Detours come in all different shapes and forms. It may take you through the desert or through the valleys and mountains. Some detours in life just might save your life. God has a way of using those detours of frustration to move you in His direction of life.

The enemy uses detours to keep us from doing God's work. He sometimes uses our friends and relatives or just anyone to keep us busy running here and there.

We may think we are doing God's work by helping these people out. Yet all we may be doing is delaying what God has told us to do.

When a detour sign crosses your path in any way shape or form. Not sure who put up that sign for you. Check it out by taking it to God in prayer.

Ask Him to reveal the source that it came from so that you would know what to do or not to do. It just might save your life!


What is the last thing God told you to do and you have not done it?

What Detour are you following? God's way or Man's way?

"Copyright 1996"

Jacqueline L Greek

God showed me one day when I was going to my cousin's house for a family cookout all the detours I had to take that day to get there. We had a huge storm the night before and a lot of roads were flooded out.

What was a 30 min drive took me almost 2 hours to get there.

Lesson just learned in July 2008

I will still be learning this one for a long time!

12 years to learn this huge lesson. I had bought a computer in 1997 and in 1998 I started to put up my poem on an angelfire website. It is now my TMJ stories site with a few poems.

God was showing me how I can use the computer to get up all the poems he had given me to share with the world. I had got sidetrack big time.

So many things came forth that I thought I had to do first. I never checked with God to see if that was what I was to do. I had also left my church as well as my dear friends in Christ behind as well.

Because of this it drew me away from God and not toward him! I thought I was doing what God wanting me to do when I was asked to put up the other's TMJ stories on my site as well and helping others with TMJ and going on the yahoo groups. Getting the right help for those who could not find a doctor in there area as well. It was something I had a need to do was turn my suffering around to help others! I have met some great friend this way, instead of telling my family how much pain I am in, I talk to my TMJ friends because they understand what I am going through.

But the timing was all wrong as well. Which at that time I did not see that! I was blinded to what God really wanted in my life! I am sure my TMJ story would have gotten up after I had the poems up. But this took me further and further away from GOD as well. But what I do know is this; God did use the TMJ STORIES to help others.

I spent many hours on the computer and putting up the websites for information on TMJ and all the TMJ stories. I did not have time to put my poems all up let alone even to read them as well. That I just put up on a back burner and thinking next winter I will get them all up when I am stuck inside. That next winter never came; there was always something else that I needed to do.

I was in the yahoo groups and chatting with others and doing a yahoo group of my own, that fell apart, why did it fell apart, I did not have GOD in there directing me! Most of the time it there was more fighting then helping going on that was not of God at all. I handed that group over to someone else And they deleted it. I was so happy when that group did get deleted!

But also this took time away from my daughter as well who needed me more then ever in her life and I was blind to that as well! That is why she turned to drugs and running around with the wrong crowd! I did not see that one coming at me at all!

I was busy with my daughter she was 14 and would not listen to me and getting in trouble with the police for selling drugs that she stole from me and telling everyone that she got them from her mom! Sheila and her friends would hang out at my house. Most of the time I was on the computer again helping others and my friends. I was at home with my daughter but I was on the computer a lot. But I did try and spend as much time with her and her friends that I could.

I would take them swimming or just take off and go for a ride. She had several friend that lived her with me, one girl for the summer the other on an off for two years. Their mom's were either not around to listen to them or they just wanted to drink more then be with there child. So Sheila thought I was cool to have her friends here, I wanted them here so I can keep an eye on my kid.

What I did not know they were stealing my pain medication! I found this out later, that she was telling everyone she got them from me! Not telling them she stole them from me! I guess she just wanted to make it look like I was a really cool mom. But I was not happy to hear that at all! I told my daughter I know your stealing my pain medication and I will call the police, which I have done.

Sept. 2001

When she turn 18 that is when all hell broke with her! She would take off and not tell me where she was going, she had my car and did not tell me where she was at. I called the police on her, she was arrested for underage drinking and they found 2 pipes in her friends' purse. I went to the police station to get my car. I did not think they let her out but they did, that is when I found out she had been arrested for shop lifting the month before. I told her I was done with her. And I walked out leaving her sitting at the police station.

That weekend was the worst weekend ever. This was the weekend before 911.

She did come home two days later and asked me if she could come back and live here. I had dreams of finding her in abandoned house with a needle stuck in her arm. So I told her that she had to follow the rules and get back to school call her boss and get her job back she had fines to pay. In Feb she was placed on A.R.D for 2 years.

I was the mother from hell they called me. That is what my daughter told me, I was not going to let them off the hook when my kid did something wrong! She had quit school as well. She was back stealing my pain medication again! And running around with the wrong people again! I knew she was dealing as well. I tried to tell them they would not listen to me.

My daughter had lost her driver license so I was driving her friends home, only to find out where they lived and then I called the state constable and asked him does so and so have a warrant? If they did I told him where to find that kid at. I looked at this way, the more of her so called friends sitting in jail the less she would be running around with them.

Her P.O. Offers would not listen to me. They never did anything about it!

