Who am I to say I love you?

Who am I to receive your love?

Who am I to be placed here on earth?

I gather all this information and dig deep down into His word. I find His precious word that shines so brightly on who I am.

He created me, predestine my life. He hath chosen me in Him before the foundation of the world. He suffered for me. He took all the pain and shame to the cross for me!

I am precious! I am special for who I am in Jesus Christ!


I no longer need to hide behind the bricks of fear. One by one the bricks fall down, as I face the fears head on and press in to know who I am in Jesus Christ!

Gently He holds me and wipes away the tears, telling me He knows the pain that I feel. But it heals the wounds that are deep within.

I want you to love yourself for who you are in me!

It doesn't matter what the people say or think of you.


Now I can be open to myself and the one within. I can receive His love and those He puts around me. I can love myself and others just as Christ first loved me!

I am precious! I am special for who I am in Jesus Christ!

I can love Him because He first loved me!

For I am loved for who I am....

For who I am....


"God gave this poem to me in 1991"

I was on another pity me party and complaining about everything that was going wrong in my life! I had to have more surgery on my Jaw and I was scared to death!

It had gotten so bad that no one wanted to be around me including my family!

I was afraid of what people would say to me on how my face looked as well as it did not look like God had heal my jaw!

I was telling everyone God healed me! I was out of pain for 7 years! Since Jan., 1985 to Aug., 1991. Here what happen was the Vitek implant had broke in 1985 one side of my jaw and I had so much nerve damage that I did not feel that pain. So I took that as God had healed me. Now that I understood that in a way God did heal me. My daughter was young and It made it easy to deal raise my daughter at that time with out the pain.

Until the other implant on the other side went! And my jaw was locking down on me or locking open. The pain was unbearable. You can read my TMJ Story by clicking on the link below.

I did not know why I was out of pain for so long but I was just blessed to have that time with my daughter.

So in a since God did heal me! I would have never been able to handle raising a small child on my own and being in so much pain! My daughter at that time was 7 years old and old enough that she was able to help me or walk up to my sisters up the street or over next door when I was in so much pain that I could not even fix her dinner! Most of the time I would fix dinner when I got up and was not in so much pain, then by the time she came home from school I could at least put the dinner in microwave for her.

But when you feel like you're the only one in this world that has pain and no understands how bad that pain is, you feel so far from God as well as from friends and family as well.

I had a lot of bricks that needed torn down in my life!

God was doing just that one by one!

Do you know who you are in Christ Jesus?

Please don't forget to sign my Guest Book and tell me what God is doing in your life! It is at the bottom of this page!

Are you hearing God in your life?

And have you accepted Jesus into your heart?

If not all you need to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and say:

Jesus I know you are real and I believe that you died on the cross for me, you redeemed me by your Blood. I want to live for you! I confess all my sins known and unknown. I am sorry for them all. I Renounce them all I forgive all others, and I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now, and cleanse me with your blood.

I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now forever from sin, I come to you now as my deliverer you know my special needs the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles, that evil spirit. That unclean spirit. I claim the promises of your word.

"Who so ever that calleth on the Lord shall be delivered," I call upon you now in Jesus Christ name. Deliver me and set me free.

Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from your works. I loose myself from you now in Jesus name. I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I have a confession to make my ancestors and I have sought super natural experiences apart from you. We have disobeyed your word. I ask for you’re forgiveness. I renounce witch craft and magic both black & white. I renounce witch craft and all occult games etc. I renounce hypnoses. I break any hold placed on me. I command it right back where it came from in Jesus name. I thank you Lord for all your doing in through and for me right now! By the Blood of Jesus Christ amen.

God Bless you all!

Jacqueline L. Greek