Context of the Tools


Instantiated in the Bullet Journal

  • Paper-based System: Bullet Journal - because - writing things down has been proven to be more effective than being Digital

  • Projects / Lists: GTD

  • Next Physical Actions: GTD

  • Someday / Maybe: GTD

  • Waiting For: GTD

  • Collections: Bullet Journal

  • Future Logs: Bullet Journal

  • Daily Logs: Bullet Journal

  • Monthly Logs: Bullet Journal

Enduring Practices

Instantiated in Field Notes

Some GTD / BuJO processes to work through:

How Best to Leverage these Routines

  • Weekly log = GTD Calendar + Next Actions List + Weekly Review

  • Brain dump everything for clarity

  • Run your brain dump items through the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize

  • BuJo Daily Log = GTD Next Actions + Calendar + Inbox + Brain Dump

  • Time blocking – for improved concentration and efficiency in workflow

  • Theme Your Days – for improved efficiency

  • BuJo Collections = GTD Current Projects, Up next, Someday, Incubation

  • Calendex - Calendar Index

Field Notes Supports the Long Running Productivity Projects/ Goals

In general - there is NO need to introduce Field Notes in your process unless you feel the need - keep things as low friction/ easy as possible and introducing too much work into your planning process defeats the purpose and you will stop planning because it became too much work

Field Notes - Productivity Practices

Used for Practices [some Collections], notes while in the Field, Working on something longer than a Bullet Journal may last [hobbies, projects, practices]

When I find myself copying/ transferring content from my current Bullet Journal (BuJo) to a new book (when it fills up) I question whether it should go into a Field Note book.

If the tasks/ project spans months it probably belongs in a Field Note

Field Notes - Career Practices - Straining the Cottage Cheese

  • Relationship Management

Field Notes - Relationship

  • Life Commitments

  • Expectations vs. Intention

  • Six Fatal Phrases


Task Tracking

Due - I use this application for those items that I cannot forget, example, "Recycling goes to the curb every other week - so - when do I need to take it out?"

Shopping Lists

Buy Me a Pie - I use a clever shopping list on my phone that is organized by context in true GTD style AND syncs to others so you can add something to a list and others will see it. I have lists for Trader Joe's, Target, Home Improvement store, REI, India Bazaar (Indian grocery store), IKEA, Microcenter, Byerly's, Clothing

Tracking Things to Read & Watch

Movies - When someone mentions a movie to watch I track it on IMDB where I have categories for "To Watch" and "Watched These"

Books - When someone mentions a book to read I track it on Goodreads where I have categories for "To Read", "Currently Reading" and "Red These"


Travel List - Trip Packing - every time I go on a trip I can consult my pre-built travel lists based on, 1) domestic, 2) international, 3) weekend, 4) longer than a week, 5) seasonal. One you check off everything for your trip you can re-set it so that it is ready for your next trip and if you make improvements it will remember that as well

Wellness Tracking

  • Heart Rate - I use a Fitbit

  • Sleep - I use a Fitbit

  • MapMyRun