Cat and Mouse is the game this nation is playing , not realizing that this nation is no longer under God, but under control of the demons of this world. The mice hid while the cat looks for them, then the cat catches the mouse only to play with it for awhile then he will let it go to chase the mouse once more.

Can not my people hear my voice and come back under The God who created this Universe! But instead this nation is run by the gods of the world and greed, pride, lust, selfishness with the lies and control of what they want! They have no clue as to the God of the Universe wants for this nation to stand together in unity! Listen up my people, you can run and hid all you want, But The God of the Universe knows where your hiding and what your hiding as well! I will not be like the cat that plays with the mice like the gods of this world. They are playing a game with my people that they will not win, no matter how you look at it, that game was lost before it was started! All the Presidents and leaders of this nation need to drop to their knees and cry out to me in one accord! They need to understand that once they have asked my SON Jesus in to their lives, they can have the Holy Spirit leading them into all the truth that will bring back the VICTORY that is needed to get this nation back under THE God of the Universe!

All they need to do is ask forgiveness for all their stupidity and follow after the Holy Spirit! The God of the Universe has a plan to get this nation back up and running, put will they hear the plan that is laid out if front of them but yet they can not see? Bring back all that once was under The God of the Universe and you will see the power of God at hand! I can wipe out the demons that have you under control of the gods of this world! For time is short and soon I will send my Son Jesus back into the fold to clean up the mess the Cat and mice left behind! It will not be a pretty sight when I get a hold of those who think they can run and hide from the God of this Universe! Time is ticking away for my hand to pull you out of hiding! You might be able to run but you can not hide from the God of this Universe! Come back unto me and Repent and hear all That I have to say to save this nation from being destroyed ! Are you one of mice that is running from the God of the Universe?

Or are you the cat that needs the Holy Spirit to led this Nation?

“Copyright 2009”

Jacqueline L. Greek

April 18, 2009,

Another night not able to sleep, I kept hearing the words Cat and Mouse, So I did what God wanted me to do that is write for him. I have no idea what I am writing until I am done. The Lord was showing me, that this Nation is playing the Cat and Mouse game, those that run this nation are the Cat, we the people are the mouse. We need to stop this game and drop to our knees in Prayer. And hear what the Lord is saying about our Nation, he is grieving for what this nation is doing to it’s self. Can you imagine what this would do to our Nation if all the presidents of this world would come together in one accord and pray for our land that God created for us? And to hear the Holy Spirit directing their paths on how to save this Nation! We would be a nation under God with the Joy and Peace of God!

Look what God has to say about this nation!

Zephaniah 2:1-3 (The Message Bible)

Seek God

1-2 So get yourselves together. Shape up!

You're a nation without a clue about what it wants.

Do it before you're blown away

like leaves in a windstorm,

Before God's Judgment-anger

sweeps down on you,

Before God's Judgment Day wrath

descends with full force.

3 Seek God, all you quietly disciplined people

who live by God's justice.

Seek God's right ways. Seek a quiet and disciplined life.

Perhaps you'll be hidden on the Day of God's anger.

I do believe with all my heart that we are now in the end times and God's Wrath is coming down on this nation real soon! That we do have some time to repent of our wicked ways! Can not the leaders of this nation see that!

Got A Question

Question: "Is the United States a Christian nation?"

Answer: The best way to determine whether or not the United States is a Christian nation is to compare the philosophy of the United States with Christianity and see if they match. While there are many angles, both historical and social, from which this question can be answered, it is our core beliefs and how those beliefs affect our lifestyle, that ultimately tells others who we are. The “American Ideal” as set out in the Constitution is the idea that every person has certain God-given, unalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This philosophical ideal drives the United States in everything from its economic and foreign policy to the private lives of its people.