The biggest mistake I made during all this time was not turning to God!

In March 2003 they let her off of her probation and she was going into the job corp. in June, I had a fit when I found out that her friend Amy who was in trouble all the time was getting off probation early to go with her! I told her P.O. Officer that one of these girls will be kicked out the other will be sitting in jail. Amy was kicked out in Aug. My Kid was in jail in Sept!

Summer of 2003.

At that same I was dealing with some major major surgery, I needed a TMJ Concept Implant that was to re-construction of my jaw! I had to go in for Surgery in April to take out all the hardware that I had in. So in May they could take a 3D CAT scan then make my jaw mold to make the implant. Then back in surgery in July for over 10 hours. You might see this as two surgery's but that is not the case it was 6 surgeries! Each cut is consider a surgery, the first one was 2 cuts one on each side of my jaw, the second surgery was 4 cuts. Two on each side of my face, one along the jaw line the other along my neck on each side!

Also at this time in May my kid and her friends were back to stealing my pain medication again, and I did call the police on them, but because they did not have the pills on them they could not do anything! So they got away with it again.

The pain was unbearable and I was on strong pain medication as well so my thinking was not clear for a long time. I was also on my own to heal. Sheila was away at school 5 hours away from me. I did not want her to see me like this. I know she was scared that I was going to die.

The first surgery was to be an out patient but I ended up over night. They could not get me off the respirator. That scared my daughter who at that time was with me in April she left to go to school in June into the job corp. I did not want her around to see me again like this, she was so afraid I was going to die!

I too made some bad decisions without going to God in prayer to see how to deal with all of this! For seven years it took me to get my kid on the right path, not with God but out of jail and on her own. It finally took her spending 38 days in jail to turn her life around! That was huge shock to her and she was facing a lot of time in prison.

I am not going to go into details on her story. I know she don't want me to say anything on this because she has put it behind her now. She has turned her life around for the better and staying off the drugs.

All I can say on this is thank God for the lawyer she had and the D. A. Who took them time to listen to me an understood where I was coming from with her! Yes she told them she got the pain medication from me! They took her case before the judge and told the judge that she did more time then Rush Lindbergh! I was really shock to hear that!

She had her sentence reduced from 2 felonies to a misdemeanor and the misdemeanor one was dropped. She was to be on patrol for one year

and pay her fines. This town was 6 hours from us and they also asked that she do her time in her hometown! The judge granted that and my daughter

was able to come home that day with us.

A week later we heard her lawyer had a major heart attack and passed away. I do think if she did not have this lawyer I don't think she would have been so lucky to get out like she did. But this lesson for her has changed her life for the better now. She has moved on.

I know that I know God's hand was in this one! This kid would never take no for an answer, now she understands where I was coming from being she is

now a mother herself. I am still praying for to find Jesus in her life! So please when you read this: Say a prayer for Sheila!

I do know and believe that God has a great plans for her, but she don't want any part of God and telling me she don't believe in God, taking her to that one church, the one I had to leave! It has turned her away from Jesus! She never told me this until later on in her life, that the kids there were rich and made fun of how she dressed in hand me downs! The pastor kids were part of it as well.

How cruel is that! Some day those kids will be accountable for that.

She knows what God has done in my life and she has seen God move in a big way for us. And yet she wants no part of God in her life or her son's life.

All I can do is let go of her and let God do what he needs to do in her life! I will never stop praying for her. I am so proud of her as to how she got off the drugs and she is living with her boyfriend and he has 2 little girls that he has most of the time and Sheila is really good with those girls and they think a lot of her as well. I am not proud that she is living with this guy but I am proud on how she came out of all this. And is making a life for her self.

The only reason she is staying with this guy is two reasons, one she had a reading on Pal-talk telling her she would be with a man with two kids! So she thinks this is meant to be as well as she don't want to raise her child with out his dad in his life, because I raised her alone! That reading I do not believe was true, but as soon as she meet this man with the 2 kids she thought that is what her life was to be! That is another reason to say out of some of those rooms. Of course she won't listen to me on how wrong that is either. I could not keep her away from this man. I have to now give it to God and let God show her what to do.

If only she will allow God back in her Life will she know all that God has for her and her son?

She is now 29 years old. After she got out of jail she went and got her GED and went to a Business Collage. She really needs your prayers for that as well. My Grandson who is 2 years old is my pride and joy! But also in this time away from God in 2002.

I made a mess up my relationship with my 2 half-brothers as well. I don't know what really started it, other then the oldest one Ben, he would stop by all the time and see what I was doing or if he could help me with something. I had taught him to drive and we were very close. He had moved to Oklahoma to go to school and he was also in the Army reserves. Last time I had seen him was Aug 2002 at my nephews wedding. I thought my relationship with him was fine so I thought, but was I wrong!

Then in Dec. I heard he was going to Iraq! I called my sister and asked her if she had an address to where we can write to Ben and she said she don't have it yet.

So I called Ben's mother and left a message on her answering machine.

