Book: 4 Disciplines of Execution

Quick summary of the four disciplines

The four disciplines are designed to beat the “Whirlwind” — the day to day business that crowds out action on strategic initiatives. After implementing the four disciplines staff will still spend 80% of their time on the whirlwind — but 20% will be focused on strategic execution.

Discipline 1: Focus on the Wildly Important.

Select one, (or at the most two) critical goals at a time. This goal is called your Wildly Important Goal (WIG). This narrowing of focus is essential to ensure that the goal is achieved. WIGs should simple, vital and expressed in the form — “change from X to Y in a specific time period.”

Discipline Two: Act on the Lead Measures

Focus on the activities that drive results. Lag measures describe results, what you are trying to achieve — revenue, profit, market share. Achieving your WIG is a lag measure. Lead measures describe activities or sub-goals which can be acted upon. A good lead measure predicts success on the lag measure, and the team has direct influence over it — it’s not dependent on another team.

Discipline 3: Keep a Compelling Scoreboard

To remain engaged, the team should know at all times if they are winning. A visible scoreboard helps the team to work out how to move forward.

Discipline 4: Create a Cadence of Accountability

The first three disciplines are preparation; the fourth discipline is execution. Each team responsible for a WIG meets at least weekly in a “WIG session”. At each short session, the team reviews their commitments from the previous session, checks the scoreboard, and makes new, specific personal commitments for the next session.

There are two unalterable rules for a WIG session to be successful. First, the session is held at the same time every time, at least weekly. The meeting is sacrosanct. Second, the whirlwind is not allowed in, no matter how urgent the issue.

The Four Disciplines

Discipline One: Focus on the Wildly Important.

Pick one critical goal (or at the most two.) This is your Wildly Important Goal or WIG. It’s very difficult for most ambitious leaders to focus on only one goal, but this concentration of forces is necessary to defeat the whirlwind (bonus: the process of choosing a WIG often sharpens strategy.) Staff still need to spend 80% of their time and effort on the day-to-day, but 20% should be focused on the WIG. Once a WIG is achieved, it becomes habit and goes back into the whirlwind.

To pick a WIG, brainstorm all possible goals with your team. The WIG tends to be better when more creative possibilities are gathered. A good question to ask is: “Which one area of our team’s performance would we want to improve most (assuming everything else holds) in order to achieve the overall WIG of the organization?” Then rank the choices by impact and create a shortlist. Test each WIG on the shortlist for how it will affect the overall goals of the organization, whether it can be measured effectively, and if the team has control over the results. Define the final choice simply: “We will go from here to there by this date.” Finally, make sure that the WIG is challenging, but achievable — if you would privately be happy with getting to 70%, it’s too hard. Remember, you are trying to create a game the team can win if they rise to their potential.

How to: Rules for WIGs

Discipline Two: Act on the Lead Measures

The second discipline is to focus on the activities that drive results. There are two types of measures.

Lag measures describe results — what you are trying to achieve (revenue, profit, market share.) Your WIG is a lag measure. You can’t “do” lag measures, and they arrive too late. Lag measures are tricky, because any lack of clarity about what a team member should be doing is a victory for the whirlwind.

Lead measures describe activities or sub-goals which can be acted upon. A good lead measure predicts success on the lag measure, and the team has direct influence over it — it’s not dependent on another team. The team should choose their own lead measures by selecting activities that will have the most impact on achieving the WIG.

Getting lead measures right is essential for successful execution.

To choose good lead measures, gather the team again and brainstorm. Ask: “What could we do that we’ve never done before that might make all the difference to the WIG?” You will find two main types of lead measures: small outcomes and leveraged behaviors.

Small outcomes focus on a weekly result — with flexibility on how the team achieves it. Leveraged behaviors track specific activities.

Rank by impact and create a shortlist. Only pick a few. Then test the shortlist. Is it predictive? influenceable? measurable? Define the measure simply and clearly. Are you tracking the team or the individual? How frequently?

Discipline Three: Keep a Compelling Scoreboard

To remain engaged, the team should know at all times if they are winning. People play more seriously when they are keeping score. Without knowing the score, staff will be distracted by the whirlwind. A visible scoreboard helps the team to work out how to move forward.

There is a big difference between a manager’s scoreboard and a team’s scoreboard. The team’s scoreboard should be simple, visible, show both lead and lag measures (actions and results), and show at-a-glance if the team is winning. It can be motivating for the team to physically create their own board.

Pro Tip: Ensure that there is a bullet-proof way to update the scoreboard.

The aim is to create a winnable game for the team; one that plays out every day. The feeling of winning, has the most powerful effect on morale and engagement — and it’s something the whirlwind does not provide well.

Discipline Four: Create a Cadence of Accountability

The first three disciplines prepare for the game; the fourth discipline is the game itself — it is execution. Each team responsible for a WIG meets at least weekly in a WIG session. The aim of the WIG session is to hold team members personally accountable, clear the path ahead, solve problems, and commit to actions for the next week.

There are two unalterable rules for a WIG session to be successful. First, the session is held at the same time every time, at least weekly. The meeting is sacrosanct. Second, the whirlwind is not allowed in-no matter how urgent the issue.

How to: Run a WIG Session

WIG sessions are fast-paced, typically 20–30 minutes and have the same agenda:

Each commitment made must be a specific deliverable — not a commitment to “work on” something. Each commitment must aim to move the lead measure. A good question each team member can ask is “What are the one or two most important things I can do this week to impact the team’s performance on the scoreboard?” All commitments are personal commitments and need to be completed within a week.

Managers will likely be in two WIG sessions a week, one they lead, and one led by their manager. Frontline teams, such as those in an Emergency Department may need to create a shorter weekly WIG huddle.

The WIG sessions are like experiments where the team tries new ideas and activities and reports back. The level of importance and consistent focus the leadership puts on the WIG sessions determines their effectiveness. That and the fact that people create their own commitments. For many proponents of 4DX the lead measure for success overall is attendance and consistency of WIG sessions.

Common pitfalls

“Finally, remember that the four rules of focus are unforgiving. At some point, you will want to cheat on them, even just a little. We know. We often want to do the same inside our organization. However, what we’ve learned is that the rules governing focus are like the rules governing gravity: They aren’t concerned with what you think or with the details of your particular situation. They simply yield predictable consequences.”