Mason Jar Dessert: Stars and Stripes Berry Trifles

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More of a procedure than a recipe, you can customize your trifle-in-a-jar with the fruit and cake flavor of your choice, altering the layers with your choice of custard, pudding, lemon curd, whipped cream or a combination! Assemble a day ahead or several hours in advance and refrigerate. Use the jar lids for a portable picnic dessert, topping with additional whipped cream and berries when ready to serve.

Yield: Makes (6) pint or (12) half pint mason jar desserts


8 oz. cream cheese, softened (I used Neufchâtel)

1 (10 oz.) jar lemon curd, or make your own microwave lemon curd

8 oz. container whipped topping

Half of a pound cake or angel food cake, cut in cubes (from grocery store bakery)

1 pint each: strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, (rinsed and dried, strawberries sliced)


Mix softened cream cheese with lemon curd, until smooth. (Use a food processor for easy mixing. You can make ahead a couple of days in advance and store in refrigerator until ready to assemble.)

Build your trifle as desired, layering cubes of cake, berries, cream cheese/lemon curd mixture. Repeat layers alternating with whipped cream for cream cheese/curd layer as you assemble. Refrigerate until ready to serve.