When life has gotten you down and there is trouble knocking at your door. The enemy is trying to gain control of your heart! Do not answer that door and let him have a foot hold over you! Once he is gets that door open, he has control of you! Do not follow after signs and wonders in this last day! That is deception ruling you and the enemy leading you on the wrong path to destruction! Signs and wonders will follow after you when your led by the Holy Spirit, not before you! God will part the Red Sea of Faith to get you on the other side where he is leading you!

The enemy is an angle of light that knows Gods word but he will distort the truth to get you to open that door of your heart to be led by him! He will bring things into your life that you think is good and sounds good this must be of God in this somewhere? So your led down the wrong path into deception then you wonder why you can’t get out of the circle of a mess that has hold of you! This happens when you do not wait on God, to be sure this is not the enemy trying to fool you! You end up doing what self wants for you! Not what God wants for you!

You have not learn the lessons of life! You will keep going in the circle until your so dizzy that you can not see the light of truth that is before you! Pride sets in and you want everyone to see what YOUR doing for self that you lost hold on how to be humble in spirit. You think your better then everyone else and your trying to follow after something that is not of God for you! God gives grace to the humble and poor in spirit. He will chose the homeless before he chooses you!

You allow the enemy to blind your eyes of the truth, you have not learn to put on your Armor of God. To fight off the enemy that has hold of you! We are in the last day and many are called an few are chosen due to the deception of lies you have chosen to believe! You run ahead thinking this of God not waiting on Him to confirm his word!

If your not sure who your following, call out a fleece like Gideon did in the Bible to be sure that you know that you know God is calling you and not the enemy trying to rule over you! God will answer you when it is him your following and not the enemy! God will confirm his word to you in many different ways and through others that he sends to you as well.

Rebuke the enemy by the Blood of Jesus and He will set you free and part the Red Sea of Faith for you! Your enemy’s will be drown in that flood of water that comes crashing down on them when they come after you. God will move you into the promise land of freedom he promise you! When there is no way, God will make the way for his chosen ones that follow after him and do all that God calls you do for him! Be meek in spirit and humble yourself before the Lord, do not boast all you do for those that are around you! Self must be laid down and you pick up the cross of Jesus Christ and look at the Blood He shed for you! He has forgive those that come to him and ask for forgiveness. It is never to late to seek after God to see what He has for YOU!

God will part the Red Sea Of Faith, if your following after him!

“Copyright 2009”

Jacqueline L. Greek

June 22, 2009, The Lord reveled this to me. Over the last three weeks, he has had me reading online about the Holy Spirit and who we are in him. And dealing with me on so many things in my own life has well, I did not write what is written below unless you see the blue ink is what I had added in to what the Lord had been showing me and teaching me for my life’s lesson.

Fleece or Faith: Discerning the Will of God

Judges 6:1-40


1 Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD, and for seven years he gave them into the hands of the Midianites. 2 Because the power of Midian was so oppressive, the Israelites prepared shelters for themselves in mountain clefts, caves and strongholds. 3 Whenever the Israelites planted their crops, the Midianites, Amalekites and other eastern peoples invaded the country. 4 They camped on the land and ruined the crops all the way to Gaza and did not spare a living thing for Israel, neither sheep nor cattle nor donkeys. 5 They came up with their livestock and their tents like swarms of locusts. It was impossible to count the men and their camels; they invaded the land to ravage it. 6 Midian so impoverished the Israelites that they cried out to the LORD for help.

7 When the Israelites cried to the LORD because of Midian, 8 he sent them a prophet, who said, "This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: I brought you up out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 9 I snatched you from the power of Egypt and from the hand of all your oppressors. I drove them from before you and gave you their land. 10 I said to you, 'I am the LORD your God; do not worship the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you live.' But you have not listened to me."

11 The angel of the LORD came and sat down under the oak in Ophrah that belonged to Joash the Abiezrite, where his son Gideon was threshing wheat in a winepress to keep it from the Midianites. 12 When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, "The LORD is with you, mighty warrior."

13 "But sir," Gideon replied, "if the LORD is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all his wonders that our fathers told us about when they said, 'Did not the LORD bring us up out of Egypt?' But now the LORD has abandoned us and put us into the hand of Midian."

14 The LORD turned to him and said, "Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian's hand. Am I not sending you?"

15 "But Lord , <""""><>[a] " Gideon asked, "how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family."

