Target Heart Rate Formula

Dr Maffetone has a formula to help a person train at the correct heart beat intensity. The formula is 180 - your age. If one has been injured in the last 3 months, has a chronic illness like asthma, or has a lot of other stressors in life, then subtract another 5 points. If one has been training for a couple of years and has been healthy overall without any illnesses in the last six months one can add 5 points.

As an example: 45 years.

180 – 45 = 135 Maximum Aerobic Frequency (MAF).

135 + 5 = 140 added 5 point to the MAF because of being healthy and in good fitness level.

So the maximum training frequency is 140 bpm.

Here is how to apply this:

First measure where your fitness level it at. Do this with the MAF test.

MAF test:

Go to a track or a place where you have a flat uninterrupted measured area.

  1. Pick a time of day where you could always repeat this test.
  2. Warm up with an easy jog for 15 minutes until your heart rate is at the value calculated above.
  3. Stop and stretch for a few minutes.
  4. Then start running as soon as you get to your target heart rate note where you are on the track and note this a start point “0.”
  5. Each mile (4 loops) take your split.
  6. Keep your heart beat at the MAF frequency and don't exceed it.
  7. Run a total of 5 miles.
  8. Write down the data. It will look like this:

This is only an example; the test should be performed every 3 weeks, according to the theory. People;s experience will show improvement but if you are training and you are not improving then you are over trained. If you are performing the test the way it should be, every 3 weeks then you will notice this on time and within a couple weeks of good rest you can recover, On the other hand, if you keep training with over-training symptoms this could leave you out of improving your racing time for months.

Results of my VO2 Testing

VO2 Max (Predicted): 45.48

VO2 Max Values Chart

Heart Rate Ranges: Predicated Max = 189

Optimal training (one view) is what is in Yellow. I am thinking that Yellow for me is Race Heart Rate - around 160-165 is going to be my level.

Maximum heart rate is in Green.