Discord with everyone around me, from neighbors to friends and even those in my church. Not wanting to come in unity with anyone because they just don’t understand me. Look at how they hurt me and they don’t care! They just want to rule my life and tell me what to do! Who needs them anyways? I know what I need for my life and they can’t help me. Not even God knows what I need.

I can stand in this storm alone. Grabbing at everything in sight and listening to those who claim they care. But still not wanting their advice. I bought the lies of my past and started feeding my soul of them. But I was on losing ground and my feet were slipping on this slimy foundation I had built of myself.

Alone and dismayed with myself, crying out to God, still not hearing from Him. I cried myself to sleep. Only to be waken by a dream of a twister chasing me! I was with the one who is my mentor, the one I really didn’t want to listen too! Getting into her car, I thought we were going to outrun the twister. But she stops at a construction site and yells at the workers. As she was getting back into the car, I was looking for the twister and it had disappeared!

I was puzzled by the dream so calling a sister in Christ and telling her what I saw, she interprets the dream for me. The twister was the twisted lies I had bought into. My mentor is the one God had placed in authority over me. And lead me to the truth God has for me! The construction site and your mentor yelling at them is the foundation that your life is built on lies that you bought and it will not stand in the storm that is approaching. The father of lies is the task master that has to be dealt with and confronted with head on. So he’ll let you go to the safety of the palm of God’s hand. You did not outrun the twister; the BLOOD OF JESUS was pulling down the stronghold over you. That’s when the task master or the twister disappeared!

Now my friend, are you willing to confront the twisted lies head on? God loves you so much He willing to warn you of any spiritual danger in anyway shape or form. Now listening to those God had placed in my life. I realized God has given me His Spiritual Bank Account! The fruit of the spirit. Christ paid the cost at Cavalry and He gave His life for me! I now have the bank account of; Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control! Listening to the father of lies and drawing into his spiritual bank account. I bought the lies of; pride, hate, bitterness’ which turns into resentment, un-forgiveness, discord and selfish ambition. Becoming conceited, provoking and envying others. It causes division within the family as well as your neighborhood and your church. It can plant seeds of discord into the minds and hearts of everyone around you!

God’s way is confronting the pride and tearing it down first! Repenting and going to the one who hurt you and asking forgiveness. It don’t matter who is right or wrong, it’s doing it Gods way and that is where the victory is. You can’t outrun the twister of lies and sooner or later it will catch up to you. Tearing you apart from the body of Christ. That is what the father of lies wants you to believe. Time is short he’ll steal God’s bank account from you:

Drained physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually broke!


What are you doing with your SPIRITUAL BANK ACCOUNT?

“God gave this to me 1994”

Back in Sept of 1994 is where this all started. I did not want to write this part of my life, but it is how it all started to pull me away from God.

I had a pastor yell at me for dating this guy and this guy would not leave me alone. He was calling me 10 times a day, stopping by my house at least 4 times a day. I told him to leave me alone and this man just would not listen to me. Even when I was on the phone to my pastor this man called me 4 times! That is why I had to call my pastor and tell him what this man was doing and if he could tell him to leave me alone!

So the pastor told me to come in on Monday and we would talk, The pastor had that man in here as well. Told him he had no business seeing me because he was still married! Here That man of God lied to me, he was still married! He told me he was divorced!

All the pastor did was tell that man you know better then that and why did he say he was divorce, because he felt like he was he had been separated now

for 8 years but the bottom line was he did not want to pay for the divorce and felt it in his heart that he was divorce! The pastor told him you know better then that and told him to leave, then he started to really yell at me.

Telling me I had no business being with a married man and that all my poems are for me and not for anyone else! He picked them all up and threw them in the trash! He also told me I do not hear from God! That I had to take every matter to him that I do, like buying something or what ever it was, because I was not married and I had no husband over my head to pray to God that he was the God head in the family of the church! That was the straw that broke that broke my back! I walked out of the church, I was angry at the Pastor for lashing out at me. A month later I went back only to be hurt a lot worst. After that incident with the pastor every thing changed including the relationships I had with some in the church.