16 The LORD answered, "I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites together."

17 Gideon replied, "If now I have found favor in your eyes, give me a sign that it is really you talking to me. 18 Please do not go away until I come back and bring my offering and set it before you."

And the LORD said, "I will wait until you return."

19 Gideon went in, prepared a young goat, and from an ephah <""""><>[b] of flour he made bread without yeast. Putting the meat in a basket and its broth in a pot, he brought them out and offered them to him under the oak.

20 The angel of God said to him, "Take the meat and the unleavened bread, place them on this rock, and pour out the broth." And Gideon did so. 21 With the tip of the staff that was in his hand, the angel of the LORD touched the meat and the unleavened bread. Fire flared from the rock, consuming the meat and the bread. And the angel of the LORD disappeared. 22 When Gideon realized that it was the angel of the LORD, he exclaimed, "Ah, Sovereign LORD! I have seen the angel of the LORD face to face!"

23 But the LORD said to him, "Peace! Do not be afraid. You are not going to die."

24 So Gideon built an altar to the LORD there and called it The LORD is Peace. To this day it stands in Ophrah of the Abiezrites.

25 That same night the LORD said to him, "Take the second bull from your father's herd, the one seven years old. <""""><>[c] Tear down your father's altar to Baal and cut down the Asherah pole <""""><>[d] beside it. 26 Then build a proper kind of <""""><>[e] altar to the LORD your God on the top of this height. Using the wood of the Asherah pole that you cut down, offer the second <""""><>[f] bull as a burnt offering."

27 So Gideon took ten of his servants and did as the LORD told him. But because he was afraid of his family and the men of the town, he did it at night rather than in the daytime.

28 In the morning when the men of the town got up, there was Baal's altar, demolished, with the Asherah pole beside it cut down and the second bull sacrificed on the newly built altar!

29 They asked each other, "Who did this?"

When they carefully investigated, they were told, "Gideon son of Joash did it."

30 The men of the town demanded of Joash, "Bring out your son. He must die, because he has broken down Baal's altar and cut down the Asherah pole beside it."

31 But Joash replied to the hostile crowd around him, "Are you going to plead Baal's cause? Are you trying to save him? Whoever fights for him shall be put to death by morning! If Baal really is a god, he can defend himself when someone breaks down his altar." 32 So that day they called Gideon "Jerub-Baal, <""""><>[g] " saying, "Let Baal contend with him," because he broke down Baal's altar.

33 Now all the Midianites, Amalekites and other eastern peoples joined forces and crossed over the Jordan and camped in the Valley of Jezreel. 34 Then the Spirit of the LORD came upon Gideon, and he blew a trumpet, summoning the Abiezrites to follow him. 35 He sent messengers throughout Manasseh, calling them to arms, and also into Asher, Zebulun and Naphtali, so that they too went up to meet them.

36 Gideon said to God, "If you will save Israel by my hand as you have promised- 37 look, I will place a wool fleece on the threshing floor. If there is dew only on the fleece and all the ground is dry, then I will know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you said." 38 And that is what happened. Gideon rose early the next day; he squeezed the fleece and wrung out the dew—a bowlful of water.

39 Then Gideon said to God, "Do not be angry with me. Let me make just one more request. Allow me one more test with the fleece. This time make the fleece dry and the ground covered with dew." 40 That night God did so. Only the fleece was dry; all the ground was covered with dew.

Please read this next link! This will give you insight when to ask God for a sign or call out a fleece!

Getting Directions From God

The Israelites Passing through the Red Sea, by Faith

By faith they passed through the Red Sea as by dry land, whereas the Egyptians, attempting to do so, were drowned.(Hebrews 11:29) By faith, Moses called God’s people to apply the blood of the Passover lamb that they might be delivered from the judgment that was to befall Egypt. “By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, lest he who destroyed the firstborn should touch them” (Hebrews 11:28). Then, Moses led the people out of Egypt, eventually passing through the Red Sea, by faith.

Instead of sending Israel directly north toward the promised land, the Lord sent them eastward toward the Red Sea. “So God led the people around by way of the wilderness of the Red Sea” (Exodus 13:18). From the outset of their journey, the Lord became their guide. “And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light” (Exodus 13:21).

Yet, Pharaoh’s heart hardened against Israel once again. “So the Egyptians pursued them, all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, his horsemen and his army, and overtook them camping by the sea” (Exodus 14:9). Soon, the people were trapped between the formidable sea and a mighty army. They were overtaken with fear, so Moses pointed them to the Lord. “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today” (Exodus 14:13). Then, as the Lord had instructed him, “Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea into dry land, and the waters were divided. So the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea on the dry ground, and the waters were a wall to them on their right hand and on their left” (Exodus 14:21-22). Into this intimidating setting, by faith in the Lord, the children of Israel advanced. “By faith they passed through the Red Sea as by dry land.”