A few days later my sister called me to tell me that Ben did not want me to write to him! That blew me away! I did not believe that for one minute! Ben was here at Christmas time I had seen and talked to him at the wedding! He spent a lot of time at my house with his brother when his mom needed a sitter when they were younger or when my dad was home visiting, my dad had even helped him moved down to Oklahoma. Now he did not want any thing to do with me or my dad. Was something I just could not understand and will never understand it. Ben has never told me why he never wanted me to write to him in the first place.

I just felt it was another lie from his mom keeping him away from us! So I called her up and left a nasty message on her answering machine. I had let my anger get the best of me. One I will regret every doing! Ben did call me from Fort Hood after he got my letter I sent to his old address and told me he will always believe what his mom is telling him and if we left his mom out then we could get along. I had no problem with that. He gave me his address to write him. I did write to him though he never write me back.

When he got out in Nov or Dec 2003 My sister called me and told me that Ben was coming over for Christmas dinner! I was so happy to hear that, she had all ready invited Sheila and I for dinner. My car was in the garage getting a new motor put in. Terri would have to drive 8 miles to get us. So I told her that was not right for her to leave the house to get us. That I would call and ask Ben if he could pick us up this would be doing my sister a huge favor!

Ben and I talked for a little bit then I asked him if he would mind picking Sheila and me up? He started to scram at me that is all you want from me a ride! All you is want something from us! I told him that was not so, I had never asked him for anything! Other then some help when I was moving. What I had done for him, did not matter that I taught him how to drive or took him to work and picked him up at midnight and not once asked him for gas money! I did it because I loved him!

Then he said he was not going if I was going! I knew Terri wanted to see him so I told him I would not go!

I called Terri crying and told her what happen, She called Ben and told him to forget it that this Christmas dinner was for Sheila and I and she would go pick us up and she didn't want him there! I had gone through so much that summer and with Sheila in Jail and we had just gotten her out. I had always had Christmas Eve dinner with my dad and Ben! So this was really hard for me.

My dad was in the hospital and just got home he did not feel up to going anywhere. I was in a lot of pain and packing since I was moving again. Terri thought it would be nice for a change and she do the Christmas dinner! Now I had ruined it with Ben!

I should have left it alone and let Terri come get me and let God do the repairing of this relationship! But instead I had to have my hand in it and I mess it up big time! I have not talked to my brother since then! It hurts so much! He had not even gone to see my dad at all in all this time.

The only thing I could think of that started all of this was his mother Bonnie,

She had called me Aug 2002, asked me how I was doing so I told her, I was having a lot of pain and telling her my problems with Sheila and she hung up on me! Now Ben don't want me to write to him when he left to go to Iraq then yell at me about needing a ride that is all I wanted was something from him!

I knew Bonnie had said something to him after she hung up on me. I never asked her for anything nor did I need anything from her all. I just told her how I was doing when she asked me, If she did not want to hear it then she should not have asked me!

Nor did I ask anything from his mother in a very long time. Matter of fact she called me when she needed a ride to the bus station she was going to see Ben in OK., and to be picked up at the bus station when she got back, as well as called me to pick her up when her car got wrecked!

That was in the summer of 2002! And she even thought I should kick Sheila out like she had kicked Andy out, Sheila was not Andy and I had to do what was best for my child and kicking her out was not in her best interest not at that time! So between her calling me then hanging up on me and my asking for Ben's address in Iraq She had said something to Ben an Andy and now they want nothing to do with me. No matter what I tell them that is the truth they will always believe the lies of their mother!

I was wrong in trying to justify every thing to Ben and Andy and trying to tell them the truth and defend my dad to them as well. That they were wrong on believing that my dad did not want to see them when they were younger.

I know my dad was not the best dad in the world, at least the boys did have to grow up with a dad that beat them, yes my dad did beat us. Let alone some of the other things my dad had done to me. But through God I was able to forgive him.

The boys never had to deal with that.

I was so hurt my all of this that I did not see the truth that God was trying to tell me. That it don't matter what other think or say of you, what matters is that God knows all the truth and he knows who is lying and who is telling the truth and yes we all have to stand before him someday! And pehaps there are times when the truth is better left unsaid. I really messed things up because I let my anger get the better of me.

I have nothing to hid from God for he knows my heart and knows how badly this has affected me. By just trying to get the truth out. And yes at one point that I did mention below I did use this site to hurt Ben for leaving my dad out of his wedding. God knew my heart and let me know it.

I am not taking that out, because it part of the life's lesson. We all have said and things we are ashamed of. This is what I had done, my brothers made it clear to me they believe their mom over me.

It is all out in the open now, I will finish the lesson that God has taught me as to what happens when we get off tracked with him. This is a very painful lesson for me.

Now that it is Aug 2008 my aunt called me to tell Ben was getting married and it was in that paper and they left out my dad's name! That hurt me so much I was crying. I called my brother-in-law and asked him if dad had read the paper yet, he told me not yet, I then told him what Ben did, So Chuck pulled it out of the paper before he could see it. If my dad had seen that! It would have killed him! There was no point in telling him Ben was getting married.