I had only went back to the church because of this poem that God had given me. I had to forgive the church for hurting me. As well as the man who had lied to me, and start to lesson to my mentor the pastors wife.

Then in Oct., 1994 when the pastor and his wife found out I was getting a lot of money back from my back pay from my getting the Social Security Disability money then and only then they were treating me like they had done before they were talking to me and asking me to do things for them and getting involved in learning the sign language with music and doing a dance with others in our church. I felt like part of the family of the church. But I could not see that at the time. A month before I was to get the money in Feb, 1995, one of the ladies of the church needed a VCR to play for the children that came into her home.

We had a weekly bible study near our homes in each city around the church. and those going to the one in my city would drop off their children at Deb's house. I was taking my VCR up to her each week. So I went and order a VCR from J.C. Penny's and charged it to my account knowing it I would be paying it off soon. I took the VCR up to Debs and gave it to her. Only to get it back a week later! The reason why, it was because I had not taken it through the pastor first, he was my so called God head in the family of the church! This really up set me. I went to him, he told me it was not of God to buy that VCR and charge it. I knew what God was telling me do and I did it.

When I got my money in March 1995 I gave my tithe to the church over $1,600 dollars. Then every thing changed again. After prayer I felt God telling me to buy new furniture and I was to hold a bible study in my home for the single people in the church, I would not be doing the bible study a deacon in the church would do it, all I had to do was open my home for everyone. When I mention this to the pastor he told me no! I did not hear from GOD that God would be telling him not me!

Also several of my poems I had written were on the sermon that the pastor was doing that Sunday, I had no clue to this at all! God was showing this man of God that I do hear from God on my own. On Thursday God would be showing me something on my life then on Friday I would be given the poem on Saturday I would have it all typed up and on Sunday it fitted right in with the sermon!

I did this with Stepping Stones and the Presser Cooker is On.

Those Sundays the Pastor would have have Apostle Chuck there he was in charge over the church and over my Pastor from a sister church. The second time I read what God had told me to write, Apostle Chuck turn to my pastor an told him to put this in the church bulletin! Now someone over my pastor was telling him what to do! And did he to it? Of course not! He told me they changed the layout in the bulletin! I did not see any changes but I did see someone else's poems in there!

If this man could not listen to someone over his head then why should I have to listen to him? I knew what God was telling me! That was to pass out these poems to others!

March 1996.

I called my friend one day she worked at the church. My great uncle had passed on Friday and was buried on Monday, It was not in the paper till Monday! No one called me, by the time I read the paper he was all ready buried!

This upset so much that I called Nellie. She yelled at me telling me people die all the time get over it! I then asked her if she would stop by the house to pick up something or she was to drop off something, I just can't recall what. She said she would on her way to the funeral home, I asked who died and she said Pam's husband!

That shocked me even worst! Here no one bothered to tell me even of that! I had been good friends with Pam! I told her that I would go as well being it was down the street from me, she told me that Pam had everyone that she needed there at the funeral home and I did not need to go and comfort her!

That broke my heart so bad, I never went back to that church again. They were good to me when I had something to offer them and treated me like I was nothing when I had nothing to offer them. I found out later from going to a Christan counselor that I found to help me through this. That I was not the only one to be treated like that in the church! I knew I had to leave that church.

Nellie was like a second mom to me, I looked up to her and she taught me a lot, this really had hurt me. Several times over the years when I had trouble with my daughter I had called Nellie for prayer. All I got from her was I am busy right now I will call you later or her husband would answer the phone and tell me she is busy I will have her call you. She never called me.

My trust in so called Christens went down the drained! Those times I really needed a Christen friend to pray for me and my daughter and talking to her I might have gone back to church maybe not the same church but it would have drawn me closer to God not away from him.