Again, as the Lord commanded, Moses stretched out his hand over the sea. “Then the waters returned and covered the chariots, the horsemen, and all the army of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them. Not so much as one of them remained” (Exodus 14:28). The rebellious Egyptians could not follow where God’s people had gone by faith. “Whereas the Egyptians, attempting to do so, were drowned.” Almighty God, when the way is blocked before me and an army of circumstances closes in behind me, help me to stand by faith, looking to You to open a way. Lord, I want to follow You, asking You to lead me where my enemies cannot go, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

The writing down below I did not write this, the url to where I got this from is at the end. What I have added to it is written in Blue!


This is from the Divine Revelations:

Face to face with Jesus Christ!


(Note: These are lessons I've learned, I didn't get these verbatim from the Lord, so they cannot be taken as His words, some of them might be dead wrong, you'll have find out for yourself which ones are true.)

By Robert Brownel [Christian Mistakes, Warnings, Deceptions and Pitfalls]

1. Selfishness destroys.

2 Tithing is the mechanism for funding the Gospel. Those who withhold tithes and offerings from the Lord are disobedient Christians, they won't be ready for His return. By their disobedience, they hinder the gospel from going out, costing souls.

( I added this one to this) We can tithe our time with others, we can give what we have to give to those who need it, God will direct you what to give, who to spend time with, or who to write out the check for, it does not necessary mean to tithe to a church, if your not in the Church! If your are then yes Tithe to the Church your 10 percent! But God has called some out of the Church to learn from the Holy Spirit such as I have)

3. Many people are running TOWARD Christian Ministry and AWAY from the Lord's presence at the same time.

( Spend time daily seeking God in your life and be in prayer always! Seek God for your self do not depend On a Christian Ministry to have what you need of . Do not rely on men but on God!)4. Evangelicals, (including myself), have distorted the image of Jesus FROM a Righteous, Reigning, Awesome King of Glory, to be feared, loved and obeyed.

Down to a Friendly Neighbor.

We have diluted the Gospel down to "Say a prayer and get your free ticket to Heaven."

( God is real, he is all to everyone, but his wrath I would not want to see it! We need to have respect for he is the Great I am!)

5. Any gospel that does not include living Holy is incomplete! Any gospel that does not include obedience to God, but instead relies solely on Mental Assertions, is incomplete! Jesus is the Way, if you don't go on the Way, you won't get there.

6. Beware of the Cross-Less gospel. It states that Jesus picked up His cross, but you don't have to. Sacrifice is still a major part of the Christian's walk, but sacrifice only what the Lord commands you to. Your spiritual maturity is determined by how much you are willing to sacrifice for the Lord.

7. If any gospel does not warn people of the coming struggles, but only focuses on having a blessed life, this gospel has been cheapened. And the recipient won't be ready for hard trials.

8. I repent for teaching the "Once Saved Always Saved" doctrine. Though it makes perfect sense to me, and I could defend it easily, it contradicts numerous scripture verses, it tends to lower people guard against sin, and it also contradicts many testimonies of people who have been shown Hell.

9. Accusing someone is a serious thing to do, not to be handled lightly, not for the immature, and not to be done without the prompting of the Holy Spirit. In scripture it was handled by the Apostles, by seasoned men and women of God. But even the disciples, as show in the Gospels, misjudged people (Mark 9:38). When you accuse another person without the prompting of the Holy Spirit, you'll be in danger of the trap of the enemy, who greatest weapon is using Christian to accuse other Christians, and cause division. Many times, in the name of "defending the truth", we are often "attacking the body". We are not doing God a favor by attacking His children.

Take a strong warning from Philip Elston, who had a vision several years ago in which he saw the Lord standing with His arms outstretched. Soldiers in blue and gray uniforms were marching past Him on either side, and were laying their bloody swords on His arms. The Lord resolutely looked into the eyes of each one, saying, "No one who has their brother's blood on their sword will be used to build My house."

10. Pride + Bible knowledge will get you as far as it did with the Pharisees. (Saying foolish, presumptuous and religious sounding statements like, "It is not lawful to heal on the Sabbath", "no prophet come out of Nazareth")

(We as believers in Jesus Christ needs to pray for wisdom and instruction from the Holy Spirit who leads us in to all truths!) 11. Signs, wonders, miracles and healings are for today, they have NOT disappeared, nor has the gifts of the Spirit.

