Jogging down a lonely country road running short of faith. Not knowing where I was going or what I wanted to do with my life. I need to run to clear my head on this road to no where.

Ever car that passed me by... I wonder if they knew where they were going. Or did they have the hope of knowing what they wanted to do with their life? Or did they like I; was on a road to no where?

Not looking back I kept my eyes fixed on the road ahead and hoping I was going in the right direction. And that I would not feel so crowded out by all that was going on in my head. There was no sunshine on this rainy day. Nor was there any ray of hope in my heart.

So seeing this huge field of corn, I decide to find a place to lie down among the stalks of corn and wait out this rain. Walking among the huge stalks of corn that waved over my head. It was nice that it was so crowded that it kept out the rain from pounding on my head.

As I found a spot to lay my head just as I was about to close my eyes. I spotted a tiny mustard seed that had sprouted among the huge corn stalks. Looking around and seeing that a tiny mustard seed had found a ray of sunshine among the crowded stalks of corn!

That brought me back to my Sunday school days. To where faith as tiny as a mustard seed can move MOUNTAINS!

Finding that ray of hope in my crowed head. Faith pushed out all those doubts that were in my head. Just as that tiny mustard seed found that ray of sunshine and pushed out the crowed stalks of corn to grow!

My Faith grew and grew. I knew I was on that right road to faith that will lead me to where God called me to be!

I was no longer on a lonely country road to no where! That ray of sunshine filled my heart with the Faith of GOD!





(Matthew 17:20)! (New King James Version)

"So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you."

"God gave this to me the summer of 2007"

At one point of my life I left God! Yes I left God! When I left my church in 1996 for reason I will not get into on this page.

I had gotten so busy doing what I wanted to do I had lost my faith in God!

Now it is 2009, I do know that I know why I have not been led to go back to church. God is calling his people out of the Churches away from religion and all that is not right with the church. Revelation 18 talks about Babylon, I do believe God is speaking to the Churches and we are to come out of Babylon.

I do believe that God wants his people to be taught by the Holy Spirit to follow after Jesus not Man.

I had not written any poems for God in over 10 years! I did not even think I could do it any more! Then a very good friend Jerry Turner who lived next to me, had come over to visit and we started talking and I mention to him how I use to write poems for God.

He had read the poems I wrote for the Southside Neighborhood Association this summer of 2007 and was surprise to hear that I had almost 80 poems that I had written

He started to read them and then he told me they were very good and that he bet that I still had God in Me! That God did not leave me! I left him! So I prayed and asked God if he still had poems in me to write and this is what he had given me! I just lost that faith and all I needed was just a little bit of faith as tiny as a mustard seed he could move those mountains in my life!

Jerry also told me that they were Literary Phrases not poems as well. They were very good and he encouraged me to write again that God was still in me, he was so right on about that! I was so shocked to see that once again I can start to write for God! I just needed that little bit of encouragement from Jerry to get me back on track with God!

I also felt at that time that God wanted me to get my poems all printed out and ready to send out, where I had no idea!

I had started to take my poems and get them printed up so I can send them out!

I had them all up on a floppy disk, on my word processor, I had started to do them, then my dad called me and was telling me his word processor no longer was working and wanted to use mine! I was using it I told him what I was doing. He told me he could do that for me, I know he was looking for something to do, so I took it over to him.

Then a few hours later I got a call from him telling me, that it did not work! My word processor no longer was able to print out all the poems I had on a floppy disk. I did not have ink for my printer to do that off the computer. Let alone I only had a few of them typed up on the computer. So God being God had an office printer given to me with a brand new ink cartilage! Wow! I knew I had to get them printed up and get them ready to send out, even though I had no Idea where to send them! (The person who gave me the printer had no clue how badly I needed one!) That is GOD!

Then again I got so busy helping one neighbor over here one neighbor over there. Then watching my grandson I did not do what God told me to do!

I was getting more involved in the Neighborhood watch group and around people of God that faith started to rise back in me again. God warns us as to who we are around the most that we might become like them! Thank God these folks that I was around had Jesus in their life! That made me take a big long look at my life and were I was at!

