Neighborhood Watch Poems

I have to added these other poems to share with you what God is doing in our Neighborhood I just could not leave that out.

In May of 2007, I was ask to help start a Neighborhood Watch Group in our small town in Oil City Pa. We had a lot of drug house in this small town and crime is high as well as most of the crime is because of the need for money to buy the drugs.

On my street alone with in a month we had two neighbors who were attacked and one for money. He was walking home from going to the store on my street. When a bunch of kids came around him and asked him for a dollar? He told them he did not have a dollar that is when they started to beat him up and broke his glasses! This happen about 8 or 9 Pm it was still daylight here. He managed to make it home to

his block just above me. Then he called the police. I heard a bunch of kids yelling so I just closed my door instead of looking to see what they were yelling about.

The other one is for parking on the street in front of her house. To where across the street where she lived was a drug house. This guy wanted her parking spot so he can run into the drug house and get his drugs. He pulled my neighbor out of her car and started kicking her! Other neighbors ran over to help her and call the police. This happen during the day in broad daylight!

Both of these attacks were with in a half a block from me on my street on either side of my house! So we had to do something to get these drug dealers off the street! When we did our first "Greet and Walk" The end of Aug. The Chief of police went up to that drug house and gave them a flyer telling them about our next meeting. And what we are about. Well within 2 weeks they moved out! After our first little get

together with a few neighbors. When I got home I got my pen and paper.

God gave me this poem "We got eyes watching you!"

I wrote this for Mike and Pauline who were attacked for no good reason but for drugs!

After I wrote this I called the chief of police and told him about the poem I had written for the group. He came over to my house and picked up the poem. The next day he called me and asked me to read it

at the anti- drug rally The Northside was having in June. So when the time came I got up and read the poem to the crowed. I was so nervous but I was able to do it.

Then a week later we held our big meeting it more like a pep rally! The whole room was filled and people were standing as well for all the chairs were filled up. Getting the people in our neighborhood excited about what we were going to do. I was also asked again to read the poem so I did. Little did I know that I made the front page news! I was shocked I had no idea that poem God gave would be such a big impact on this town.

I am really involved in this group. And we are doing so much good for our town, not only are we working along with the Northside group. It opens up another group called Siverly Safe Neighborhood Watch to form. Scott who runs this group felt if the Northside and Southside were cracking down on drugs, he did not want the drug dealers that were moving out of our neighborhood to go into his neighborhood!

Then when we started the SAFE House program. This way people who need help and have no phone to call the police or not near a phone, they can look for our big green house in the window an know they are safe and help is on the way. If I had that on my window back in May. Mike would have been able to come to my house for help instead of walking another block to his home.

We have it set up with 911 for those who are SAFE House with a number. When we call 911 our phone number lights up as a SAFE house number and the police will be here in a matter of minutes. This way we do not have to call our local police dept. If for any reason we do call 911and it's not a SAFE House call we have to tell 911

that. Those that want to be a SAFE House have to fill out an application so the Chief of police can do a background check on them.

God had gave me that poem to go with the green house. The group wanted to do a web site and needed help with it so that is something I can do. So now I do their website and keep it up. God did give me the poem for the Crime Watch Program. We are now just starting to work on that. I was told they were not sure if they wanted to use the poem right now I am sitting on this and waiting for them to give me the information on the crime watch so I can get that program online as well. If God wants that poem on the site it will be on the site. I still feel the need to put that poem on here, people need to read that and see themselves in that poem! It could happen to them!

And know that there is a way to fight crime safely!

This group is so wonderful to work with the President and the others on the committee are all Christians and they are really great to work with. I am so proud to be part of this. I do whatever is needed to be done in the group as passing out flyers or what ever they need help with.

The one important thing that I love about this group. The meetings are held at a church and we have prayer before the meeting starts. I do know that this is of God and God wanted me in this group doing whatever he called me to do.


This Neighborhood Watch Group is a Blend of Very Special People!

We care about what is happening in our Neighborhood!



There will be no fear of walking in our neighborhood during the day or night!


To the Juveniles who think it's cool to walk the street after

curfew and bully those who get in your way!

We got Eyes Watching you, soon you will be taking a ride in a police cruiser!

They might just take you home and talk to your folks, or if you have

a record you will see a jail cell for the night, by the way where are your

parents? Don't they care what happens to you?


We know who you are for we got eyes watching you as well. We are taking down

licenses number's of anyone who visits your home! We will turn them in and soon

the only pushing you will be doing is push-ups in a jail cell!