(They follow after the Holy Spirit not before, nor are we to look for a sign from God to see if that is what God wants from us, any thing you see blowing in the wind you might think of as a sign from God, God will confirm his word through the bible or through those he sends to you. Yes I have asked for God to send out a fleece in my life and I call out a fleece that I know in my Heart that only God can do, I do this in order to make sure I heard God correctly on a promise I believe he has spoken to me. Not on something I want! But on something I felt he had said to me, to be sure this was of God not of myself and wishful thinking!

Like the time I heard God telling me He had a car for me, I stood on that word but my faith was wearing thin after several years, so I called out the fleece if I had heard God right he would send a pizza to my door, and he did a month later, the car came a week later. Only God can prompt someone to buy a pizza and have it delivered to you! I told no one, but I wrote it down upon tablet! The person who delivered that Pizza was also the one to give me the car and they had no Idea Of my prayer or what God had spoken to me! That story is on Spiritual Realm.)

12. Coming to the Lord, always to conduct business or seek knowledge, and not because you love Him, greaves His heart. It is like a loving Husband, whose wife is incapable of love or emotion, but is only concerned with duties and chores. I left my first love, and pursued duty, not His heart. The image of Jesus as a waiting Groom was not one that I knew.

13. Never set your eyes on any defiled thing. Your eyes are a gateway to your soul and it pours filth into your heart when you gaze upon them.14. The higher you go, the closer you walk with the Lord, the greater the devastation will come from your disobedience.15. When Christian's argue, we must watch carefully the intentions of our heart. I have on occasion argued with Christian's using good biblical arguments and principles, while trying to cut the other person down to pieces. It was only when I ignored the facts, and focused on the intentions of my heart, did I realize what I was doing was evil, even though I masked it with good biblical doctrine. (The Bible is not to be argued over but to live by!)16. It only take a few wounds to turn a sheepdog into a wolf; one who defends the flock into one who attacks it. When Christians have too many unhealed wounds, they only seem to be able to attack other ministries and people, and not edify.17. When you talk about someone, only say what you would be comfortable saying in their presence. Otherwise you will be acting two faced. Remember every word we speak will be reviewed when our life is Judged. And when someone else is speaking gossip, Object, stop it, or get out of there! Hearing one bad comment or rumor about someone can pollute your relationship with them for years. Beware of the desire to witness people's shame and nakedness, this is what promotes gossip.

18. The greater your influence, the greater the ability you have to mislead people, when you are not walking with the Lord. Never esteem you influence, but take it with sober caution.

19. We often make the people closest to the Lord into our idols. This is why Moses was not given a public burial, because God knew the people would have dug up his bones and worshiped them, making them into idols and relics, which is what eventually happened to Moses's staff. ( This is where most people fall short, they look at the giver of a gift or blessing not God being the one blessing them! Then they keep expecting that this person is the one that will keep giving to them. Then when the blessing stops, the get upsets with the giver not understanding why it has stop.)

( Or they look at this person and worship them and want to be like them so they have to be like the Jones and keep up with them and try to be like them. That falls not only into idolatry but into jealousy because they want what the other person has of God, instead of seeking God for themselves! They want all eyes on them so others can idol them!

(On the subject of Idols, we need to be careful what we make an Idol, TV, Cars, Rock Star anything that we put before God is an Idol in our lives, we also must not pray to Idols or Pray to a dead person, they can not hear us they are dead, though their spirit lives on, with Christ or in Hell. We are to pray to God and the only way to the Father is through Jesus Christ. Dead people can not answer our prayers! Even praying to saints in the Bible will not get your prayers answer, I believe when they do that, those that claim their prayers are answered I think they are answered by Satan, he knows the bible and he gives gifts as well and causing miracles to happen, That is why he is called a angel of light. You are following after a wrong spirit! )

20. The saints, prophets, disciples and apostles were NOT great people that met an average God, they were average people that met a Great God. So all the glory belongs to God alone and we must not idolize them.

( So are we in this day! WE are just average people doing what God has called us to. We are no different then those spoken about in the Bible! With Out God we are nothing!)

