Photography Workflow and Folder Structure

First step - get your folder structure set up (Mac OS X)

The root folder is called: Pictures

Within that folder is a series of months. Like this:





Within each month is the subject of the photos. Like this:


    Nov 2016 - Travel - Banff

    Nov 2016 - Travel - Switzerland

    Nov 2016 - Travel - Tucson - Backpacking

The structure is very simple but it has served its purpose for many years.

Lightroom Workflow

I use the built in chip reader on my MacBook Pro to save battery on my camera

Make sure to select "Don't import Suspected Duplicates".

I set up Lightroom to import photos to a "01 - Pre-Processing" folder into the current  Year / Month folder. Check the "into Subfolder" checkbox after selecting the folder under the "Destination" section on the right. Confused? I need to track down a web link to get you some help.

After I bring in the photos to the "01 - Pre-Processing" folder I right mouse click on one of the photos that was brought in and I select "Go to Folder in Library". That brings you to where the "01 - Pre-Processing" folder is where you just brought in your photos. Alternatively - you can select the "Last Import" folder to work in the pool of photos you just imported.

I go through and press an "X" for those photos that are marked to be deleted and a "3" or more to selected photos that are Good and up to a "5" for Great. 

After going through all the photos I select "Command-Delete" to remove all the photos marked for deletion. Make sure to select "Remove from Drive" otherwise the photos will stay on the drive and take up space.

I filter on the "3 or greater" and I then apply the Develop settings I want for those Good and Great photos.

I may also want to apply keywords as needed / wanted.

This is when the real work begins - now that you have the best of the best you will want to "process them" which means you will help make the photo truly shine.

Photo Processing Tips

Select all the photos you want in the State Fair folder then right mouse click on the Year / Month folder the event occurred and select "Create Folder inside "2013_09_September"" Create a name called "Sep 13 - MN State Fair". That will create the folder and move the files into the folder.

Thats it!