Angels of Science-I Wish to Teach

I have been a scientist,

Major portion of my life sand has slipped through my fist,

Minor portion of my life sand is still in my fist.

In my young age; I chased my dreams,

Like a drop in ocean; I did achieve ,

Some so called success in my scientific life,

But now when I am spending evening of my life,

I wish to do activities which are above possession and positions..

No of research papers in high impact factor journal,

No of patents in scientific field,

No of thesis supervised,

No of students who worked with me,

Account statement is still with me,

Which partially make me happy-but not in sense real.

I wish to do activities which are above possession and positions

My children, my students, my good friends, my loved ones,

My lovely; unnamed, named relationships,

Doing all these magical ventures in life,

I have come to evening of my life.

Before night of my life start,

And there is little darkness in sky,

All hustle bustle of scientific life , distance from me,

I wish to do activities which are above possession and positions

For children -future of our country, world and humanity,

In down trodden village near by my city,

I wish to light up scientific knowledge lamp ,

By spending my left over life fist sand,

In building –working big tinkering lab,

I wish to perform simple science experiment in children camp,

Peacefully teaching and empowering little angels of science,

Major portion of my life sand has slipped through my fist,

Minor portion of life sand is left in my fist,

My life sand spent in tinkering lab with noble souls,

Will be above possession and position.

Will give love for science to little angels of science.