21. When the Lord speaks through a person, what they say will be backed up by scripture. But also, when the enemy speaks, he will use misapplied scripture to defend his poison. How will you distinguish? If you're relying on your intellectual knowledge of scripture to distinguish, be careful, you're up against the one "more crafty than the rest." The truth is that you must know the voice of the Lord. If you don't, you'll believe the misapplied scripture of the enemy's agent before you believe the Lord's servant!

( What is really walking on dangerous ground is when those who think they are hearing God and ask God to send them a sign, any sign will do, as soon as they see the tree sway in the wind, they believe it is a sign of God or if that traffic single turns green I know I heard you Lord! Then they are off and running into trouble!)

(God will confirm his word in the bible but he also uses supernatural way of letting you know that was him. Not of self. He will part the Red Sea of faith for you! That is peace that passes all understanding. Satan sill give you false peace and rest, that is when you start to have doubt or guilt as to what your doing is not of God!)

22. One of the hardest tests for a Christian is drawing close to God in intense worship, while not getting distracted by the glory that is reflecting off of us.23. Don't minimize a move of God down to the phrase "an emotional experience," for often moves of the Lord bring people to tears. 24. Hiding, self-justification, wearing masks, and shifting blame, are all paths that will lead a good man, back to his sin, a dog back to his vomit.

25. If you live a godly life, but do not verbally share Christ with others, you'll be as successful as Lot was in saving Sodom and Gomorrah.

( That gift that God told you to give to someone did you tell them this is what God wanted me to give you, Thank God for this not Me! This is one way of opening the door to lost! And giving them back the faith they need in God not in you!)

26. Many Christian's are functional atheists. They believe the stories of the Bible, but if anything like those stories happens today, they'll be the first one's to call it false.

(God never changes, he is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and he can and will part that Red Sea Of Faith for you today!)

27. A fool would read the bible one time and say "I know all about the Lord." But a wise man would read the bible ten times and say "I know very little." The closer you get to the Mountain, the smaller you appear. The closer you are to God the more humble you become, but the closer you come to the devil, the more puffed up you become.

28. If there is a problem/issue that the Lord is taking you through, and you refuse to learn it. That issue will come back later and overcome you until it is dealt with. You will go "Around that Mountain" until the lesson is finished.

( I have gone through this so many times in my life as well, It will keep you on that circle of destruction until you learn the lesson and seek God really seek God to find out what and where your are to go and what you are to do for him, do not look to see if the tree sways in the wind for your answer! Some things that come up in your life like helping someone or taking them in your home, seems to be a good thing, only because they promise to pay you for rent or food then you find out to late that person is like a tornado wiping through your home to tear you apart! And take away from you what God has given you!)

(So many times I have taken people in out of the goodness of my heart only to find out to late that this is not what God wanted me to! I was to teach them how to fish not let them eat off of what God had given me! Once I stop opening up my home to any Tom Dick or Amy who needed a place to live for a short time. And I started to teach them where to find food and shelter the circle ended and the blessings came!)

29. Before the Lord advances His church, the enemy will send out the fakes.

30. When the Lord advances His church using certain people, these people will be utterly defamed. If you research those people on the internet, most of what you'll find will be negative and written by "respectable" people with prestigious degrees behind their name. Similar to when Jesus walked the earth.

31. The false prophet is usually the first to accuse the true prophet.

32. If you miss the real prophets, then you will have less ability to recognize the false ones, and skepticism is not the same as true discernment.

33. You will need to go through many easy doors, to get the same spiritual growth as going through one hard door.

34. Your FAITH is not only your belief in who God IS, but who you are NOT. Without God, I'm foolish, weak and easily captured. Our Faith is in God alone, NEVER in man, NEVER in his institutions, and Never in the bride. I love my church, but many times we have failed and dropped the ball. And when people tie their anchor to a person or institution, they are bound for disappointment.

35. I find no evidence in the Bible, or among today's prophets, of a place of "Purgatory" that exists today.

36. When a believer falls, the Christian's will reach out their hands to restore, but religious people will reach out their swords to condemn.

( So true is this today in the Churches! When I left my church back in 1996 for reason I will not discus here. When I called what I thought to be my Christian friends from the church, They refuse to talk to me! They wanted nothing to

do with me! I needed prayer and direction to help me through this, not I am busy I will call you back, that call never came, this was from more then just one person of that church! I ran it to one member of the church years later and I mention to her about needing prayer, her response to me was that God must have had other people for you to call not the one I was talking about. This led me away from the church and God for 10 years! Not having a true Christian friend to pray for me drew me away from God, I know now they were not of God! They were following after religion and what the church said to do! They had put God in a box! Not allowing him to help restore me!)

