Father, Oh! My heavenly Father! How can I think you for this life that’s renewed and placed me in such a way, that’s hard to explain?

But this refreshing that has cleansed me. Is so much like brand new day! Yet there is still so many lost sheep out there. Living day by day.

Now my hearts cries out in great pain, when I see the lost sheep crying. Looking for the love they need to survive another day.

As the sun come over the horizon and the dew mixed with my tears dries. My Father sweeps me off my feet with all is tender loving care. He places His strong arms around me. He wipes away the tears. Whispering ever so softly in my ear.

This world I hold is in my hands. I too cry out for the lost sheep. If only they can understand, why I sent my beloved lamb to shed His blood. So they to can be set free of sin and live in a fresh new day.

But the choice is theirs alone to make. Choose life with me or death in hell! This is why I take such tender loving care of my loved ones. For they have chosen life with me. They are my lambs among the wolves. That have sent out to bring all of my lost sheep home to me.

To thank me my child, is to know and understand my love for you. And to know who you are in me. That is what draws in my lost sheep!





Luke 15:3-7 (New International Version)

3Then Jesus told them this parable:

4"Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?

5And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders

6and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.

' 7I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

“God had given this poem to me in 1992”

I was going through a very rough time and a dear friend of mine had died in Oct of 1991 which was really hard on me. I blame myself for her death, even though she was dying of cancer of the liver. I had laid hands on her and knew she had a blood clot in her lungs. I command it to be brought up. I should have called it to be dissolved. This was toward the end of Aug. I called her the night before she passed away, she was doing great and the minister was now stopping in to check on her.

This minister was from the church I had visited when I was with her. Betty was able to have someone come in and help her. I got the call from this minister she had died toward the night when the blood clot in her lung came up and she choked on her own blood. This had up set me so badly I did not want to ever lay hands on anyone again.

I was also going though some major surgery in Feb of 1992 I had to stay in Cleveland for there weeks with my aunt and uncle. There is where God showed me something. I will not go into details over this. Other then say, I was wrong about someone so very wrong. He did do what I said he did, but wrong on how I miss understood his intentions. I judge him wrong on his motives. Plus I had mention this to several people. I did not know what to do or where to go to. This had bother me so much I was scared and I had to take it to someone I trusted and who understood what I had been through. This had happen back in 1982.

In 1992 God was showing me how wrong I was. I had finally learn that what I took for something bad was really the love of God coming through to me in a way I did not understand at all. This had really hurt several family members as well. It took me three months to come to grips on what I had happen.

I had planned a Memorial Day picnic at my home. My dad was home from Missouri for a few weeks and I had invited my relatives from Cleveland over as well. I had planned on making what I did was wrong back in 1982 and making it right. I was going to tell the people involved that I had made a terrible mistakes and apology to every one. And explained how God had showed me how I learned this lesson on a Father’s love. I really never new what love was from my own dad.

On Friday we were waiting for my aunt and uncle to come in from Ohio. I really really wanted to see them and talk to them. For the love they had showed me not just when I had my surgery but the love they had given me over the years. Love that I did not understand till now! Then the call came in. My uncle had passed away suddenly and instead of a picnic there was going to be a funeral. I never had the chance to tell him how sorry I was. Life Is just too short not to make amends right away. This had hurt me deeply.

The other people involved I told them at the church after the funeral. They were having a very hard time accepting what I was saying to them. They just did not understand me at all. They all thought I just made it all up out of spite in 1982! Over something else that had happen.

No I did not make it up what happen really happen. I just took it the wrong way! They also just felt that I said what I said to make some people feel better. No that was not it at all, I was telling them what God had shown me through the lesson I had when I was in Cleveland for those three weeks in Feb. 1992. I was lost and alone scared and afraid back in 1982 and God was reaching out to me through someone else in a way I did not understand.

But I understand now and why he did what he did. It was too late to tell him how wrong I was. Yet years later I keep getting question by it to see if my story changed or if I was really lying. I would never lie about something like this nor would I ever accuse someone if it was not true. I might not remember all the details as to what happen. Because I wanted to put it out of my memory and forget it and move on. God had forgiven me that was all that matter and that those I had gone to would accept what I told them and forgive me as well.

I never ever meant to harm or hurt anyone that is just not in me to do that.

And again in Aug 2008 I was a lost sheep and my Father in Heaven worked a miracle and brought be back home to him again. Through my cousin Chris who I have not seen since 1990's something, that story is on The Mustard Seed.

I started to pull away from God back in 1996 when I left my church, over the years I had gotten away from reading the Bible and prayer was only when I needed to have something worked out when I felt I wanted to talk to God. I was walking more in the flesh then in the spirit. I had a made a mess out of a lot of situations in my life and my daughters as well.

My two-half brothers want nothing to do with me now because I told their mother off. I was judging her over something I should have just left alone! Not taking it to God like I had always done when I was dealing with her. Then making it worst when I tried to fix it on my own when I message my brothers on myspace over my dad and trying to get them to go see him.

This lesson was a costly one for me. How important it is to keep the Love of God within you! Not walk in the flesh! Now only God can turn this around for good. To what I had done walking in the flesh which was not good. That is not God's will for our lives. We need to say and do things out of love not hurt or spite.

Now that I have given my life over to Jesus Christ and only want to do his will for my life. He let me know what he wants me to do for him. Thank God that I had all of them printed out into a book.

He wanted his precious poems put up in the internet for the entire world to see how God uses Life Lesson that can really be a blessing to many who believe!

Are You A Lost Sheep?

Please don't forget to sign my Guest Book and tell me what God is doing in your life! It is at the bottom of this page!

Are you hearing God in your life?

And have you accepted Jesus into your heart?

If not all you need to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and say:

Jesus I know you are real and I believe that you died on the cross for me, you redeemed me by your Blood. I want to live for you! I confess all my sins known and unknown. I am sorry for them all. I Renounce them all I forgive all others, and I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now, and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now forever from sin, I come to you now as my deliverer you know my special needs the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles, that evil spirit. That unclean spirit. I claim the promises of your word. "Who so ever that calleth on the Lord shall be delivered," I call upon you now in Jesus Christ name. Deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from your works. I loose myself from you now in Jesus name. I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I have a confession to make my ancestors and I have sought super natural experiences apart from you. We have disobeyed your word. I ask for you’re forgiveness. I renounce witch craft and magic both black & white. I renounce witch craft and all occult games etc. I renounce hypnoses. I break any hold placed on me. I command it right back where it came from in Jesus name. I thank you Lord for all your doing in through and for me right now! By the Blood of Jesus Christ amen.

God Bless you all!

Jacqueline L. Greek