I called Chris and she was praying that Ben would go see my dad before he died! I found his bride to be on myspace and she had added me. I messaged her and asked her if she could talk to Ben and see if he would go see his dad.

Then I found out that same day, that the week before Ben and Eileen did go see my dad! I was so happy to hear that. I did message her back and told her I did not know they had gone to seen my dad. I did ask her to talk to Ben and I would love to them over for dinner and I have a wedding gift for them.

Even though I knew I would never be invited to the wedding that didn't matter to me. I just wanted to see my brother! I really wanted to him to have this gift as well. Something that can be passed on in the family. It is 8 piece dinner set of fine china something I have been holding on to. I wanted so badly to give it to Ben and his bride to be.

I have not heard back from them they are getting married Sept 6, 2008 and Ben has a good job in Easton Pa 6 hours away from me. I do know that he does not want anything to do with me, why he won't call me and we can talk this out. That is something I just don't understand at all. I was hurt by them not anwering me back and angry with them as well.

I did message her back and hope she tells Ben what I had to say, I want him to know the truth, it hurts to know my family was invited to the wedding and not my dad and I. I had to message him and tell him how I feel and told him the truth about his mom seeing other men when she was with my dad. And she all she did was lie to dad after they were married. That is something I knowwas another mistake I made. Ben don't care to know the truth. And yet it bothers me to know that he just won't talk to me and ask me what the truth is. Yes the truth hurts, I can remmber that little boy asking me a long time ago why did dad leave mom? I could not tell an 8 year old the truth, now that he is 29 years old I want to tell him now.

Why I told them that is something I can only say is I am human and very hurt by all of this, my guess is I just wanted his mom to know that I did finally did tell him the truth. I just wanted him to hurt just as he has hurt my dad. What happen between them I have no idea but to leave my dad out of the wedding was uncalled for. I know that is something in my heart I should have just left alone and let God worked this out. But I could not leave it alone.

Now I have to face the hard facts that I will probably never make things right with him nor will I ever see him now. I am just tired of all the lies their mom told them and mostly the fact she blamed my brother and I on the divorce all these years! Why my dad never told the boys what happen is he did not want Bonnie taken it out on Ben for telling my dad the truth! I think that is the main reason he never really told Bonnie how he found out as well. Having it thrown up in my face all these years I just could not take it anymore! I do know one time the boys did ask my dad why he divorced their mom? My dad jokely told him because she got to fat! My dad just did not want to tell them the truth either he was still trying to protect Ben.

A few years ago I accidently sent Bonnie a email, the ones you forward to all your friends. Told me to stop harassing her! I told her I was not harassing her, that email was sent out accidently I did not know I had her email in my address book! I had saved my emails on disk when I redid my computer I had used the old one not the new one I saved I did not see that mistake until after the email went out. I sent out the email as a forward to everyone on my list! She email me back yelling at me telling me what a liar I was! That how she hated liars and I had no business emailing her. That she never was an adulteress and how faithful she was to my dad! That the boys all know she never cheated on my dad and that anything that came out of my mouth was a lie. That is when I told her what Ben told my dad, if she knew this the whole time or not I do not know, she never emailed me back after that. But I am sure that she had her hand in telling the boys not to belive anything I say.

I do know is that she has something to do with Ben and Andy not wanting to see me at all, I am sure she just did not want me telling them the truth. That is the main reason I had to tell Ben. He can be mad at me all he wants.

Every time I try to fix it by message them on myspace I end up making it worst, that is what I did with Andy and I am doing it again with Ben and his wife! All I want is the chance to see my brothers again and have this work out!

They do not care how they have not only hurt me but their dad as well!

With Andy I seen his myspace and seen how he put on there that he is the person he is today since he was homeless when he was two years old! Another lie he was believing and that he was living in a car!

I messaged him to see if he would come over for Thanksgiven a few years back and to see dad. He just let me have it on how dad wanted nothing to do with them when they were younger and how my dad kicked his mom out of the house they were homeless and living in car! That dad was mearly a old man sitting on any park bench a stranger to him.

I told him that was not true, that dad had let them stay there until she found apartment! Then he moved her in there! She did not have a car at all! He told me he remembers waking up in a car. I told him that his mom and my dad went flee marketing and that they slept in the van that is what he remembers!

Yes he did not take all there things over there only because of the last load my dad ask for the house key and she refused to give it to my dad, so my dad with held the last load until she finally gave him the key. Why my dad did not just go change the locks on the doors I have no idea at all. My dad had made a lot of wrong decisions in his life time we all do.

Then he went on to tell me how dad never came to see him or call him that my dad never wanted anything to do with them. I told him that was not true at all that his mom would only allow my dad to see the boys once they started to come to my house! I told him what Ben did do so that so we could see each other. Andy just told me what a nice story but that is not true! He did not even believe the truth at all. That is how blinded they are to the truth!

I had no intention on bringing anything up to him, but he brought it up to me, and from what Andy told me the fact that 75% that came out of my mouths were lies and that they never knew when I was lying or telling the truth! I have never lied to him or Ben nor his mother! I have never had a reason to lie to them! Forgive me Yes I did lie to Andy one time. When Sheila's friend Amy was kicked out of school she was on Probation she was to report back to her P.O. and she did not.