37. The farther away from God you get, the more rules and regulations you'll come up with in an effort to maintain what you once had. And what was once living will soon become mechanical and artificial. (Take the machinery out of the church.)

38. If an pain caused by someone in your past still brings up negative emotions, then there is probably still un-forgiveness.

(Un-forgiveness can also hinder prayer to come forth and can block you from hearing God in your life. The bible tells us we are to pray for those that hurt us and bless our enemy’s! That includes your family or friends that have hurt you or a neighbor that is selling drugs! In your neighborhood!)

39. Avoiding deception from false prophets is important. But if you put too much emphasis on avoiding deception then you will reject the Lord's true prophets.

40. People who receive visions from the Lord, are often in the habit of interpreting their vision in the most positive way possible, while some of their visions may have been warnings or rebukes.

( God gives us warnings in many different ways, for me it is tornado dreams warning me of something I am doing

wrong or a plan I might have with someone. I now go to God in prayer over this and then I will change my plans to his plan for my life! I have broke my word with so many people when I get those dreams, several of them are the ones I had ask to come into my home to live with me or plans to go somewhere with a friend. Yes they get upset with me not understanding why I went back on my word to them, but I had not taken it to God first and ask him! Had I done that, I would have known not to promise someone something then not be able to follow through because God told me not to!)

(When I do not take heed in those dreams I ended up in big trouble! Thank God for those dreams and rebukes as well. Those rebuke are his correction in my life letting me know what I have done wrong! He has shown me in a dream or through someone he sends in my path to let me know where I am wrong. It takes someone with the Heart of God to see the rebuke from a friend.)

( Most will not accept it being a warning from God for them. They take it as an offence then justify it saying I know this is of God so leave me alone! Then a few months later they are crying to you over that very same matter on how hurt they are from such a such. They have to much pride in allowing the Holy Spirit to come to them through a friend to warn them. Or God gives them a dream they don’t see it there as well. They allow themselves to be caught up in this pride when they think they are helping someone but in their own foolishness all they want to be recognized for what they have done! They want appreciation for all they done, they will bring it up to you, like look at what I have done for so and so and see how so and so treats me! )

( There is nothing you can do or say to this person for they do not have hears to ear or eyes to see what the Holy Spirit is saying to them, they are blinded in the deception of recognition! All you can do for them is Pray that God will give them ears to hear and eyes to see the truth that the Holy Spirit has for them! Once they see that, they can repent and move on to where God is leading them not where self wants to go! All you can do is just love them for the way God sees them! But be careful that you don’t become like them! For if we hang around to much with someone with a spirit of deception we too can become blind with it and become like them.)

41. Church sermons that (indirectly) bring comfort to people who chose to remain in their sin, do them great damage

(This is why I write what the Holy Spirit tells me to write! If you who are reading this right now, and saying well she is talking about me! I am not talking about any one person, only what the Holy Spirit has taught me in my Life’s Lessons! But if you feel that this is speaking directly to you then the Holy Spirit is convicting you about something that is not right in your life! If your offended by what I am saying then that Is the Holy Spirit trying to tell you something! Pray for ears to ear and eyes to see what the Holy Spirit is saying to you today! What do you need to repent of ? Who do you need to forgive?)

42. I once drank a poison called “Don’t Convict Me,” it was sweet, but it lead to my death. It kept me in the dark for many years.

43. You can fall at any level in your walk with Christ. Never think that you're invincible, because pride comes before a fall. When mountain climbing, you can quickly tell when you are falling, but it is not so spiritually. Most don't know when they are falling.( Where is your Pride, or don’t you think you have pride in anything? Think again, pride is always knocking on your heart door, let me in! let me in! Look at me, see what I just did for such and such, see how clean my home is! Look at what I just bought for my home! When God tells you to do something for someone, he wants you to keep it to yourself what you did for God. Don’t go boasting what you just did for someone! We all fall short of this! Be on guard at all times for this enemy!)

44. There are no small sins. If there is a man, serving the Lord, helping the poor, and studying the word, and this man is only stealing a small about of money from work every week, he is in danger of hellfire. If there is a lady, serving in the church, leading people to Christ, and sponsoring missionaries, and this lady continues to cheat with only 1 adulterous partner, she is in danger of hellfire.

(lying to one another is also a sin, we tell others only what they want to hear, not the truth because we don’t want to hurt them. Saying something is yours when it is not. Passing on information that is not the whole truth is a lie as well. Saying things that you know is not true but you want others to think your someone when your not! We puff ourselves up to be something we are not!)

