Sunday Family Humour 4th March Page 2

Sunday Family Humour 4th March Page 2

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

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Only in Wisconsin

Thanks to David Meyer

Proof that you can never underestimate the innovativeness of American Farm Boys:

At a high school in Wisconsin, a group of students played a prank by letting three goats loose inside the school one night.

But before turning them loose, they painted numbers on the sides of the goats: 1, 2 and 4.

School Administrators spent most of the next day looking for No. 3.

Now that's funny.

And you thought there was nothing to do in Wisconsin!

See you in the Tool Shed

Thanks to David C.

Magnificent Motorbike Collection

Thanks to David H.

bike collection.ppt

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What a Wonderful World

Thanks to Paul S.

Squirrels and Puppies

Thanks to Ray M.

The moral of this story is the best part!!!

Debby Cantlon, who plans to release Finnegan, the young squirrel, back into the wild,

bottle-fed the infant squirrel after it was brought to her house.

When Cantlon took in the tiny creature and began caring for him,

she found herself with an unlikely nurse's aide: her pregnant Papillion, Mademoiselle Giselle.

Finnegan was resting in a nest in a cage just days before Giselle was due to deliver her puppies.

Cantlon and her husband watched as the dog dragged the squirrel's cage twice to her own bedside before she gave birth.

Cantlon was concerned, yet ultimately decided to allow the squirrel out and the inter-species bonding began.

Finnegan rides a puppy mosh pit of sorts, burrowing in for warmth after feeding, eventually working his way beneath his new litter mates.

Two days after giving birth, mama dog Giselle allowed Finnegan to nurse; family photos and a videotape show her encouraging him to suckle alongside her litter of five pups.

Now, Finnegan mostly uses a bottle, but still snuggles with his 'siblings' in amosh pit of puppies, rolling atop their bodies, and sinking in deeply for a nap.

Finnegan and his new litter mates, five Papillion puppies, get along together as if they were meant to.

Finnegan naps after feeding.

Finnegan makes himself at home with his new litter mates, nuzzling nose-to-nose for a nap after feeding.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all get along like Finnegan and the gang?

MORAL OF THE STORY: Keep loving everyone, even the squirrelly ones

Go Sistah

Thanks to Ray O'.

Places I have been

Thanks to Bill S.

I have been in many places,

but I've never been in Cahoots.

Apparently, you can't go alone.

You have to be in Cahoots with someone.

I've also never been in Cognito.

I hear no one recognizes you there.

I have, however, been in Sane.

They don't have an airport;

you have to be driven there.

I have made several trips there, thanks to my friends, family and work.

I live close so it's a short drive.

I would like to go to Conclusions,

but you have to jump, and I'm not too much on physical activity anymore.

I have also been in Doubt.

That is a sad place to go,

and I try not to visit there too often.

I've been in Flexible, but only when it was very important to stand firm.

Sometimes I'm in Capable, and I go there more often as I'm getting older.

One of my favourite places to be is in Suspense!

It really gets the adrenalin flowing and pumps up the old heart!

At my age I need all the stimuli I can get!

And, sometimes I think I am in Vincible but life shows me I am not.

People keep telling me I'm in Denial

but I'm positive I've never been there before!

I have been in Deepshit many times;

the older I get, the easier it is to get there.

I actually kind of enjoy it there.

So far, I haven't been in Continent;

but my travel agent says I'll be going soon.

Hash House Harriers

The Hash House Harriers (abbreviated to HHH, H3, or referred to simply as Hashing)

is an international group of non-competitive running, social and drinking clubs,

whose organisation and mismanagement have existed for over 50 years.

VBH3 Run 800 four-run weekend

As we approach the fever pitch of VBH3 Run 800, we can expect some innovations.

Following an encouraging response to our opening lack of publicity, we now provide more details of the planned activities.

It will be a forgettable weekend, as follows:

9th March Friday evening - Nonthabouli run - hare Ajaan Kii Mao

- Meeting point is the New Juke Box (see map below) 5.30pm

Pay what you spend.


A package is offered for Saturday and Sunday, including:

- the official Run 800 shirt

- Run 800 run and circle fees

10 March Saturday Afternoon VBH3 Run 800 run fees

Run 800 On On fees including good food and drink

Meet at Nam Phu (Fountain) 3.45 pm

10 March Evening VBH3 Run 800 On On

11 March Sunday Morning VBH3 Run 800 Liver Run

with beer stops and full Scottish breakfast.

All in PACKAGE cost - Foreigner Adult 200,000 Lao Adult 160,000

with discounts for children, those doing one run only, and those not requiring a shirt.

12 March - VH3 offers its regular Monday run at regular rates.


Friday - Nonthabouli style run

Saturday 800 run package including shirt, beer and dinner

Sunday 800 liver run and package including beer and breakfast

Monday VH3 regular run

VBH3 and VH3 need more hashers, so if you have any friends who are adept enough to be a hasher,

please bring or send them along. Everyone is welcome (except one Irishman from Hanoi :).

No booking necessary unless you are bringing more than ten.

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