My dad and brother-in-law went down to see Andy in Aug 2003. When Amy came over to my dad told him not tell anyone. My dad knew what a trouble maker she is and knew why she did not want anyone to know. My dad called me and told me, He said he wanted to wait and call Andy and tell him to kick her out and that she is on probation and that she will steal from him as well. My dad wanted to give her a few days to be back in town on her own before he had me call her P.O. But he did not want Andy to know that he has told me.

Well I know her and I knew she would just run somewhere else. She had ran before I found her and brought her in to her P.O. I knew she would do it again.

So yes I called her P.O., gave him Andy's cell phone. When Andy ask me about it I told him no I did not. The reason why I lied to Andy is my dad did not want Andy or Amy to know who turned her in. Even though my dad was going to wait a few days, after he told Andy about kicking her out. I just did not want to sit on it! I did not want Andy to know that my dad was the one to tell me.

I wanted her back in jail. If I am going to let all the skeletons out of the closet then I better let this one out as well. That is the only thing I ever lied to Andy on and I have never ever lied to Ben at all on anything!

If Bonnie had lied to my dad as well as to me, of course she will lie to her boys to cover herself. She lied to them when they were little telling them their dad didn't want them let alone not want to see them! That was far from the truth! My dad missed the boys and every time he called she would tell them they were not there or they were sleeping!

She told them she never cheated on my dad! That is lie, Ben is the one to tell my dad to look out the window and see that man by the mailbox? That is mommy's boyfriend! He was only six years old and had no clue to what he was doing, he was just being honest and wanted his dad to see mommy's boyfriend!

My dad saw it with his own eyes as well as my aunt that lived across the street! I don't ever to expect to see my brothers again. But they choose to believe the lies and not have anything to do with me. I love my brothers very much and hurts me to hear them say that dad never wanted anything to do with them another lie there mom told them.

Instead of getting to know their dad they would rather believe in the lies as well as not to forgive my dad at all. That hurts. My dad learned to play Nintendo so he could have something in common with the boys. It was all about who could beat dad! They had a blast doing that. Or my dad going to watch Andy on the skateboard.

Yet they don't want to remember the good times. They just want to remember the bad and not to forgive me and to believe the lies of their mom. They have missed out on so much over the last few years with their dad that they will never get back! Life is just too short to be mad at one for any reason! I am willing to forgive but they are not.

I found out the hard way. When I do things on my own and not having God it at all, it falls apart! Taken things to God in prayer he mends them. Just as he did when Ben went to my dad on his own that I had taken in prayer and God answered that! I made a mistake by message Eileen at all. All I can do now is just leave them alone and let God do what he has to do.

To understand why I am so hurt by all this is it took God to bring those boys to me. So I am now going to spill it all out in the open. The darkness will be brought out into the light. I am sure some family members will by upset over this, but the truth needs to be told. I am will not hid this at all. I have no reason to make this up or lie about this at all. This is my life and this is what had happen in my life which affected me so badly that it is part of the lessons on what happen when I do pray and when you don't pray and get detoured off tracked away from God. A lesson I am still learning today!

My Dad married Bonnie in 1977 the year I graduate. At first it was ok, until she took control of everything, Sonja and I we were no longer allowed to cook in her kitchen, we were not allowed to help her clean she wanted to do it all. If we tried to help her. like one day I started to vacuum, she grabbed it away from me and yelling at me that it was her job to do! Then she would tell my dad we did nothing to help her!

I bought her 1976 sports car. All was good at the time, she then told me she was not going to give me the spare key the reason, If she needed the car during the day she could use it with out waking me up. I worked second and third shift at Perkins. I told her that would be fine.

Then one night I was getting off of work at 11pm and my older sister Sonja was just coming in. Sonja asked me if I could get the battery out of her car and take it home a put it on the charger for it. I said I would and I ask the cook if he could do that for me, take out her battery a put it in my car so I gave him the car keys with my house keys on it as well.

When I went to leave I realized the cook had taken off and took my keys with him! I had no way home, Sonja's car her battery was dead due to the alternator draining the battery! So the manger went to give me a ride home so I could get my spare key off of Bonnie. When I got home I ringed the door bell and got Bonnie out of bed, and she refused to give me the key! Claiming she did not have it! She was lying to me again! Then she slammed the door shut on me and locked me out!

I told the manger take me back to Perkins I will bus tables what ever for nothing. So I did do that. Then around 5 in the morning a couple of police offers came in. I asked them if they had seen the cook who had my keys, they did not. But what they did do was find someone with jumper cables to jump Sonja's car so I could get home. They then told me not stop at all or slow down or I would be draining the battery. I just had the lights on. I got into town and the car stopped on the bridge.

Again the city police came found someone to jump me, this time they told me not to turn on the lights and not to stop at the red lights. They went ahead of me with their lights and sirens on through the red lights. I made it home. My dad was up when I got in and I told him Bonnie has the extra set of car keys! He told me she did not have them! He was taking her side! He got up to go to work. Then Bonnie came down stairs and threw the keys at me! I left the house went across the street to my aunts house and my uncle took me in to Perkins to get my car!

