Waking up from a nightmare that seems so real and frightful that I was shaking all over! I don’t understand why I would dream of the sky as black as coal. Suddenly there was this frightening whistling noise and out of the blackness came this huge twister heading right for me!

Thank God it was only a Dream!

But why was the family from the church there with me? And when I saw this twister coming at me. I wanted to hide but nowhere to go. This family just stood still and so calm were they. They were not frightened by what they saw. They spoke to the twister and commended that it go back where it came from by the Blood of Jesus Christ! Suddenly the twister vanished.

Was this just a dream?

This vision would not leave my mind. That twister was so real and frightful that I still wanted to hide. Still shaking all over I cried out Jesus! What does this all mean? He showed me in His word. “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants both men and women. I will pour out my spirit in those days.” “Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

My Child what you saw was a warning of a Spiritual Storm heading your way! So mighty it will be. For you have not done what I asked you to do? Are you willing to listen to those I send out to warn you! Or do you still want your own way? Into the false security of the lies that Satan uses. Deceiving you to believe that the excuses you used will be ok.

Then justifying your actions by saying: “God will understand he’s quick to forgive.” “He’ll love me no matter what.” Once you are caught in his snare, Satan will reel you in and take away everything I gave you. Then you’ll blame me for taking it all away!

You fool! The end is near and you left that door wide open for Satan to walk right in. When you don’t listen to what I have told you. Now listen to my warnings, you have another chance! Don’t allow those lies to come into your life. Those Spiritual Storms are just as real as the physical ones. But much more dangerous when you don’t see them until they hit you!

For my beloved chosen ones. I always send out my watchmen to warn those who are caught in the false security of lies that has them snared. To place them back into the safety of the palm of my hands! To protect you from the deceiving ones. Use the Spiritual Warfare I taught you. That will keep you from falling out my security I have for you.

Reality is knowing the difference between what is real from me and the false security Satan brings that counterfeits me! Checking with me everyday to know what it is that you must do for me. Keep that door shut from Satan’s snare and keep him from reeling you in with his lies!




“God gave this to me 1993”

This lesson is a way of God warning me to take heed when I have a dream of a twister. I must look back at what I am doing to see where I need to make any changes in my life on anything that I might be doing. If I don't do this and go to God in prayer I find myself in a real mess.

At this time of my life I did not understand what was going on, God was warning me to slow down, I had so much going on and I did not slow down I ended up sick for 2 months after I had major surgery on my jaw in Oct of 1993.

Dec of 2004 I had another Tornado dream, I then looked back at my life to see what was changing, Here a friend had wanted me to go on the bus with her to Michigan with her to visit her 2 grandchildren for the last time before they were adopted out. I had agreed to go with her, she was paying for the whole trip. We had sent sleep bags on ahead to where her daughter would be staying. We knew they did not have much space there for us, but we would be sleeping on the floor.

When God showed me the twister and I went to him in prayer, I knew I was not to go. I told my friend. She was upset with me, but went ahead and bought a bus ticket for herself.

This bus ticket was non Refundable when you get it 14 days ahead of time.

After she bought the ticket another friend offered to drive her there. So when she got back she then told me what problems she ran into. Her daughter took off with a truck driver and she had no where to stay! She did get the sleeping bags back though. Thank goodness her friend had enough money to get a motel for the night or they would have been sleeping on the street! She was able to see her grandchildren and then headed back home. They had no money to eat on being they just had enough money to put gas in the car to make it back home.

Had we gone on the bus, there would have been no one to pick us up and we were 10 miles away from where she would have to go. Let alone we would have had no place to stay an very little money on us to get anything to eat with! All I would have had on me was about 10.00 expecting her to pay for the meals, which she didn't have since she spent them on the her bus ticket! She had at least some money from not buying me a ticket which helped her pay for some of the motel bill! We would have been in big trouble, most likely stayed at the bus station for the next bus home with out her seeing her grandchildren for the last time. THANK GOD I HAD HEEDED THAT WARNING!

Dec. 27, 2006 I had another tornado dream, I could not understand why I was getting this one, nothing really had changed in my life, I was happy and content, But God had me re think what did I do that changed things? The only thing I could think of was that I had a date for New Years Eve! I had gone out with this man before, the only reason I had stopped seeing him was the fact the tried to control my life and had a fit when I had my grandson with me. This man was a trucker and on the road 3 weeks and off one week. That had really upset me, that he would yell at me, If I was watching my grandson. But I wanted to got out New Years Eve so I told him I would.