Where I use to be! I prayed to God and asked him to please bring me back to the place I was in back in the 1990’s to where I was hearing his voice and doing his will for my life.

It did not happen right away but the more I was around Godly people the more I started to become like them. Then God brought my cousin Chris into my life. Who I had not seen since she was a little girl. God being God used my daughter in a way to bring it to pass.

June of 2008

God did a miracle using my daughter to want to have a family reunion for my dad before he dies. My family thought this was the best thing we could do for my dad. My dad dying of lung cancer and did not have much longer to live. So with the little bit of faith I had. I started to call all my relatives that were out of state and telling them how bad my dad was and that he didn't have much time left.

We wanted my dad to see family before he died and give them a chance to see my dad as well. My dad really needed this and it gave him something to look forward to even though we did not tell him we did this for him! My cousin's were coming in from Denver on the same date I had planed for the reunion! So my dad thought it was just another family get together so everyone could see them. My dad he was so happy about seeing everyone again! The timing for this was God's Timing on how it all fitted together.

I called my one cousin that I have not talked to over 30 years! I was telling her about being on pal-talk. At that time I was still seeking a reading instead of really seeking after God. I had a medium tell me she was talking to my Aunt Leona. So I called Rhonda and told her what her mom had to say to me. Rhonda then told me she would call the others in her family and tell them the news of my dad. She called her sister Chris and told her what I said, so Chris then called me!

We got to talking and found out how much we had in common with God! She was writing a book I told her about my poems and she wanted to see them and asked me to send them to and to her sisters and brother as wells. I told her I would get them printed up and send them out, now I knew where they were to go! Chris prayed for me and my family that we would have a wonderful turn out for the family reunion! She was not able to make it since she now lived in Texas.

That is why God wanted me to get them ready to print out! I had spent over 8 hours pulling them out of the one and only copy I had that was made into a book. I could hear God telling me see if you had done what I told you to do last summer you would not be doing that now!

July 19, 2008

When the day of the family reunion came. My dad came up missing!

My sister had left after my dad, and my dad was not here yet! He was a half-hour late! I told my sister he knows where it's at he called me yesterday and was asking me where it was at and the time! I was so upset with my sister for not having my dad go with her! He was having trouble with his breathing let alone he should not be driving that car all! She called the restaurant where we were going to have the get together then it was changed to the VFW and he was not there! We were in panic mode by then.

All of a sudden I had a gut feeling in my stomach that I was to go back towards my sister's house! That was God leading me to my dad! I was now hearing God again!

I told her I was going to find him. When I got in my car I started to pray God show me where he is! I went across the bridge and there was his car at the light making a left hand turn! I went through a red light to catch up to him! He stopped along the side of road and rolled down his window, he was asking someone for help! Thank God for that one!

I pulled up behind him and jumped out of my car, Yelling dad! I patted him on the shoulder and told him not to leave but wait till I got in front of him then he was to fellow me. I could hear the lady he stopped telling him to wait now. Then heard her tell him it was ok to go and to follow me. That was God! My dad had been lost for a half- hour and could not figure out how to cross the bridge to get to the VFW! He was only 3 minutes away from my sister's house and 2 minutes away from the VFW!

I was totally amazed as to the turnout! There must have been at least 80 or more people there! The way God had my daughter put it in her heart to have the reunion was amazing, all though her Idea of the family gathering was to have it at the park, which would not have worked being it was so hot, and we still would have had to rent the space we needed as well. My dad would not have stayed if it was outside it must have been over 90 degrees out. Let alone none of my aunts would have been able to take the heat as well. This way the VFW was free to us, we had the patio to cook our hot dogs and hamburgers, those that wanted to stay inside where it was cool was able to do so.

When my dad got tired and was ready to go home, I would not let him drive his car! I had my cousin Martha follow me. Being she was from out of state and did not know where my dad was living. She followed me a little ways then I made a turn and she was gone. I went back around the block and there she was in an alley way. She seen me and followed me back around the block. My dad told her not to follow me that he knew how to get home! He got her lost!

Now the family decided it was best to have his license taken away! We knew if we did that he would not want to live anymore, but we had to do it. He was not able to drive anymore! My cousin was in tears, she had no idea how bad he really was. She was his first born niece and was close with my dad when we lived in Cleveland Ohio.

