Coming to a crossroad of life, not knowing which way to go. Having learned the lessons that cause the sickness from those roller coaster rides. All of the ups and downs of life that the world has to offer. All of my whining and complaining will do is put me on a merry-go-round to a dead end street. Those repeated lesson’s the circle of mistakes. Running ahead of God, thinking I knew what’s best for my life! What I want is the shortcut out, the quickest way to go.

Stopping this time at the crossroads of life. Looking at each direction. Which way do we choose? Knowing that I can’t have both ways. Crying out to my Father, show me your way! What are teaching me again? He asks me, are you willing to listen this time? LOOK AT THE CROSS! Not at what you want or what others say!

Repenting from my sin. God showed me in His word. “But you have not so learned Christ.” I know Jesus! I read the Bible and go to church and pray! I don’t understand! Showing me again in His word.

“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.”

God, I don’t lie or swear!

My child, who and what are you listening to? What are you repeating to others? You can’t have one foot in the world and one with me! Keep both feet firmly planted in one place! I lead you to the Crossroads of life! Once you learn the truth of the roller coaster rides and the dead end of the merry-go-rounds. Knowing the shortcuts out of your problems is leaving me behind!

Now the left road is the way of the world. The way is easy but life’s reward is DEATH! The right is the way of the LORD! The way looks long and hard but does not need to be. Just keep your eyes on ME! Don’t run ahead of me thinking you know what’s best. Life’s reward is full of my abundance that I have for you!

There will be many crossroads down the path of life. The safety net I have laid out for you is the wisdom of the multitudes of counselors. But be on guard! I have not sent everyone! STOP! When you are unsure. LOOK! At the fruit of their lives.

LISTEN! My word always confirms what direction you are to go!




Ephesians 4: 20 and 4: 29.

“God had given this to me back in 1994”

In Oct. of 1993 I had major surgery on my jaw. But I did not listen to my Dr on resting and taking it easy. I also had a rib removed to replace the bone lost in my jaw. I was so busy two weeks after I got home from the hospital, running here and running there and doing what my pastor's wife wanting me do. And learning sign language that I had ended up sick and had pneumonia in December. The whole story on this is on Stepping - Stones.

Not once did I stop at the crossroads and and ask God what he wanted me to do for him! I did what everyone else was asking me to do for them! I had a lot of friends and family who needed my help and of course I said Yes! But only to find out later that is not want God wanted me to do! Not everyone who comes to you for help is of God and Satan uses others to come to you and if you do not go to God in Prayer and ask him. Your running ahead of God and doing what Satan wants and that is keeping you off track and on the wrong road far away from God!

Yes we look for that shortcut to get what we want and the fast way of doing it. Like you want to buy something you think you need. So you put it on your credit card and thats puts you in debt and if you keep it up pretty soon you will not be able to pay for it. Had you gone to God in prayer he will tell you if you should buy that item. If it is something you think you need take the long way is saving the money up to buy the item. That is God's way. This keeps you out of debt and it takes longer to get there but worth the cost once you have saved up the money. I am just using this as an illustration as to one crossroad most people are at. Most times once you saved the money for that item you think you need and when you get there, you find out you just don't really need it after all, and then God will show you how to use the money you just saved up.

So many times I fail at this and when I get to a crossroad I take the easy road out. I do not stop, look and listen to what God is telling me. Had I done this in 1995 I would not have wasted my time helping Jim do a movie, but God did turn it around to not only me but my friend who was helping me, that we can write songs for God! That story is in Special Dreams!

Sometime when we see a house we like and we don't stop, look and listen to what God is telling us, we move without asking God, then we find our self more in debt then having problems with the neighbors and end up moving again! this happen to me in Feb. 1997.

The house next door was for rent and my landlord own the house, it was so much nicer then the house I was living in since 1987. It had 3 bedroom, full basement and an attic.

And the laundry room off the kitchen and an half bath downstairs! Yes I jumped on it and took the house. My landlord let me have it 2 months rent free! I had the time to paint and make this house my home, with the option to buy it later on!

