Time Management - 10 Essential Hacks (List)

  1. Know Your Goals, and Organize Them by Their Value and Priority
  2. Prioritize: Focus on One Important Task and Work on It Today
  3. Know Your Top Priority in Each Moment
  4. Set a Dollar Value on Your Time
  5. Nothing’s Perfect. Just Get It Done. Your Best in That Moment Is OK
    1. You want to do your “best.” However, perfectionism wastes time. Nothing’s perfect. If you’re prone to perfectionism, be aware of it, and force yourself to let things go.
  6. Get It Done in Half the Time You Think You Need
    1. If you’re a perfectionist, try setting hard deadlines. For example, let’s say it usually takes you three hours to complete a task. Set yourself a deadline of 90 minutes. You’ll be surprised that you usually complete the task within the deadline
  7. Schedule Planning and Thinking Time Each Day
  8. Turn Big Goals Into Small Daily Tasks
  9. If Someone Else Can Do It: Delegate
  10. Set a Deadline for Every Project