Sunday Family Humour 22nd January Page 2

Sunday Family Humour 22nd January Page 2

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

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School Speech Winner

Thanks to Lee

Bird's Just Wanna Have Fun

Snowboarding Crow

Car Runs on Air

Thanks to Ray O'.

What is this?

Will it be the next big thing?

Tata Motors of India thinks so.

What will the Oil Companies do to stop it?

It is an auto engine that runs on air.

That's right; air not gas or diesel or electric but just the air around us.

Take a look.

Tata Motors of India has scheduled the Air Car to hit Indian streets by August 2012

The Air Car, developed by ex-Formula One engineer Guy N. For Luxembourg-based MDI, uses compressed air to push its engine's pistons and make the car go.

The Air Car, called the "Mini CAT" could cost around 365,757 rupees in India or $8,177 US.

The Mini CAT which is a simple, light urban car, with a tubular chassis, a body of fiberglass that is glued not welded and powered by compressed air. A Microprocessor is used to control all electrical functions of the car. One tiny radio transmitter sends instructions to the lights, turn signals and every other electrical device on the car. Which are not many.

The temperature of the clean air expelled by the exhaust pipe is between 0-15 degrees below zero, which makes it suitable for use by the internal air conditioning system with no need for gases or loss of power.

There are no keys, just an access card which can be read by the car from your pocket. According to the designers, it costs less than 50 rupees per 100 KM, that's about a tenth the cost of a car running on gas. It's mileage is about double that of the most advanced electric car, a factor which makes it a perfect choice for city motorists. The car has a top speed of 105 KM per hour or 60 mph and would have a range of around 300 km or 185 miles between refuels. Refilling the car will take place at adapted gas stations with special air compressors. A fill up will only take two to three minutes and costs approximately 100 rupees and the car will be ready to go another 300 kilometers.

This car can also be filled at home with it's on board compressor. It will take 3-4 hours to refill the tank, but it can be done while you sleep.

Because there is no combustion engine, changing the 1 liter of vegetable oil is only necessary every 50,000 KM or 30,000 miles. Due to its simplicity, there is very little maintenance to be done on this car.

This Air Car almost sounds too good to be true. We'll see in August. 2012

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No costs, nothing else needed. Welcome and thank you.

Diet Coke

Thanks to Capt. Bob

The Lord's Prayer

Thanks to Ray M.

Our Father Who Art In Heaven.


Don't interrupt me. I'm praying.

But -- you called ME!

Called you?

No, I didn't call you.

I'm praying.

Our Father who art in Heaven.

There -- you did it again!

Did what?

Called ME.

You said,

"Our Father who art in Heaven"

Well, here I am..

What's on your mind?

But I didn't mean anything by it.

I was, you know, just saying my prayers for the day.

I always say the Lord's Prayer.

It makes me feel good,

kind of like fulfilling a duty.

Well, all right.

Go on.

Okay, Hallowed be thy name .

Hold it right there.

What do you mean by that?

By what?

By "Hallowed be thy name"?

It means , it means . . good grief,

I don't know what it means.

How in the world should I know?

It's just a part of the prayer.

By the way, what does it mean?

It means honored, holy, wonderful.

Hey, that makes sense..

I never thought about what 'hallowed' meant before.


Thy Kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

on earth as it is in Heaven.

Do you really mean that?

Sure, why not?

What are you doing about it?

Doing? Why, nothing, I guess.

I just think it would be kind of neat if you’ve got

control, of everything down here like you have up

there. We're kinda in a mess down here you know.

Yes, I know;

but, have I got control of you?

Well, I go to church.

That isn't what I asked you.

What about your bad temper?

You've really got a problem there, you know.

And then there's the way you spend

your money -- all on yourself.

And what about the kind of books you read ?

Now hold on just a minute!

Stop picking on me!

I'm just as good as some of the rest of those People at church!

Excuse ME..

I thought you were praying

for my will to be done.

If that is to happen,

it will have to start with the ones

who are praying for it.

Like you -- for example ..

Oh, all right. I guess I do have some hang-ups.

Now that you mention it,

I could probably name some others.

So could I.

I haven't thought about it very much until now,

but I really would like to cut out some of those things.

I would like to, you know, be really free.


Now we're getting somewhere.

We'll work together -- You and ME.

I'm proud of You.

Look, Lord, if you don't mind,

I need to finish up here.

This is taking a lot longer than it usually does.

Give us this day, our daily bread..

You need to cut out the bread..

You're overweight as it is.

Hey, wait a minute! What is this?

Here I was doing my religious duty,

and all of a sudden you break in

and remind me of all my hang-ups.

Praying is a dangerous thing.

You just might get what you ask for.

Remember, you called ME -- and here I am.

It's too late to stop now.

Keep praying. ( pause .. . )

Well, go on.

I'm scared to.

