Fire Storm!

Fire Storm! Waking up from a sound sleep, having dreamed a dream that was not fright full but not understanding this tornado dream. It was like nothing I had dreamed before, this time I had a back pack on with a two handles on my shoulders and I was flying in to the air away from the tornado! I then landed in a safe spot away from all the flying objects coming down from the homes that the tornado destroyed!

Praying about what I saw, my Lord and Savior spoke to my heart, and told me that he was removing me from the storm that was coming! Wow I thought this is great news, I started to thank my God for what he was doing for me!

A few days later I was tired from having my grandson all night, was up early in the morning with him and got him off to daycare, I spent the day working on my book. After dinner I fell asleep in front of the TV watching the news. Then all of a sudden out of know where is this man in my living room! Yelling at me to get out of my house, the apartment next door was on fire!

In a daze I standing in my dinning room, gathering up my shoes and coat and having a split second to think what was important to me. Grabbing my CD’S of my book , poems and what was on my computer, then thinking I got to get my purse which was in the kitchen, I could smell the smoke and I knew I had to get out. I took off for the kitchen then 2 police men in my home yelling at me to get out now! Yelling at me to leave the purse alone. I was escorted out the front door to safety.

It was raining out and my stocking feet are wet and I did not have time to put on my shoes, looking for a place to sit down. I can see the smoke pouring out the upstairs apartment, which is next to my bedroom. The firemen running all around getting the hose into the building. I prayed God let them get it all out! I was not upset if I was losing my stuff, I was concern that everyone was all right. Then I spotted the man in the lower apartment, went over to him. Then seeing several firemen go into my home, I felt that my place was now a blazed. It was ok, I was safe away from the fire storm. Stuff can be replaced.

Sitting on a porch with the other man who rented the bottom apartment, we talked and wonder how this had happen, then we heard from the firemen, the men upstairs had been drinking and passed out with a lit cigarette that fell on to the couch. Those two men that the firemen had woke up and dragged out of the house kept running back in to get their stuff, the police had to handcuff them and put them in the police car to keep them safe as well.

Finally I was able to go back into my home, the firemen went in with me to make sure there was no water damage, nothing was harm, everything was safe and dry. The other men had water damage all over his apartment and just need a place to stay for the night. I open up my home to him I had 2 extra bedrooms.

There was water dripping everywhere in this man’s lower apartment, He to was not concern about his stuff, for he was in the process of moving out, all that was important to him was already packed and in his truck. He too had some passer by run into his home and told him to get out. He was on the phone, just drop it and got his coat and out the door he went. God sent his angles to warn us and move us away from the fire storm. This could have been worst, but God kept us safe from harm.

Are you concern about your stuff and run back in the Fire storm?


Will you allow God to move you away from the Fire Storm?

“Copyright 2009”

Jacqueline L. Greek

April 11, 2009

The fire had happen April 3, about 7 pm. It could have been worst It could have happen in the middle of the night and no one passing by to come in to warn us. Thank God we have a loving God who will remove those he loves and those who are willing to lay down the Cross of self and pick up the Cross of Christ out of harms way! That is what I had been doing, doing what God wanted me to do, not what I wanted to do or what I wanted in my life. God had me working on my book the first chapter to life’s lesson.

Understanding what God had showed me over the last few days before the fire. Help me to realized that nothing in this world is so important to save but our own souls and those he sends to us. Our stuff is only stuff that can be replace but our souls belong to God not the demons of this world.

How sad is it to run back into a burning building to get stuff that does not mean anything, yes it might have some meaning or been passed down by a dying love one. But it is still stuff. You can not take it with you when you die and all that lives is your soul, now where your soul goes depends on who you follow? God or man and his demons?

The same goes for stuff we have in our computers as well, we learn over time to back it up. If we don’t we lose it all that we have on our hard drives when a computer crashes. But its stuff that can be put back in slowly if we remember where we got it from. The last few days, I had another friend call me to tell me she needed me to come down and look at her computer it would not bring up windows. I did not want to go over there, I was tired and watching TV. But God told me to go so I went.

I went over there and tried to bring it up in safe mode, got that blue screen of death! I told her she would have to wipe out her computer and start over. She gave the restore disk, I put it in. It look like it was doing the job so I went home. The next day I called her and she told me it did not do anything it just stayed the same. I went back over there and tried it again. And sure enough it would not work. I told her she would have to pay someone to fix this, I could not get around it.

