Sunday Family Humour 15th April Page 2

Sunday Family Humour 15th April Page 2

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

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Mobile Phones

Thanks to Ray O'.

You know how irritating mobile phone users are when they fail to

exercise discretion and think the world needs to know their business?

As the story was told ...

After a busy day, our friend had just settled down for a nap on his train from Waterloo

as far as his destination at Winchester, when the chap sitting near

him hauled out his mobile and started up:

"Hi darling it's Peter, I'm on the train - yes,

I know it's the 6.30 not the 4.30 but I had a long meeting -

no, not with that floozy from the typing pool, with the boss!

no darling you're the only one in my life - yes, I'm sure, cross my

heart" etc., etc.

This was still going on at Wimbledon ,

when the young woman opposite, driven beyond endurance,

yelled at the top of her voice,

"Hey, Peter, turn that bloody phone off and come back to bed!!"

Bring Me Sunshine

Thanks to Ray M.

Pictures From Your Childhood

Thanks to Tony H.


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The Red Sparrows

Thanks to Cindy

Finger Monkeys

Thanks to David M.

They are native to rain-forests of Brazil , Peru , Bolivia , Ecuador and Colombia . (Source: Buzzle)

Finger monkeys are, as a matter of fact, pygmy marmosets.

They are also known by the names "pocket monkey"and "tiny lion".

This cute little primate hugs and grips on to your finger so tight that it pulls your heartstrings and you wish you could take it home with you.

The finger monkey is the tiniest living primate in the world.

It's so small that it can hold on to your finger.

These primates belong to the family Callitrichidae, species Cebuella and genus C. pygmaea.

This one is kinda Oriential Huh?

Enjoy! If it wasn't for the Internet... would you have ever seen or have known about these little creatures?

Working After 70

Thanks to Paul S.

High Tec Times Cartoons

Thanks to Lee

Hash House Harriers

The Hash House Harriers (abbreviated to HHH, H3, or referred to simply as Hashing)

is an international group of non-competitive running, social and drinking clubs,

whose organisation and mismanagement have existed for over 50 years.

Visit relaxing Laos

Vientiane Hashes run every Saturday and Monday

and monthly bike hashes

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