Scared? Of what?

I know what you'll say.

Try ME.

Forgive us our sins,

as we forgive those who sin against us.

What about Ann?

See? I knew it!

I knew you would bring her up!

Why, Lord, she's told lies about me, spread stories.

She never paid back the money she owes me.

I've sworn to get even with her!

But -- your prayer --

What about your prayer?

I didn't -- mean it..

Well, at least you're honest.

But, it's quite a load carrying around all that

bitterness and resentment isn't it?

Yes, but I'll feel better as soon as I get even with her.

Boy, have I got some plans for her.

She'll wish she had never been born.

No, you won't feel any better.

You'll feel worse.

Revenge isn't sweet.

You know how unhappy you are --

Well, I can change that.

You can? How?

Forgive Ann.

Then, I'll forgive you;

And the hate and the sin,

will be Ann's problem -- not yours.

You will have settled the problem

as far as you are concerned.

Oh, you know, you're right.

You always are.

And more than I want revenge,

I want to be right with You . . (sigh).

All right, all right . .

I forgive her.

There now!


How do you feel?

Hmmmm. Well, not bad.

Not bad at all!

In fact, I feel pretty great!

You know, I don't think I'll go to bed uptight tonight.

I haven't been getting much rest, you know.

Yeah, I know.

But, you're not through with your prayer, are you?

Go on.

Oh, all right.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

Good! Good! I'll do that.

Just don't put yourself in a place

where you can be tempted.

What do you mean by that?

You know what I mean.

Yeah. I know.


Go ahead. Finish your prayer.

For Thine is the kingdom,

and the power,

and the glory forever.


Do you know what would bring me glory --

What would really make me happy?

No, but I'd like to know. I want to please you now.

I've really made a mess of things.

I want to truly follow you..

I can see now how great that would be.

So, tell me . . .

How do I make you happy?

YOU just did.

With thanks to

John and Ramona Rohrer

For the Christian Prayer is not an option but an opportunity.

"In prayer; expect setbacks, but refuse retreat". R. Eastman

Salvation: Nothing to Earn, Much to Learn. Adrian Rogers

Seven days without prayer makes one weak.

Do your best; bring out the best in others.

Don't tell the Lord how big the problem is,

tell the problem how Great the Lord is!

Put God first, be happy at last!

Heavy Thinker

Thanks to Paul S.

It started out innocently enough.

I began to think at parties now and then to loosen up.

Inevitably though, one thought led to another,

and soon I was more than just a social thinker.

I began to think alone - "to relax," I told myself

- but I knew it wasn't true.

Thinking became more and more important to me,

and finally I was thinking all the time.

I began to think on the job.

I knew that thinking and employment don't mix,

but I couldn't stop myself.

I began to avoid friends at lunchtime so I could read Thoreau and Kafka.

I would return to the office dizzied and confused, asking,

"What is it exactly we are doing here?"

Things weren't going so great at home either.

One evening I had turned off the TV and asked my wife about the meaning of life.

She spent that night at her mother's.

I soon had a reputation as a heavy thinker.

One day the boss called me in.

He said, "Skippy, I like you, and it hurts me to say this,

but your thinking has become a real problem.

If you don't stop thinking on the job, you'll have to find another job."

This gave me a lot to think about.

I came home early after my conversation with the boss.

"Honey," I confessed, "I've been thinking..."

"I know you've been thinking," she said,

"and I want a divorce!"

"But Honey, surely it's not that serious."

"It is serious," she said, lower lip a quiver.

"You think as much as college professors,

and college professors don't make any money,

so if you keep on thinking we won't have any money!"

"That's a faulty syllogism," I said impatiently, and she began to cry.

I'd had enough. "I'm going to the library,"

I snarled as I stomped out the door.

I headed for the library, in the mood for some Nietzsche,

with a PBS station on the radio.

I roared into the parking lot and ran up to the big glass doors... they didn't open.

The library was closed.

To this day, I believe that a Higher Power was looking out for me that night.

As I sank to the ground clawing at the unfeeling glass,

whimpering for Zarathustra, a poster caught my eye.

"Friend, is heavy thinking ruining your life?" it asked.

You probably recognize that line.

It comes from the standard Thinker's Anonymous poster.

Which is why I am what I am today: a recovering thinker.

I never miss a TA meeting.

At each meeting we watch a non-educational video;

last week it was "Porky's."

Then we share experiences about how we avoided thinking since the last meeting.

I still have my job, and things are a lot better at home.

Life just seemed... easier, somehow, as soon as I stopped thinking.

Juke Box

Thanks to Paul S.

60 years of top songs

This is neat.

It's sort of a time machine of music.

Each of the years below connects to the best 20 hits of that year.

Pick a year, wait a few seconds, and the Juke Box will show you the 20 hits to select from.

You can play all 20 hits, or just those that you like.

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