
Podcasts/ Stories

  • Pfizer and BioNTech asked the Food and Drug Administration today to authorize their Covid-19 vaccine. We talk with the visionary scientist who developed the vaccine, Dr. Ugur Sahin, and the WSJ's Bojan Pancevski about what could be the fastest vaccine ever developed and approved.

  • The vaccine, 95% effective in a late-stage trial, looks safe and could enter distribution by year’s end

The two leading vaccines, including one developed by BioNTech, are based on a new gene-based technology that could help fight a range of diseases

  • Dr. Özlem Türeci is the chief medical officer of BioNTech, which created the first Covid-19 vaccine to be authorized in the U.S. We speak with Dr. Türeci about the technology behind the vaccine and the promise it holds for treating other diseases.

  • Trinity Goodman is a traveling crisis nurse. Since April, she has treated Covid patients in three different hotspots: New York, Texas and Indiana. She tells us about the last 8 months at the front lines of the pandemic.