I got a paper found a room to rent. I then went home and packed all my things and left. I told my dad he married a liar! I show him 2 sets of car keys she had kept the other one and lied to him about it! Now you can see where I was coming from here. I was only 19 years old. She would lie to my dad only to make her look good and me the one that was lying! To make a long story short.

It got worst with her. This time I was staying with my friends parent's I had no car. I sold the car and bought cheaper car. I had to have knee surgery and my other car got wrecked. I called my dad to ask him to deposit some money in the bank for me. I was still paying on a loan I had on the car.

Bonnie told me my dad was not home! That liar! I was across the street and I can see my dad's car there! I went over there and knocked on the door and yet she refused to let me talk to my dad.

I then had a breakdown. My aunt called my doctor's office and I was admitted into the hospital. Later went to live with my aunt and uncle in Ohio. I wanted an s far from her I could get! This happen in April 1979 I was having a very hard time dealing with her and dealing how my mom died and people I had no idea who they were telling me I know your dad he went out hunting and shot your mom!

I made a life for myself in Cleveland Oh. I had my daughter and moved backed to Pa in March 1984. Now my dad told me to stay away from the house, being he was divorcing Bonnie and he did not want her to blame me for anything. Which she did, she told everyone that my dad divorce her because of my brother and I! That is one big lie! She only has her self to blame for this.

I was living in Cleveland and dealing with my own problems! She could not put the blame on herself. She had to blame someone else for the problems causing divorce.

I had nothing to do with her and my dad divorcing her! Now I did tell my dad all the things Bonnie did to me and my brother after he filed the divorce!

He was waiting for her to find an apartment so she could move out. Once she did get moved out. She refused my dad to see the boys at all! My dad would come over to my place and just sit down and cry, he missed those boys and she refused to let him see them!

Now I don't understand why my dad did not file custody of them to at least see them on the weekends. Nor did I ever ask why he never did that.

Now Bonnie did not even want me to see the boys either, I would be out at the mall she would turn the other way when she would see me or even my sisters as well. I left Pa again and was gone for about 7 months.

This time in Aug 1985 I got an apartment on the southside of town; it was a few blocks from Bonnie. Now where I went to buy my cigarettes was just across the street from her in the alley.

This time I took it to God in prayer and asked him to show me how to forgive her and for her to trust me with the boys. So gradually when I would see her outside I went over to talk with her. She was hard at first. I had learn to keep my mouth shut with her as to what she had done to us before. It was like walking on egg shells with her. But what was important was getting her to trust me with the boys so that my dad could see them and talk with them.

But over time, God would show me when she needed milk or what ever for the boys I would drop it off.

Then one day I came home and there was Ben and Andy sitting on my step outside of my apartment! Here Ben had followed me! From his mom's house over to the few blocks to my place! He then asked me why don't dad call him?

I told him that dad does call him, that his mom told my dad that the boys were not home or they were in bed. I asked him do you want to talk to dad! Yes of course they did! I called my dad and let him talk to the boys. So every Sat morning Ben and Andy would come over to see me and talk with their dad! Ben told me that he had told his mom that he was taking Andy for a walk. He was afraid to tell her about seeing me or talking to his dad! He knew his mom did not want him to see me.

Then in Oct 1986 I had been over at the other house cleaning. I was getting ready to move into in a few weeks. Ben was sitting on the step by himself and he was crying! I asked what was the matter he said I thought you never get back! I want to know why Dad left mom? I asked him what did your mom tell you? He told me that she said it was you and Jimmy's fault that Dad left her! How do you tell a 8 year old boy the truth!

I told him that sometimes adults believe the truth even if it was not the truth. And that you can not tell them they are wrong. I told him Jim and I had nothing to do with dad leaving his mom. Then I told him I was moving and he was crying even harder now. Telling me the he could not walk that far to see me! And he knew he could not tell his mom that he had been coming over here as well!

I told Ben do you believe in prayer? He said yes, I told him to pray that someday we would all be sitting at the dinner table together!

Well a month later God was showing me what I need to take over to Bonnie. So I went over there not knowing what God was going to do! For the first time she invited me in! She was looking for something then telling me that my brother-in-law was on his way over to take her to look for a car. When Chuck got their he asked Bonnie if the boys were going too and she said yes! Then Ben spoke up and ask his mom why can't we stay with Jackie? Bonnie said no! Chuck told Bonnie let the boys go with Jackie my kids go to her place all the time! I don't see how the boys would have any fun sitting in a car while we are looking at cars and it is raining!

The boys went home with me that day! Bonnie called me later on and told me it would be another hour or so before she would come get the boys I told her that was fine and that I had fixed dinner and they could have dinner here so she did not have to fix anything.

When Bonnie came over we sat down at the dinner table and Ben was so excited he looked at me and said can I tell her now! I said yes! He then told Bonnie about seeing me and then told her of the prayer I had prayed and now we were all that dinner table together having dinner! God had answer that little boys prayer!

