A Riddle

I act like a forced storm,

I teach humanity through

my hard core training,

To find peace measures through,

Permutations of atom molecule life

I am not a saint great!

I act like equaliser;

For every caste,and creed of humanity,

I show everyone,with help of my,

Inquisitive scientific temperament,

Magic in life unique,

I am not spiritual leader!

I teach,and look for useful group,

In lab compound synthesised molecules,

To reduce suffering of life,

I am not a healer friends.

I am species from kingdom animal,

I am son of chemist and mathematics,

My mother is chemistry,

My father is mathematics,

My friends call me iron59,

I am True "Scientist"GERMAN”,

I synthesised drugs aspirin and heroine.

Can you guess my real fullname ,

YES, friend here is the explanation,

iron=Fe(chemist mother) chemical symbol,

59=LIXMATHEMATICS father (roman numerals),

You synthesised drugs aspirin and heroine,

You areScientist"German”,

Hence Felix Hoffmann is yourfull name.