Customize Your Favorite Team Popcorn Mix

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Truly addictive, this sweet and salty popcorn mix is a winning combination and snap to make to kick off your tailgate party or enjoy as a halftime treat! Best of all, you can customize it to your taste, using your team colors.


16 oz. package of Candiquick vanilla flavoring, almond bark or similar candy coating

6 cups of popped popcorn, old maids removed

Colored jimmies or sprinkles in team colors

Mixed Nuts or peanuts


Candy of choice, M&M's, candy corn, etc.


Pop your corn using your preferred method, removing any old maids or unpopped kernels and set aside. Melt the candy coating according to package directions, microwaving for one minute, then stirring and repeating in 15 second increments until melted, careful not to scorch. Mix your melted candy coating with your popcorn in a large bowl, stirring until coated, then spread popcorn on wax paper or parchment lined baking sheet(s). While the candy coating is still warm, add colored jimmies or sprinkles onto your popcorn. Once your candy coating on your popcorn is set (about 10 – 15 minutes), break into pieces. (You can place your coated popcorn in the refrigerator to speed up the setting up process if desired.) Mix other ingredients to your coated popcorn~ nuts, pretzels, and candy of choice. Store in airtight container to keep fresh up to one week.