Dragging myself through the mud, lying to myself and those around me. Pretending to be something I am not. I hit that big brick wall! Crying out to My Lord, My God help me! I just don’t understand why I am the way I am. I am not this person who can do this job, but I keep telling myself that I can do it, when I know deep down this is not right for me to do and I don’t want to let every one down. I don’t understand why some of my family want nothing to do with me anymore?

No matter how much I tried to apologize to them or talk to them they refuse to talk to me. I have no clue with a few of them what I did wrong, but they have washed their hands with me.

Softly through the tears I hear His whisper to me. Proverbs 9:7-10.

7 “He who corrects a scoffer gets shame for himself, And he who rebukes a wicked man only harms himself. 8 Do not correct a scoffer, lest he hate you; Rebuke a wise man, and he will love you. Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning. 10 “ The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

I don’t understand what you are trying to tell me I crying out to My Lord, My God.

Again I hear him tell me … “that when whispers do not get your attention, bricks will fly your way. Don't speed through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention. Slow down and be present.”

Crying out to my Lord then let the bricks fly and hit me in the head and knock some since into me! I can not keep going the way I am going. Several bricks did fly my way though several dear friends of mine. The first one rebuked me with love and reminded me to do what I know is right to do and step- down from what I was doing. Apologizing to them I step down. Those dear friends of mine accept me with out judging! A sense of relief flooded over me, washing off the mud that was dragging me down. Now what can I do about my family? The second brick flew and hit me in the head. Another dear friend reminded me. That the scoffer is a hard-core fool, a fool who vehemently opposes truth and wisdom. You tried to correct your family on the truth let alone apologize to them and they refused to hear all you had to say. We are in the last days. Those who do not know God will reject the truth from you or anyone that goes to them. Those that have been silent before you, not telling you what is wrong. They would rather forget you then tell you the truth. True Christians forgive no matter what, they don‘t hold on to grudges. Why would you want to be around those that don’t want to forgive you or at least tell you what you did wrong? God’s got a plan for you and he wants you to move on without them! But don’t forget to pray for them!

Oh what a relief it is to have God throw those bricks!

Are you one that accepts the bricks or are you a scoffer who refuses the bricks?

“Copyright 2011

Jacqueline L. Greek

God Gave me this On March 1, 2011

Please don't forget to sign my Guest Book and tell me what God is doing in your life! It is at the bottom of this page!

Are you hearing God in your life?

And have you accepted Jesus into your heart?

If not all you need to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and say:

Jesus I know you are real and I believe that you died on the cross for me, you redeemed me by your Blood. I want to live for you! I confess all my sins known and unknown. I am sorry for them all. I Renounce them all I forgive all others, and I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now, and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now forever from sin, I come to you now as my deliverer you know my special needs the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles, that evil spirit. That unclean spirit. I claim the promises of your word. "Who so ever that calleth on the Lord shall be delivered," I call upon you now in Jesus Christ name. Deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from your works. I loose myself from you now in Jesus name. I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I have a confession to make my ancestors and I have sought super natural experiences apart from you. We have disobeyed your word. I ask for you’re forgiveness. I renounce witch craft and magic both black & white. I renounce witch craft and all occult games etc. I renounce hypnoses. I break any hold placed on me. I command it right back where it came from in Jesus name. I thank you Lord for all your doing in through and for me right now! By the Blood of Jesus Christ amen.

God Bless you all!

Jacqueline L. Greek