MOUNTAIN TOP OF LIFE! Starting up the side of the Mountain Top Of Life. Realizing I was unable to make it up on my own. I cried out to my Lord. “JESUS!” I need you along the way! I am too tired to go the rest of the way on my own.

Jesus said His yoke was easy and his burden is light. He also had the rest I needed in Him. But it would cost me everything I have. Looking at the cost, I knew it was worth the price of all that I have. Giving up my heavy load of burdens which weighted me down. I then enter into His rest. I gave all that I was and surrender my life to do His will.

Jesus warned me all the dangers ahead. But promised never to leave me. All I had to do was keep my eyes fixed on Him. And to call upon Him in time of need.

Ready to leave all that had behind me. Up themountain I went with Jesus. I was safe and secure in His Love. Half-way up a big storm was brewing. So I took my anchor and put it into the solid foundation of Jesus. Anchored deep in that foundation. I continued praising Jesus. Though that mighty storm hit with all its might I was not shaken. Once the storm passed, knowing I had won that victory in Jesus Christ! Jesus told me: “The battle was not mine but His alone to win.”

Not a worry in sight on up the path I went. Blocking the path was many obstacles. The enemy had tried to convince me that this was not the way. Not moved by what he said, calling out to Jesus and all that hindered me was moved out of the way.

Near the top I started to run with all my might. Leaving Jesus behind. My feet hit the loose foundation of sand. Falling down the mountain side, broken with tears and bruised on every side. “JESUS” I cried! He then came rushing to my side. Picking me up and tenderly healing my broken heart and wiping away the tears. So gentle was He and loving me just the same!

Rested in Christ and starting all over again. Slowly this time, keeping my eyes fixed on Jesus all the way. Making my way on up the MOUNTAIN TOP OF LIFE! Only to find a blizzard of snow blowing so hard that I was unable to see. Cold, tired and hungry, turning to go back down I started to cry and Jesus was at my side! Taking hold of my hand and warmed my His love and feeding on His word. I enter back into His rest.

Walking with Jesus pressing in and pushing through all the blinding snow, we made it all the way! The glorious sun was shining so brightly with the glory of God’s SON. “JESUS CHRIST” I then laid down to rest.

When I awoke Jesus was waiting on me! Saying I had passed His test. “Many are called but few are chosen.” Self gets in the way and not trusting me to take them all the way up to the top.

The victory was won, not in my own self but through “JESUS CHRIST!”

He took me up on the mountain top of life!

Every step I took along the way was worth every price of my life,

that was not my own!

“God gave me this in 1992”

God was showing me how he works in everyones life which is full of mountains that we must get to the top.

And all we need to do is turn our life over to me and just trust in him to move us where he is leading us to go.

Many things happen in our life, and no matter what it is, we can call in the Name of Jesus and he will be there carrying you over to the top!

Please don't forget to sign my Guest Book and tell me what God is doing in your life! It is at the bottom of this page!

Are you hearing God in your life?

And have you accepted Jesus into your heart?

If not all you need to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and say:

Jesus I know you are real and I believe that you died on the cross for me, you redeemed me by your Blood. I want to live for you! I confess all my sins known and unknown. I am sorry for them all. I Renounce them all I forgive all others, and I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now, and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now forever from sin, I come to you now as my deliverer you know my special needs the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles, that evil spirit. That unclean spirit. I claim the promises of your word. "Who so ever that calleth on the Lord shall be delivered," I call upon you now in Jesus Christ name. Deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from your works. I loose myself from you now in Jesus name. I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I have a confession to make my ancestors and I have sought super natural experiences apart from you. We have disobeyed your word. I ask for you’re forgiveness. I renounce witch craft and magic both black & white. I renounce witch craft and all occult games etc. I renounce hypnoses. I break any hold placed on me. I command it right back where it came from in Jesus name. I thank you Lord for all your doing in through and for me right now! By the Blood of Jesus Christ amen.

God Bless you all!

Jacqueline L. Greek