I put in about 800.00 of my own money into this house, money that I got from a class action settlement on my jaw. Most of that money I bought my brother a pick up truck so he would not use my car. So I put most of the items I needed I charged it! I loved this house! I had it fixed up the way I wanted it.

Then in Dec, 1998 I found out my neighbor was buying the house and lied to my landlord on letting me stay there. He told my landlord that I agreed to him buying the house! I had no idea he was going to buy this house at all! Matter of fact I had the police up here all the time on this man for one reason or another and he was not allowed to come on the property or he would be arrested! His girlfriend came to me and told me what he was planing on doing and once he bought the house, which the closing date was for March 1999! Was to kick me out! What this man did to me is on my TMJ story due to the stress he caused me that took its toll on my jaw!

When I found this out I called my landlord and told him the truth, and there was no way I was going to stay in this house, and I was having more surgery in March of 1999 and there was no way I could move out before then! Let alone I did not have the money to move one I had to many debit cards to pay off! This is where God bailed me out.

My landlord let me choose the closing date which I told him I would be out by June.

This man was not allowed to have the key to the house or step on the property till I was moved out! And all the work that I put in I was allowed to remove it!

I had my surgery in March. Found a small apartment on the other side of town. Borrowed money from my Aunt to move out by April 30. My daughter and all my relatives helped me move and another neighbor she had lent me her pickup truck so I can load the truck up and when my daughter came home from school she helped me unloaded at the new place.

Had I not listen to my daughter and brother to move into this house, they were the ones to talked me into moving there, I did not feel right about at first, I did not want to move next to that man. "I never did like him but where I was at 2 doors down from him I was far enough away from him that he left me alone" The more I thought about the house the more I wanted to move in there!

Had I took it to God in prayer. I would not have moved in there and wasted all that time and money on that house! One good thing came from all this. That Man did not get the chance to kick me out himself! He could not buy the house until I was out!

That little apartment that I rented was just a place to live until I had the chance to get my bills in order and pay back my aunt. In Feb. 2004 I was able to move again into a 3 bedroom duplex that a friend of mine had rented for 15 years. I had to sell my stove and washer and dryer in order to have the money to move. But I was able to do it. This time renting a big truck to make the move easy and faster. My friend had let me bring over boxes that I packed and stored them in the basement which is also a garage for my car!

This place has a washer and dryer, the washer is in the kitchen but the dryer is in the basement. That is OK for now. The neighbors are all nice and we all look out for one another as well as starting a neighborhood watch group!

November 2, 2008.

I am planning on staying here till I know that I know that God is moving me! I do not want to move again unless I am sure God is in this!

So now before I do anything or make another move, I am going to Stop, Look and Listen to what God is telling me before I jump on helping someone who really don't need my help or making another move that is not right for me!


Please don't forget to sign my Guest Book and tell me what God is doing in your life! It is at the bottom of this page!

Are you hearing God in your life?

And have you accepted Jesus into your heart?

If not all you need to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and say:

Jesus I know you are real and I believe that you died on the cross for me, you redeemed me by your Blood. I want to live for you! I confess all my sins known and unknown. I am sorry for them all. I Renounce them all I forgive all others, and I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now, and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now forever from sin, I come to you now as my deliverer you know my special needs the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles, that evil spirit. That unclean spirit. I claim the promises of your word. "Who so ever that calleth on the Lord shall be delivered," I call upon you now in Jesus Christ name. Deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from your works. I loose myself from you now in Jesus name. I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I have a confession to make my ancestors and I have sought super natural experiences apart from you. We have disobeyed your word. I ask for you’re forgiveness. I renounce witch craft and magic both black & white. I renounce witch craft and all occult games etc. I renounce hypnoses. I break any hold placed on me. I command it right back where it came from in Jesus name. I thank you Lord for all your doing in through and for me right now! By the Blood of Jesus Christ amen.

God Bless you all!

Jacqueline L. Greek