I went home, then a hour later God was showing me I had my XP starter on a floppy disk and a CD that she gave me a while back on computer repairs. That would not work on my computer. I went back over there, she could not open the CD rom I prayed that God open this now in the name of Jesus, It open right up. I put that CD in she gave me. And it came up to repair windows or reformat windows. I hit the repair windows got and error message that it was corrupted. I told her we have to try the other one which will bring her computer back to factory settings. She said ok. It went through, I asked her do you know how to finished this, she said she did. I went home. Glad now that she would have her computer back up and running in no time.

Well an hour later she called me to tell me she lost everything in her computer! She can not even get online. I told her that she has to put it all back in. Several months ago I told her to back up her files on CD! She did not tell me she didn’t know how to do it! I told her I did not know how to get her connected to cable I have DSL, that she can call support and they will help her. She was yelling at me an crying over that she lost everything her photos and such! I told her that I did tell you would lose every thing! I told you it would go back to the factory settings, yelling at me again, I didn’t know what that meant! Now it is my fault she lost everything! She hung up on me!

I waited a half hour and someone else answer the phone, she was to upset to talk to me. I had programs saved on CD that I could put in for her, and try and help her get back online. No she did not want to talk to me! I called several times the next day, no luck, she is mad at me for losing her stuff! I was not to blame in this, there was no way to fix her computer other then wipe it out and start over again her files were so corrupted it could not be repaired! She had not listen to me to back them up!

I did hear back from her, but what she had to say was not kind, she has no understanding how the Holy Spirit works in me. Nor can she see the truth of Gods word for her own life. She is too wrapped up in getting approval from others and what she is doing, that she can not see where God is trying to teach her.

She too is just sipping on the milk. Not taking in the meat, they want what they want in their lives, only God at at distance unless thy really need him. They do not want to look at the heart of the matter and see themselves in the way God sees them. For what comes out of the mouth is what is in there heart.

Again other person blaming me for something that was not my fault. I emailed her and told her to be thankful that she didn’t lose all her stuff in a fire! That all she lost what was on her computer and in time she will have it all back, she has a scanner to scan back in her photos. Those she lost well, that I can’t help her with. I also told her I could no longer help her with her computer or give her the clothes that I have been giving to her. It is time for me to move on give them to someone else that God sends my way who really truly need them.

But no I had to listen to what God was showing me and take that CD I had and put it in and fix her computer. God even open up her CD rom when I prayed for it to open! That was God fixing her computer and bring it back up and running not me! How sad that they can not see God’s hand in this, but instead of thanking God for her computer being fixed she has to get mad at me for losing her stuff! How sad is that!

We are not to be conformed to this world but to keep our eyes on Jesus and walk in the spirit not in the flesh, for when we are in the flesh, we can not see the truth of our own selves. We can not get passed what we want for our lives that we can not hear what God is saying to us. Not even when God sends someone over to them to show them, or even the poems that God has given me to write, we can not understand what is being said if we live in the flesh. Praise God! I am doing something right when I am being persecuted and doing what God told me to do! Our souls are more important then stuff in your house or on your computer. Is your soul well with God or are you mad at losing some stuff that don’t profit you to get to heaven? The only way to get to heaven is to lay down your cross of self and pick up the Cross of Christ and follow him! Be glad and rejoices your souls is well with God!

Please don't forget to sign my Guest Book and tell me what God is doing in your life! It is at the bottom of this page!

Are you hearing God in your life?

And have you accepted Jesus into your heart?

If not all you need to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and say:

Jesus I know you are real and I believe that you died on the cross for me, you redeemed me by your Blood. I want to live for you! I confess all my sins known and unknown. I am sorry for them all. I Renounce them all I forgive all others, and I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now, and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now forever from sin, I come to you now as my deliverer you know my special needs the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles, that evil spirit. That unclean spirit. I claim the promises of your word. "Who so ever that calleth on the Lord shall be delivered," I call upon you now in Jesus Christ name. Deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from your works. I loose myself from you now in Jesus name. I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I have a confession to make my ancestors and I have sought super natural experiences apart from you. We have disobeyed your word. I ask for you’re forgiveness. I renounce witch craft and magic both black & white. I renounce witch craft and all occult games etc. I renounce hypnoses. I break any hold placed on me. I command it right back where it came from in Jesus name. I thank you Lord for all your doing in through and for me right now! By the Blood of Jesus Christ amen.

God Bless you all!

Jacqueline L. Greek