But the question is: does this American ideal gel with the Christian worldview? Did the American ideal come out of Christianity? What does Christianity have in common with the American ideal? Can we really call the United States a Christian nation? To find answers, let’s look at the three elements of the American Ideal and compare them to the standard of Christian thought—the Bible. First, we’ll tackle the concept of life, and what that means, not necessarily to the founding fathers, but to the average American citizen today.

Life according to the American ideal: When Americans say we have a right to life, they mean simply that nobody should be able to take life from another person. We each have a right to be alive, they would say, just by virtue of having been born. It also implies that we have the right to do with our lives as we choose, because our lives belong to us. These two concepts form the basis of the right to life per the American ideal. But when taken together, they have been the source of much controversy, especially in the abortion debate. The child’s right to life is in conflict with the mother’s right to choose what happens to her own life should she bear a child. Conversely, there are those who willingly give up their right to life in order to protect the lives of others. The police, firefighters, and the military give up their right to life to secure it for others. It’s all a matter of choice based on personal conviction about the value of life, not upon any external standard which is universally applicable to everyone.

Life according to Biblical Christianity: Christianity agrees that we have the “right to life” and recognizes that life comes from the Creator, just as the Constitution says. However, the Christian (biblical) view is that the right to live does not exist by virtue of being born, but by virtue of being created first in the mind of God (Jeremiah 1:5). This truth leads to an understanding that the day-old embryo in the womb is just as much a human being—and is just as deserving of life—as any adult. Acts 17:25 says that God “gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.” Clearly, the Bible is saying here that the life of man is given to and sustained by God, and it is for those reasons that we have the right to life.

The second concept of life according to the American ideal is that we are free to do with our lives just as we please because our lives belong to us. But the Bible shows a completely different perspective. First, for Christians, our lives are not our own. First Corinthians 6:19-20 tells us “You are not your own; you were bought at a price” and that price was the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross, where He exchanged His perfect life for our sin and made us new creations in Him (2 Corinthians 5:17). Colossians 3:3 says, “For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.” Our lives now belong to God and to the body of Christ. Second, we are not to cling to our lives, but be willing to give them up for a life lived for God and for others, leading to eternal joy. Jesus also shows that man decides what he will do with his life when He says, “The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life”(John 12:25). Men do have a choice as to how they will live. But the one who loves life here in this world, the Bible says, will lose his or her life in the end, as opposed to the one who “hates” life here. That person will receive eternal life, and he knows that when he dies Jesus will receive him into heaven. His real life is there anyway.

Liberty according to the American Ideal philosophy: Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion and the freedom to bear arms are some of the rights outlined in the Bill of Rights. All of these freedoms are good things valued greatly by Americans. But it must be remembered that our founding documents were written at a time when the Judeo-Christian ethic was accepted—even by those who were not Jews or Christians—as the underlying principle upon which our freedoms rested. For example, the freedoms of speech and the press were granted to a people who understood that lying and deceiving for personal or political gain was wrong, and the basis of that judgment about right and wrong came from the Bible. Today, however, Americans have, for the most part, rejected the Bible as the standard of right and wrong, and now liberty has an additional meaning: it means that we are ultimately free to do whatever we want. It means that we control our own destiny—or that we should—and nobody can tell another person what is right or what they should value. Everything is subjective. In fact, “choice” has become the only thing we truly value. We are tolerant above all, but only because to put down another person’s freedom is to endanger our own liberty and nobody wants that. The dilemma that arises here is when the question of good and evil comes up. What if what feels wrong to me feels right to somebody else? Who is right and who is wrong? And of course, the popular answer is that we are both right. You have your way, and I have mine.

