Make Your Group Successful

Someone needs to lead as a Champion with a Collaborative mindset.

What business challenges are you trying to resolve with your group? (e.g. improve business processes, increase team visibility, increase engagement, innovate, etc.)


  • What is the group’s focus?


  • Are there any barriers in using the group? What do you need to do in order to mitigate them?

Success Criteria

  • What would a successful group look like and how are you going measure its success?


  • What are the benefits that the success of this group will bring to others?


  • What are you going to do in order to get this working? What are the critical things that need to be in place? i.e. sponsorship, communication, training, etc.

Who do you need to get involved to ensure success of your group? (e.g. sponsors, project manager, communications team, local champions / power users / advocates)

When will it happen, what is your high-level plan?

How are the Stakeholders and sponsors going to support you?

At what point are you going to be measuring benefits?


Lead by example – proactively demonstrate the behavior you want to see

Engage with the group – start conversation, share information, and @mention others

Share your success – with your colleagues and the leaders