Sunday Family Humour 23rd October

Sunday Family Humour 23rd October

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

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Five things that you cannot recover in life

Thanks to Bill S.

This is the e-mail that the employee's at ATB in Edmonton (Canada)

passed around before they won the big lottery last year.

Let's hope it works for you and us ...

There are five things that you cannot recover in life:

(1) The Stone............after it's thrown,

(2) The Word.................after it's said,

(3) The Occasion.......after it's missed

(4) The Time...............after it's gone and

(5) A person..................after they die

What surprises the Dalai Lama?

Thanks to Paul S.

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Boat racing on Pace Notes

Thanks to David H.

Some new signs

Thanks to David M.

Signs 2

Enjoy Life

Thanks to Bill S.

Enjoy Life - It Has An Expiration Date

Give this heart to everyone you don't want to lose in 2012!


Thanks to David H.


Chicken Wire Art

Thanks to David Meyer

Chicken wire is used to make fences, paper mache objects,

building stucco walls, creating shapes for bushes and hedges and art.

But this British-born artist Ivan Lovatt found another use for it.

His artwork sells for $9,000 to $18,000.

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