I found out that the pastor and his wife would call everyone up and tell them not to talk to so and so because they were training that person on their own or they were mydisciple's and no one was to talk to me at all in church. I then later ran into some who use to attend that church and she told me that she was told several times not to talk to me as well. This happen back in March of 1996. I have gone to several other churches but I was having a very hard time trusting people in the church.

I had gone to a Women's Aglow meeting one night and several women were that went to the church that I had gone to about a month later. The one lady asked me how was things going with so and so, that man I had once dated at the church who lied to me. I told her how do you know about that. Oh the pastor's wife told me!

So these people even knew what happen every thing! What was said in the pastor office was to stay in that room but they told everyone about me! Can you blame me for not wanting to ever go back to church again! I do not want to get involved in a church again. Unless God is telling me to and shows me what church to go to.

I seek God in my own home in my own way and listen to what he is telling me and when I am wrong on something He deals with me in his way. I don't need some pastor telling I have to listen to him and I don't hear GOD and my poems are for me no one else. I am not going to put God in a box! I know that I know when God is speaking to me and telling me what to do!

I have seen others lives being changed for the good because of these poems! That is why God has me putting them up for every one to read!

That is why I got in to pal-talk looking for answers.

Oct. 26, 2008. God is now leading me to go back to the church I had went to before I went to this other church. That is the Church of the living God. It is important to have fellowship with other Christians. I need that fellowship as well as teaching in my life, I do not know everything in the Bible, but I do know that God does speak to me and now telling me I need to go back to this church. That is what I am going to do.

The only reason I had left this church was I did not have a car and could not find a ride to church! I had attend this church since 1987 to 1992. I love this church and all the people there, but there was just one person that lived in the city I lived in and she was resented picking up my daughter and I to take us to church! She wanted to go out to eat before church service in the morning with her son and did not want to pick us up!

This other church I was able to find someone that was willing to pick up my daughter and I and take us to church.

I did attend church this evening, and it is so different. Only one person that I know in this church. The name of the church has changed as well. Tonight I was to be there to take communion. That I had not done in a long time, but God was showing me that by taking of the communion, His blood and his bread, that he has forgiven me. I am washed cleaned of all my sins.

I do not know why I am to come back to this church but God will show me in his way and in his time. I do know I need to come back into his fold. That I am not out in the field all on my own. It is importaint that I listen to what is being said and taught in this church. Yes I need to listen to this pastor. But I do not feel tht this church is a malpulateing church like my last church. Which was we will help you out if you help me out. When I was sick meals were brought to me and my daughter. But when I got better I had to make meals for the pastor and his family or someone in the church. Or if I needed someone to sew something for me, I got I will do that if you come clean my bathroom for me.

Yes that is what the other church told me I had to do. I know now, you do something because its in your heart to do it or God has told you to do it. Not for what you get out of doing it.

Please don't forget to sign my Guest Book and tell me what God is doing in your life! It is at the bottom of this page!

Are you hearing God in your life?

And have you accepted Jesus into your heart?

If not all you need to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and say:

Jesus I know you are real and I believe that you died on the cross for me, you redeemed me by your Blood. I want to live for you! I confess all my sins known and unknown. I am sorry for them all. I Renounce them all I forgive all others, and I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now, and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now forever from sin, I come to you now as my deliverer you know my special needs the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles, that evil spirit. That unclean spirit. I claim the promises of your word. "Who so ever that calleth on the Lord shall be delivered," I call upon you now in Jesus Christ name. Deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from your works. I loose myself from you now in Jesus name. I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I have a confession to make my ancestors and I have sought super natural experiences apart from you. We have disobeyed your word. I ask for you’re forgiveness. I renounce witch craft and magic both black & white. I renounce witch craft and all occult games etc. I renounce hypnoses. I break any hold placed on me. I command it right back where it came from in Jesus name. I thank you Lord for all your doing in through and for me right now! By the Blood of Jesus Christ amen.

God Bless you all!

Jacqueline L. Greek