Negotiate Success

Negotiating success means proactively engaging with your new boss to shape the game so that you have a fighting chance of achieving the desired goals.

Match this to the STARS portfolio

  • Get on your manager's calendar regularly - make sure they are aware of the issues you face
  • Don't surprise the manager
  • Don't approach your manager only with problems - come with a plan for how to proceed
  • Don't run down your checklist - focus on the most important things you're trying to do and how they can help
  • Don't expect your manager to change - adapt to your manager's style
  • Clarify expectations early and often
  • Take 100 percent responsibility for making the relationship work
  • Negotiate time lines for diagnosis and action planning
  • Aim for early wins in areas important to your manager - figure out what your manager cares about most. Focus on three things that are important to your manager and discuss what you're doing about them every time you interact.
  • Pursue good marks from those whose opinions your manager respects.

Planning for Five Conversations

  1. Situational diagnosis conversation
  2. Expectations conversation
  3. Resource conversation
  4. Style conversation
  5. Personal development conversation

Identify the "untouchables"