The boys had stayed with me through the years when their mom was working and on holidays. If she was working I would cook dinner and when she got off work she would have dinner with the boys and I. When Andy was 16 he went off did his own thing. I found out later on why he thought he could live on welfare like me! His mom told him I was lazy and did not want to work and I was on welfare! Yes I was on welfare because I had so many jaw surgeries and I had applied for SSD and I had tried to worked and it only made matters worst for me and my daughter with the stress.

The PFTE in my blood system under stress it will casuse my jaw to detarated more and I do get sick becasue of it. That is why I am not able to work because of the stress I have enough stress in my life that I don't need to add to it.

Bonnie told him I could be rehabilitated! She was not a doctor she had no business telling him or Ben that! And that after I had surgery I was fine and that I could work! I was not fine and I could not work! I was doing what my doctors told me to do!

He found out the hard way you can not live off of welfare! I told him he should had came to me and asked me that! I was not allowed to be around any stress that is why I could not work! My doctors all told me that!

The last time I had talked to Bonnie was in Aug 2002. She called me up and asked me how I was doing. And I told her! I was in pain with my jaw I knew I needed more surgery and I was having trouble with Sheila and lost her income from welfare now that she was 19 and yet still in school. But a friend had send me some money to help me.

Next thing I knew she yelling at me and then she hung up on me! What her problem was I had no idea to this day! I never bother to call her back to ask her why she hung up on me! I just let it go. I did not want to get into with her, I knew she did not believe me when I told her I needed more surgery!

Then In Dec., when I heard Ben was going to Iraq That is when I called her and left a message on the answering machine. Only to be told a few days later by my sister that Ben did not want me to write to him! Now do you understand why I thought she was lying to me again. I could not believe that Ben did not want to see me or hear from me! That was such a shock to me and I was so angry with her! I did not handle it in the way I should have, had I gone to God in prayer first before I called her I know things would have been different but at that time I was so far away from God I did not think to pray!

I know Bonnie had said something to Ben about me what I have no idea. I just know it has to be another lie. All Ben had to do was just call me up and ask me if that was true or not. But he never did. Yes I am very hurt over this.

We had always gotten along! I taught him to drive! I talked him out of buying a sports car when he had no idea what the car insurance would be!

So yes it hurt me deeply that he wanted nothing to do with me. I am so hurt by all this for what I have no Idea what I did to him that he did not want me to write to him! I thought it was his mom again. Not going to God in this matter I have lost my brothers! Because of my anger and yelling at their mother! I had judged her! This sounded so much like Bonnie, she was mad at me for God knows what! Then telling me Ben did not want me to write to him! What was I supposed to think?

I can not force myself on my brothers. But he did have the right to know the truth about his mom whether he believes it or not, I really doubt it. He won't call me or even ask my sister if I am telling the truth, I have no reason to lie to him or anyone! God brings the darkness out into the light. The truth will be known. That is why I had to write the truth out in the open! Also in hopes that someday my brothers will read this as well, and that is why I am putting it all out in the open.

The main thing is he went to see his dad! My dad was so happy to see him.

My sister's were invited to the wedding my dad and I were not. Sonja the oldest decided not to go only because she did not what to tell Dad that she got invited to the wedding and he did not. She did not want to hurt him.

My younger sister lied to me, she told me she did not get an invited but Sonja told me she did, and she also lied to me about her having to work anyways. Yes she had to work, but she was still going to the wedding after work, she lied to me as well to save me from getting hurt! It hurts to be lied to no matter what the reason is! Her daughter was the one who told me she was going to the wedding! I have forgiven her and all is right with my sisters.

It was not right not to include my dad at all. When Ben went to see my dad I thought he had also invited him to the wedding, but he did not! Now as I look back on all this. I really think Ben was trying to ease his own guilt by going to see my dad before he dies! Guilt for not mentioning my dad in the wedding announcement in the paper and not inviting him to the wedding. Some day he will regret this! I can not judge his heart or or intentions on seeing my dad. Though I am sure his mom had something to do with that as well.

All I can do now is pray and let it be in Gods hands now. I had made a mess out of this situation and regret not going to GOD first before I made those nasty calls to his mom. What the calls were about was I told her I was going to tell the boys the truth about why my dad divorced her, I did write to Ben. Andy did called me all upset at that time because his mom had called him. At that time I did not have the heart to tell them that Ben was the one at age 6 years old to tell my dad about his mom having a boyfriend. I just could not tell them.

I was never planing on telling them anyways, I just wanted to make my point as to my dad leaving their mom because she was seeing someone when she was married to my dad. I did that out of anger for what Bonnie told Ben and the reason he did not want to see me! I was wrong, on doing that and my heart was not right at with God.

Only because I was not thinking and I did not take it to God. I messed up big time! I don't even know if I will ever see Ben again, I know Andy don't want anything to do with my dad or I. And that really hurts down deep. I love those boys so much. I had said some bad things out of anger to their mother that I will regret for the rest of my life. It cost me my brothers who I love very much!