Finally I was able to go back to the family reunion, there must have been at least 80 people who came to see my dad, which was such a God send to me. I was so over whelmed I was crying when I started to see God in all of this. Seeing Gods hand and how he moved all my relatives to come see my dad, I knew that I knew that God had still loved me and he forgave me for leaving him. I also knew he still wanting me to follow him and do what he called me to do.

More about my dad is on the poem OUR FATHER and how I forgave him for my mothers death as well as his death. I was never really knew my dad and the reason for that is I put it on that page.

Back to my cousin Chris, Had my daughter not mention about having a family reunion. I would not have made all those long distance phone calls. I would have missed out on what God was doing here not only for me but for Chris as well.

Chris is so close to God and her passion is living for Jesus and telling the world what he did for her. It made a huge impact on my life. That again I started really praying and seeking God for my life. I wanted to be where I was when God gave me these poems; I was so far away from that place now.

With Chris praying for me I know I will get back to that place that I can hear God and learn more life's lessons to write more poems. But I must do what he told me to do with the poems he had all ready given me. So I had to go back to where I heard God telling me to do that I did not do. Was to get the poems up online back in 1998 which at that time all I had up was about 13 poems and it was left unfinished because I got sidetracked.

I really started to see prayer getting answered again. One day I asked God what he wanted me to do for him. That was getting all of these poems up online for the world to see! Not just the poems but how I learn the lesson on my life as well. I was not to leave out the bad times but to put it all down for everyone to see how God works in my life.

For the God In Me is a special God that loves me for who I am and waited over 10 years for me to do this. How wonderful is that!

Chris and I we have open a room up on pal-talk in the Religion & Spirituality rooms. Our room is found under Christianity . We do keep changing the name so those that have us on our pal list we invite when we do open up the room.

Here God wanted that website done with what I had put up all ready so we can use the link in the room! Then one night another lady pm me and asked if it was all right if she put some of the poems in her church bulletin! I told her that was more then all right! I knew now that God was moving in a powerful way with these poems! All I had to do was listen to him!

I was in an other room the other night when this lady was telling her about the website that was on my cousin room and how powerful the first page was and how true it was as to what is going on now. I listen to her knowing she was talking about this website here, I thought wow God you are doing something here with this site! I then told her it was my site and thanked me for helping her to understand a lot of what is going on in her life right now. Now I know that I know why I God had me doing this!

All I want is to do what he asked me to do. Now that was God moving in my life and showing me what lessons I had learned and still learning as well.

He brought Chris in my life just at the right time to help me see that God is Real and how much he really does loves me! He never left me I had left him. Now he is a real to me as he was 10 years ago! I am still learning more and more each day from what God is calling me to do.

And yes God is back talking to me this time I am listening to what he has to say and doing what he tells me to do! All we need is just a little bit of faith so God can move us in his direction for our lives and learn his Life's Lessons!


Or are you jogging to no where?

Please don't forget to sign my Guest Book and tell me what God is doing in your life! It is at the bottom of this page!

Are you hearing God in your life?

And have you accepted Jesus into your heart?

If not all you need to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and say:

Jesus I know you are real and I believe that you died on the cross for me, you redeemed me by your Blood. I want to live for you! I confess all my sins known and unknown. I am sorry for them all. I Renounce them all I forgive all others, and I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now, and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now forever from sin, I come to you now as my deliverer you know my special needs the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles, that evil spirit. That unclean spirit. I claim the promises of your word. "Who so ever that calleth on the Lord shall be delivered," I call upon you now in Jesus Christ name. Deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from your works. I loose myself from you now in Jesus name. I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I have a confession to make my ancestors and I have sought super natural experiences apart from you. We have disobeyed your word. I ask for you’re forgiveness. I renounce witch craft and magic both black & white. I renounce witch craft and all occult games etc. I renounce hypnoses. I break any hold placed on me. I command it right back where it came from in Jesus name. I thank you Lord for all your doing in through and for me right now! By the Blood of Jesus Christ amen.

God Bless you all!

Jacqueline L. Greek