45. From here to your destination are a thousand prisons, learn how to get out, remember how you got in, and never say, "There are no more". What we often considered strongholds of truth, were really fortresses of fear.

46. The biggest threat to the Lord's anointed, is often the Lord's last anointed. For King David it was Saul, for Jesus it was the religious elite, for Luther it was the Church. Whenever there is any progress in the church, most opposition comes from the current establishment.

47. When a male teenager comes to the Lord, they usually have an ounce of faith fighting a pound of testosterone, therefore demanding that he lives a pristine life, may be setting him up for a fall.

48. We desperately need a balance between study and service. I.E. Think about the last 4 bible studies you've attended. If in the time you've attended those 4 bible studies, you've never once went out to serve the Lord, help the needy, feed the hungry, encourage the weak, or edify the church, then you're probably out of balance. "The last thing some Christian's need is another bible study." (Purpose Driven Life) Jesus said, now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them. (John 13:17

( We can ask our self’s are we doing them? I know what I did yesterday to help a family in need do you?)

49. There are 2 pits on the side of the path of life. One pit says, "You must serve the Lord in drudgery and misery, never enjoying a moment." Occasionally I see victims there, the other pit is more common, it says "serve the Lord in comfort, remove all toil, suffering and anything unpleasant. Maximize pleasure as you do the Lord's work."

(When is the last time you got off your comfort zone of a couch and got your hands dirty for the Lord? I don’t mean go do something that is not of God, but really get your hands dirty and sweaty for the Lord, like get tons of clothes for those in need? Help someone paint a house or help them move! Get a call in late in the evening and you want to go to bed, but God is calling and you go help out that friend in need now, not tomorrow when its too late or when you feel like it!)

50. The higher spiritual authority you have, the greater you can fall without love and humility.

( Above all things do it with Love not complaining how hard it is for you or your back is hurting or your tired to do this, don’t put them on a guilt trip because of the way you feel! Do it joyfully and with humility, not expecting anything out of what God has called you do. Don’t draw attention to yourself on what you have just done for God! That is the start of the fall in many Christians.

51. When a friend of mine (a man of God) fell into temptation, he said he heard 2 messages from the enemy. Both of these were very crafty and destructive. The first message was "As long as you're down here in sin, you might as well enjoy the fruit." When he took this message to heart, he engaged in all kinds of sin that were never even his weaknesses. The second message was, "You can turn back to God tomorrow." When he took that message to heart, tomorrow never came until a year later in jail.

( This happen to me back in 1996, took me away from God for 10 years! There is so much I missed out on the move of God! I too kept saying tomorrow I will go to church or tomorrow I will pick up that bible and see what God is telling me! Thank God I never had to see a jail cell, but I could have came close to it if I had not come back to God!)

52. The devil, like a good wrestler, knows when to pull and when to push. He can resist anyone from entering their assigned ministry, but if that doesn't work, then he can then push them hard, causing them burnout.

(There is a time to rest in the Lord and seek him in all things you do. Don’t allow yourself to get burnout serving the Lord)

And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while. Mark 6:31

53. Watch out, one of the most dangerous places for Christians is the spotlight. In the spotlight we focus on ourselves. Many of us can be just as effective serving the Lord from behind the scenes in a prayer closet than those who are up front in the spotlight.

54. Beware of the yoke of men. Man's yoke looks good, but it will only slow you down in the climb, and will make you less fruitful. The Lord's yoke is light, it lifts you up, but man's will weigh you down.

(When you take on the yoke of men and try to be like them, it will weigh you down and slow your progress with the Lord! We are not to look at men but to look at God for all things in our life!)

55. If a believer prays for the sick, and nothing happens, DON'T blame God!

( God has a plan for each and every one of us, it up to the believer to seek God to find out what is hindering the prayer, Is it God’s will to heal you? Yes it is God’s will to heal, but sometimes un-forgiveness, Selfishness, pride gets in the way of God’s will. Yes God heals through Dr’s as well,. He took all my pain I had away from tmj! But it took me seeking God and getting my eyes off of self and quite complaining Oh I am in pain, I hurt so much, no take that to God, then find good out of your pain and use that to glorified God! When I took my eyes off myself and wrote my tmj stories and put it online, and started helping others that were going through the same thing I was, God took the pain from me. Yes I had the TMJ Implant put in 2003. But it was not until 2004 that the pain went away, yes if I over do it (burnout under stress I hurt) I do not tell anyone how much I hurt when I am hurting, I rebuke the enemy off my jaw and go on do what God has called me to do)

56. Don't try to fix the sinful nature, it must be crucified. The world's solution is to cope with and improve the sinful nature, the Lord's solution is to kill & replace it.