To the drug dealers -- the only dealing you will be doing is dealing cards in

prison and dealing with the prison guard!

We are taking back our Neighborhood!

We are a Blend of Very Special People who will not be pushed out of our neighborhood

by crime! We will not back down when we see a crime going on in our neighborhood.

We will call it in and report anything that is just not right!

The more eyes we have in our neighborhood the stronger we will be!

We will come together and watch over our neighborhood and less crime there will be!

So please join your Neighborhood Watch today!

We are not Victims of crime anymore we will fight for our rights and take back our neighborhood!


"Copyright 2007"

Jacqueline L. Greek


Where is help when you need it?

I see it a Big Green House on a window there

Is a SAFE House!

I go to the door and they give me the help I

needed by calling 911. In a matter of seconds I had all the help I needed. Thank God for those folks, who open up their home to a stranger in need!

It's not just for those who get beat

up: it is for Everyone who is

need of a SAFE House! SAFE House is for the * lost child that can't find their way home. * senior citizen who can't remember where to go. * mother who ran out of her home to avoid to being beaten from her husband, or * the teenage girl who is being stalked and needs a place to hide until help gets to her. There are so many who don't carry a cell phone that in danger that can easily find a SAFE House to go for help! Why can't you? The more SAFE Houses there

are in this community, the more people can get

the help they need fast!

For someday you could be:


"Copyright 2007"

Jacqueline L. Greek


What can be done about the crime in our community? What can we so or should I say what can I do? That is the thought that came to mind the day my house was robbed and ransacked. I sat here waiting for the police to arrive, I knew they would not be of much help at all. But I had to call them I was insured so my insurance would cover the stolen items.

I was furious I felt my privacy was invaded, I know who took my stuff I told the police. It those drug dealers and pushers down the street, everyone knows about them. Why don’t you just go bust them! I bet you they are the one’s who are robbing all the house in this town as well.

Don’t you see what is going down the street? Cars pulling in all hours of the night, Kids in out of there at all hours. I even seen adults my age down there as well as cars with out of state plates. Its like Grand Central Station down there. All the Neighbors have complained about the loud music and fights all the time. Why don’t the Police just go in and bust them? It’s their job to watch them not mine! This is the very reason I stay to myself, mind my own business I don’t want any trouble from them at all, And they still robbed me!

The police offer looking around told me, I could be right this could be drug addicts wanting anything they can sell for drugs. The crime rate here is high. I know all about the ones down the street, but we can’t do anything as of yet, we do not see or hear everything that you and your neighbors do. That is why there is a big need for a: CRIME WATCH in this area!

You need to get involved in your Neighborhood Watch Group! They will train you how to become a Block Watcher! Not only will you help get the drug dealers off the streets. But crime will be down as well! If there is none in your area then start one!

Get all your neighbors together to help you as well and work with the local police on this. We need cooperation from the citizens in this neighborhood to help us arrest them! The police will train you on how to do this. For the time being, we need all the license’s plates numbers that you can get of every car you see down there. We need the make and model, color, the day, the time they were there and when they left if possible. As well as they what look like, how many in the car? If you don't want to give your name, you can call Crime Stoppers.

Once you start a Neighborhood Watch Group the people will come and they will want to help you in any way they can. They too want to get those drug dealers and pushers off the street and see less crime in their neighborhood.




“Copyright 2007”

Jacqueline L. Greek

Southside Neighborhood Association

Please don't forget to sign my Guest Book and tell me what God is doing in your life! It is at the bottom of this page!

Are you hearing God in your life?

And have you accepted Jesus into your heart? If not all you need to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and say:

Jesus I know you are real and I believe that you died on the cross for me, you redeemed me by your Blood. I want to live for you! I confess all my sins known and unknown. I am sorry for them all. I Renounce them all I forgive all others, and I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now, and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now forever from sin, I come to you now as my deliverer you know my special needs the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles, that evil spirit. That unclean spirit. I claim the promises of your word. "Who so ever that calleth on the Lord shall be delivered," I call upon you now in Jesus Christ name. Deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from your works. I loose myself from you now in Jesus name. I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I have a confession to make my ancestors and I have sought super natural experiences apart from you. We have disobeyed your word. I ask for you’re forgiveness. I renounce witch craft and magic both black & white. I renounce witch craft and all occult games etc. I renounce hypnoses. I break any hold placed on me. I command it right back where it came from in Jesus name. I thank you Lord for all your doing in through and for me right now! By the Blood of Jesus Christ amen.

God Bless you all!

Jacqueline L. Greek