After the dream, I had second thoughts on seeing him again, so I emailed him told him I would rather not go out with him or even see him, This man sent me really nasty emails and called me all kinds of name. I then seen this man for who he really was. I knew that is why God sent me that dream to warn me of this man.

Oct 8, 2008, I had another tornado dream last night, I am praying and asking God to show me what I need to change in my life before I get hit with a spiritual storm! So far I have not made any plans with anyone to do anything so I am not sure why I had that dream. But God will show me. I do know it not just a dream I can walk away from its a warning that something not good is about to happen. I don't know if it about my health or my daughters health, she has been told she has Cervical cancer and next week has to have surgery on.

I have been sick as well, from too much stress on me. I am watching my grandson while my daughter is working and I know that has been really hard on me as well. My grandson is 2 1/2 an is a handful I am so stressed out by the end of the day. I have told her to try and find someone else to watch him. I can handle him one day a week but 4 to 5 days is just way to much on me.

When I find out what it is I will put it in here.

Oct, 16. 2008

I now know what it is, It with my friends, my one friend I will just call her Kat, was going through a lot, I had did not take the time to listen to her , I mean really listen to her. Like I said I had been sick myself. Well 2 of my neighbors where worried about her and no one had heard from her, this was not like Kat at all. So today, I called the one neighbor and told her something is wrong, kat has not emailed me or called me, I asked her to call the chief of police, he had her call the police station. They sent up a car to check on her and found her not well at all. My friend Judy and I went down to see her, the police would not let us see her and they had called an ambulance for her. Judy and I filled them in on her medical condition so she could be treated right. This was so upsetting to know that for 3 days she was in the house and refused to call any of her friends for help. I was going to go down on wed to check on her, but I had my grandson here and I still did not feel well at all, so I never took the time to check up on my friend.

On Wed Oct 15, my sister called me to tell me my other friend Becky was in ICU I tried calling her ex husband he still has not re-turned my call, Becky called me a few weeks ago and I was so busy I did not take the time to talk to her, she needed a friend I was not there for her.

Oct 17 2008, it is 4 am in the morning and I just checked our local paper online. I lost another friend! Donna. I had known Donna for over 20 years, I watched her children. As time went on we grew apart. She did call me several years ago and asked me for my help, I told her I would help her, not thinking I had my phone number changed because of my daughters friends were calling here at 3 am. When I tried to call Donna back her phone line had been disconnected so I had no way of reaching her. I ran into her several times this summer she had moved into Towntowers a few blocks from me, she told me what Apt she was in I did not have a pen or paper to get her phone # but I had been so busy this summer with my dad my daughter and grandson and getting these poems online. That I did not take the time to go see Donna! Now its too late!

Life is just to short to forget our friends. Is there a friend out there that you been meaning to check on or call? Please do it now! Before it is too late! I will go see Donna on Sunday and say my goodbyes. But that don't help her now.

I need to pull myself together here real quick. I have to pick up my daughter at 5:30 am she is having surgery at 8 am to remove the cancer cells.

When the spiritual storms hit they hit in full force when your not ready to handle them.

Don't let life pass you by! Good Friends are hard to find! Keep them close to you and stay in touch as much as you can! Make the time to call them and go see them! Life is just too short!

Please don't forget to sign my Guest Book and tell me what God is doing in your life! It is at the bottom of this page!

Are you hearing God in your life?

And have you accepted Jesus into your heart?

If not all you need to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and say:

Jesus I know you are real and I believe that you died on the cross for me, you redeemed me by your Blood. I want to live for you! I confess all my sins known and unknown. I am sorry for them all. I Renounce them all I forgive all others, and I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now, and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now forever from sin, I come to you now as my deliverer you know my special needs the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles, that evil spirit. That unclean spirit. I claim the promises of your word. "Who so ever that calleth on the Lord shall be delivered," I call upon you now in Jesus Christ name. Deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from your works. I loose myself from you now in Jesus name. I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I have a confession to make my ancestors and I have sought super natural experiences apart from you. We have disobeyed your word. I ask for you’re forgiveness. I renounce witch craft and magic both black & white. I renounce witch craft and all occult games etc. I renounce hypnoses. I break any hold placed on me. I command it right back where it came from in Jesus name. I thank you Lord for all your doing in through and for me right now! By the Blood of Jesus Christ amen.

God Bless you all!

Jacqueline L. Greek