Prepare Yourself

Onboarding to a New Company

Business Orientation

Understanding of the operating model, planning and performance evaluation systems, and talent management systems.

Stakeholder Connection

Identification of key stakeholders and building productive working relationships. Build across the team as well as vertically.

Ask your boss to identify and introduce you to the key people you should connect with early on.

Expectations Alignment

Check and recheck expectations.

Schedule a conversation with your boss about expectations in the first week

Have explicit conversations about working styles with bosses and direct reports as early as possible

Cultural Adaptation

How do people get support for important initiatives, how they win recognition for their accomplishments and how they view meetings.

Schedule conversations with your new boss and HR to discuss work culture and check back with them regularly

Identify people inside the organization who could serve as cultural interpreters

After thirty days conduct an informal 360 degree check-in with your boss and peers to gauge how adaptation is proceeding

Cultural Norms

Influence: how do people get support for critical initiatives

Meetings: are meetings filled with dialogue on hard issues or are they simply forums for publicly ratifying agreements that have been reached in private

Execution: Which matters more - a deep understanding of processes or knowing the right people?

Conflict: Can people talk openly about difficult issues without fear of retribution? Or do they avoid conflict?

Recognition: Does the company promote stars, rewarding those who visibly and vocally drive business initiatives? Or does it encourage team players?

Ends versus Means: Are there any restrictions on how you achieve results?