57. (A) Don't copyright what the Lord tells you. Unless there is a pressing need for a copyright, give it away free. Putting a copyright on God's revelations is like a person who has the gift of healing, but he charges everyone who wants to be healed. The Lords gifts are for His Church, not for profit! This profiting off the Lord is what cursed Gehazi in II Kings 5:27

(All my work is copyrighted, only to protect what God had given me for his Glory to keep it from being stolen and claim by someone else. God put me through these lessons for a reason. For others to read and learn from them. For me to teach them. For I was the one that went through them.

They are free to pass on to others or used in church bulletin’s. I still would like those who what to use them to email me and ask for my permission to use them and tell me how they are going to use them, if possible send me a church bulletin so I can see it is being used in the right way for God’s glory not mans who would use them to make a profit off of them!)

58. Too much work of Christian Ministry is duplication of what other Christian's have already done. (usually because of copyrights and restrictions) Christians often only see their local ministry, and not the whole body of Christ, so we often only do work that benefits those close by, and not the entire Church.

59. A Christian "at ease" is ripe for God's judgment. (Being "at ease", while the rest of the world is falling deeper into sin, and not lifting a finger to help them.)

60. Zealous Christians can sometimes fall into the deception that they can earn God's Love, and that His love is based on their performance. (I personally fell to this deception.) And be sure to love God for who He Is and not for what He can give you. The Love of God is not so cheap that it can be earned by the work of your hand or the sweat of your brow.

(It is by the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus that He gave his life so that we can be save and have eternity in Heaven with our Father! Jesus shed his Blood for us, all we have to do is believe that it is so and ask him to fill our hearts with the Holy Spirit that gives us comfort when we need it and moves us in his direction in our lives not our own. But we do need to repent of our sins to our Father in Heaven not to know man but to GOD who forgives us! Then we obey God and do his will for us because we love him!)

61. One trap I often fall into is this, the more power the Lord gives me, the less I think I then need Him. The Lord's power can be very corrupting to a person who is not crucified, not humble, and does not walk in love.

( I know for myself the more power the Holy Spirit moves in me, the more and more I need him, not just for prayer but for direction and what flows out of my mouth to say and what God has called me to do! We need to see him because we Love him not seek him because we need something!)

62. Those who rely only on the bible, and never bother getting counsel from the Holy Spirit, can be deceived.

( There is so many who rely on bible knowledge and not rely on the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to led them into all truth, they are deceived not knowing who God is through the Holy Spirit who sets us free from deception. We can do nothing apart from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!)

Please read the rest of Little Lessons from

Divine Revelations:

Face to face with Jesus Christ!

200+ Principles I've stumbled over in my walk with Christ

Pray Hard, Keep Watch, Love God, Praise Jesus, Be Humble, Share Christ, Shun evil,

Show Grace, Bear Fruit, Stay Pure, Stand Firm, Be Ready!

By: Robert Brownell

Please read the Evil Army by -Rick Joyner-

The Evil Army

Please don't forget to sign my Guest Book and tell me what God is doing in your life! It is at the bottom of this page!

Are you hearing God in your life?

And have you accepted Jesus into your heart?

If not all you need to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and say:

Jesus I know you are real and I believe that you died on the cross for me, you redeemed me by your Blood. I want to live for you! I confess all my sins known and unknown. I am sorry for them all. I Renounce them all I forgive all others, and I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now, and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now forever from sin, I come to you now as my deliverer you know my special needs the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles, that evil spirit. That unclean spirit. I claim the promises of your word. "Who so ever that calleth on the Lord shall be delivered," I call upon you now in Jesus Christ name. Deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from your works. I loose myself from you now in Jesus name. I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I have a confession to make my ancestors and I have sought super natural experiences apart from you. We have disobeyed your word. I ask for you’re forgiveness. I renounce witch craft and magic both black & white. I renounce witch craft and all occult games etc. I renounce hypnoses. I break any hold placed on me. I command it right back where it came from in Jesus name. I thank you Lord for all your doing in through and for me right now! By the Blood of Jesus Christ amen.

God Bless you all!

Jacqueline L. Greek