Liberty according to Biblical Christian philosophy: The Bible agrees that freedom and liberty are good and right. The Apostle Paul encourages us to be free and to not be tied down to legalistic behavior that will make our lives difficult. He tells us we have freedom as Christ’s followers, because we trust in His righteousness, instead of our own. He says “You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself. If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other” (Gal. 5:13-15). So God wants His children to be free, but not to be free of Him or of His principles. He does not want us to use our freedom to pursue selfishness, but to love Him and to love our neighbors. The American way is to do what the Bible says not to do, to “use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature” which means to use it to justify sin. The Christian is not to blur the lines between good and evil in the name of freedom. The Bible makes many clear distinctions as to what is good and what is evil, and the Christian lives by the biblical view on these things. But someone who follows the philosophy of the modern idea of the American Ideal says that whatever feels good IS good, and they give no thought to God’s standards.

The Pursuit of Happiness according to the American Ideal philosophy: The pursuit of happiness is the most interesting of the three parts of the American Ideal and the one that puts the most distance between the American Ideal philosophy and Christian thought. Pursue happiness, the American is told, at the cost of all else. If it makes you happy to leave your wife and children, do it. If it makes you happy to devote your life to stardom at the expense of friends and family members, you should follow your dream. If you are a man but you think being a woman will make you happy, have a sex change. Play video games 10 hours a day? Drink yourself to death? Get married to your dog? Sure, if it makes you happy! The original intent of the framers of the Constitution was to affirm the right to pursue happiness—not that every man has the right to be happy—and that he should have the right to pursue happiness but not at the cost of someone else’s freedom to pursue happiness. Here again the Judeo-Christian ethic of “love thy neighbor” was understood as a foundational principle upon which to base our right to pursue happiness. But it has changed over the years to mean a right to pursue individual pleasure, no matter how strange the means, without being judged by your fellow man and without regard to how that pursuit affects the other person’s rights or freedoms.

The Pursuit of Happiness according to Biblical Christian philosophy: Happiness is, biblically speaking, an emotion that is welcomed, but not sought after. Joy, on the other hand, is sought after, but joy is quite different from happiness. Joy is a spiritual contentment and pleasure that comes from the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul said that he had “learned to be content whatever the circumstances” (Philippians 4:11), and Paul’s circumstances were hardly the sort to produce happiness: beatings, stoning, shipwreck, hunger, thirst and danger. But his joy and peace were from God, not from his circumstances. The American Ideal says to pursue at all cost happiness in our lives here in this world. But consider the following verse from Mark 8:36: “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” Nothing is gained from pursuing comfort and happiness here on earth. The Christian person is to pursue other things: “…pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” (2 Timothy 2:22) “Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification” (Romans 14:19). “But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness” (1 Timothy 6:11). And the most beautiful part is that God rewards richly those who seek Him rather than seeking their own happiness. He gives them all they need and real joy that lasts forever.

So is the United States a Christian nation? Not in its philosophy, or in what it loves, or in what it does. Despite its Christian roots and heritage, the United States today is a nation that follows the god of self, and that is not the heart of Christianity.

Recommended Resource: What if America Were a Christian Nation Again? by D. James Kennedy.

Please don't forget to sign my Guest Book and tell me what God is doing in your life! It is at the bottom of this page!

Are you hearing God in your life?

And have you accepted Jesus into your heart?

If not all you need to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and say:

Jesus I know you are real and I believe that you died on the cross for me, you redeemed me by your Blood. I want to live for you! I confess all my sins known and unknown. I am sorry for them all. I Renounce them all I forgive all others, and I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now, and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now forever from sin, I come to you now as my deliverer you know my special needs the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles, that evil spirit. That unclean spirit. I claim the promises of your word. "Who so ever that calleth on the Lord shall be delivered," I call upon you now in Jesus Christ name. Deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from your works. I loose myself from you now in Jesus name. I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I have a confession to make my ancestors and I have sought super natural experiences apart from you. We have disobeyed your word. I ask for you’re forgiveness. I renounce witch craft and magic both black & white. I renounce witch craft and all occult games etc. I renounce hypnoses. I break any hold placed on me. I command it right back where it came from in Jesus name. I thank you Lord for all your doing in through and for me right now! By the Blood of Jesus Christ amen.

God Bless you all!

Jacqueline L. Greek