the wrong river of life, He is there pulling me in to His RIVER OF LIFE!

Those ripples will effect each and ever person who reads what I write!

Aug 18, 2009

After I had written this and finally got to bed at 5 am. I was trying to sleep when I heard this sweet sweet sound! It was nothing like I ever heard before. It sounded like harps playing and Angels singing in the background! I could not make out the words, due to the fans blowing in my room, But I heard the Lord say to me, he was please with me, I did what he called me to do. And turn down the one giant of a publishing company.

I laid there and listen to the harps playing and the whispers of singing and drifted off into a deep sleep.

Waking up refreshed and renewed in spirit, I know my Lord is there with me, teaching me and guiding me through all things.

Later on durining the day I thank the Lord for hearing the harps play and the Angels sing! I do belive he told me that it was no harps playing, just the Angels singing to the sound of harps! I do pray that I hear them every night as I drift off to sleep! Perhap I can also have a vision of being with Jesus one night! I love him so much, for what he has done for my life!

He is coming back sooner then you think!

Are you ready to meet him up in the clouds?

In my email this morning, I recieved God at EVENTIDE.

Broken Bonds

Loose the fetters that bind me to earth and material things.

They shall be loosed. Even now your prayer is being answered. But you can only be completely released as you live with me more and more.

Thought-freedom from self-claims comes by a process of substitution. For every claim of self, substitute my claim. For every thought of fear or resentment substitute a thought of security in me and of Joy in My Service. For every thought of limitation, or helplessness, substitute one of the Power of a Spirit-aided life.

Do this persistently. At first with deliberate effort, until it becomes an almost unconscious habit. The fetters will snap and gradually you will realize the wonder of your freedom.

blessings to you and yours this day and always ...


contact us: servant@twolisteners.com

Now to Him who is able to keep you from falling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. Jude 1:24-25

Please don't forget to sign my Guest Book and tell me what God is doing in your life! It is at the bottom of this page!

Are you hearing God in your life?

And have you accepted Jesus into your heart?

If not all you need to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and say:

Jesus I know you are real and I believe that you died on the cross for me, you redeemed me by your Blood. I want to live for you! I confess all my sins known and unknown. I am sorry for them all. I Renounce them all I forgive all others, and I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now, and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now forever from sin, I come to you now as my deliverer you know my special needs the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles, that evil spirit. That unclean spirit. I claim the promises of your word. "Who so ever that calleth on the Lord shall be delivered," I call upon you now in Jesus Christ name. Deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from your works. I loose myself from you now in Jesus name. I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I have a confession to make my ancestors and I have sought super natural experiences apart from you. We have disobeyed your word. I ask for you’re forgiveness. I renounce witch craft and magic both black & white. I renounce witch craft and all occult games etc. I renounce hypnoses. I break any hold placed on me. I command it right back where it came from in Jesus name. I thank you Lord for all your doing in through and for me right now! By the Blood of Jesus Christ amen.

God Bless you all!

Jacqueline L. Greek