Wild Rice, Turkey, Cranberry and Pecan Salad

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Adapted from Nigella Christmas

Serves 6 – 8


2 pkg (8.8 oz) Uncle Ben’s Long Grain & Wild Ready Rice (ready in 90 seconds) or substitute 3 - 4 cups cooked brown or wild rice

¾ cup dried cranberries

*4 cups cold cooked turkey, diced or shredded

2 tablespoons cranberry sauce or jelly

2 tablespoons lime juice

¼ cup olive oil

1 teaspoon sugar

½ cup pecan pieces or halves

½ cup chopped baby spinach

Cook rice according to package directions, allow to cool. Add dried cranberries, and diced turkey to cooked rice.

Make a dressing by whisking together the cranberry sauce or jelly, lime juice, oil and sugar.

Toss the dressing through the rice, cranberries and turkey. Add the pecans to the salad with chopped spinach.

*For a quick week night meal with the busy holiday season, substitute a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store.