Yes I said somethings to his mother that I should not have done, nor should I have tried to fix it with the boys and only make it worst. I never went to God in prayer over any of this and that is why it is such a mess. I let my anger get the better of me and I will regret it for the rest of my life.

I have nothing against their mother. I have ask God to forgive me as to allowing this to get out of hand and being angry with Bonnie over all this. What I should have done is called her a few day after she hung up on me to find out what I said that offend her or got her mad at me in the first place! I do not recall saying anything that would have gotten her upset with me! Other then she did not want to hear I was in pain again and needed more surgery. Other then that I have no idea what I said to set her off to hang up on me.

Now all I can do is just leave it in God's hands. I made a mess out of this and trying to fix it on my own. Now I just need to leave it in God's hand and perhaps someday soon I will be having Dinner with Ben and his wife as well with Andy. I love my brother dearly and miss him so much!

God had answered a little boys prayer that his mom and him and his brother would be at my home sitting down to dinner and God granted that prayer.

I can not judge Bonnie for what she has done or what she has told the boys, Only God can do that. And if Ben and Andy never forgive me or don't believe me I do know that God knows the truth and that is all that matters to me and someday we all have to stand before God and be accountable for our actions! My heart was wrong out of anger I felt I had to tell the boys the truth just because I was angry at Bonnie telling me Ben did not want me to have his address. Yes God has delt with me on this.

For our lies and what is the truth? God has for given me from the way I have handle this matter but all I wanted was for the truth to be known. I am just tired of being blamed for something I have not done.

This has bothered me for the last 8 years and now I need to let it go.

I know I should have left this alone not said a word to Bonnie or the boys but my anger and pride got in the way there is no excuse for that all! I did not talk to Bonnie out of love that night I called her, I spoke to her in anger that was not of God at all. I was wrong to bring up the past to the boys and I should have let it alone. Not even try and talk those boys into going to their dad. I have lost my brothers in the end.

I do pray that someday Bonnie and the boys will forgive me, because God has.

Once you confessed to God your sins and all the mistakes you have made, all is forgiven and washed clean never to be brought up again by God. So now I will just let it go and let God handle the rest. Now that I have done all I can do. I am not perfect we all make mistakes, God has forgiven me for this mess I had made! Now all I can do is just pray! And do what God has called me to do. That is to leave the boys alone and just pray! Put this all behind me now.

God gave me the poem on Who's in The Driver's Seat? To show me where I made the mistake with Ben and Andy and with their mother. For so long I had blinded by my anger I could not see the truth. Now that I have a closer walk with Jesus and he has forgiven me for all my detours that I made in the last 10 years, He finally showed me how far off I was, I did not let him in the drivers seat!

I was praying and asking God what is it he wanted me to do and he reminded me that I had not done what he told me to do back in 1998! So 10 years later

I am now doing what God told me to do so I can be where he wants me to be!

That is to write and get these poems all up! Not to let any more detours from getting in my way of doing that.

Yes there are detours that God takes us on to save our life as well.

But the detour that God was showing me was what took me away from him. But also what those detours cost me in those 10 years away from God. It cost me my brothers and some very good friends as well, for I allowed anger to get in the way of what God wanted me to do. I did not handle those situations

in love at all. I had handle them in anger and I blew it big time. Now all I can do is let it go and let GOD deal with this in his way not my way.

That poem that God had given me had I listen to what God told me and had I taken the time to go to God in prayer over that passed 10 years I know the outcome would have been different! God was warning me and I did not see it until it was way too late!

Instead I allowed the detours and ended up having to go through some very trying times. Not only in my life but my daughters life as well.

I was doing what I wanted to do and going where I wanted to go and not paying any attention to what God wanted me to do or go!

But at times God does let his people know when to make a u-turn or not take that exit ramp! Only because he knows what it coming up ahead and he is just saving your life!

What is the last thing God told you to do and you have not done it?

What Detour are you following? God's way or Man's way?

Please don't forget to sign my Guest Book and tell me what God is doing in your life! It is at the bottom of this page!

Are you hearing God in your life?

And have you accepted Jesus into your heart?

If not all you need to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and say:

Jesus I know you are real and I believe that you died on the cross for me, you redeemed me by your Blood. I want to live for you! I confess all my sins known and unknown. I am sorry for them all. I Renounce them all I forgive all others, and I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now, and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now forever from sin, I come to you now as my deliverer you know my special needs the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles, that evil spirit. That unclean spirit. I claim the promises of your word. "Who so ever that calleth on the Lord shall be delivered," I call upon you now in Jesus Christ name. Deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from your works. I loose myself from you now in Jesus name. I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I have a confession to make my ancestors and I have sought super natural experiences apart from you. We have disobeyed your word. I ask for you’re forgiveness. I renounce witch craft and magic both black & white. I renounce witch craft and all occult games etc. I renounce hypnoses. I break any hold placed on me. I command it right back where it came from in Jesus name. I thank you Lord for all your doing in through and for me right now! By the Blood of Jesus Christ amen.

God Bless you all!

Jacqueline L. Greek