Valentine -DNA-RNA

Friends we are two famous power couple molecules,

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid).

Together we are involved in the maintenance, replication,

And expression of hereditary information in cell living,

Together we ensure that the DNA is replicated,

The genetic code is translated, expressed,

And that things go where they should,

We both are nucleic acids of nitrogen,

Containing bases joined by sugar-phosphate backbone.

DNA- I am awe-worthy, holding the key to heredity,

You(RNA) are also just as impressive, as pretty as I am,

You run the show, with me(DNA) as the star- main.

DNA-I am biological flash device of living cell and allows,

Blue print of life to be passed between generations,

RNA function is to read my flash drive,

That decode my(DNA) genetic information,

DNA- I am responsible for storing and transferring,

Genetic information to make other cells and new organisms.

(RNA directly code for amino acids and act as a messenger,

between me(DNA) and ribosomes to make proteins.


DNA-I am high expression of chromosomes found in nucleus,

RNA are found in living cell cytoplasm, ribosome and nucleus,

Messenger RNA act as ON, and OFF switch of gene expression needed.

DNA-I include sugar Deoxyribose in my nucleotide,

RNA include sugar ribose, in your nucleotides,

DNA - nucleobase thymine is found in me,

Nucleobase uracil is found in RNA.

DNA- self-replicating double-stranded molecule, I am,

Single-stranded molecule is RNA,

RNA is synthesised from me (DNA ) only when it needed,

Then RNA migrate to the cytoplasm;

At site ribosome and manufacture protein needed.

DNA -I am more stable nucleic acid than RNA

I am better genetic material than RNA.

To save and transfer best genetic material,

To coming generation is mission; DNA-RNA,

We complement each other as couple Valentine,

All human beings; please be human- is our love mission Valentine,

We are very precise in bio informatics genetic calculations,

We work day night and create best scientific history – DNA.

Humans please help in love mission Valentine molecules DNA –RNA,

Please help in preserving earth bio diversity lovely,

Produced by hard work of Valentine DNA-RNA.

Happy Valentine Day to humanity from your DNA and RNA.