Secure Early Wins

Low-hanging fruit trap

This trap catches leaders when they expend most of their energy seeking early wins that don't contribute to achieving their longer-term business objectives.

Plan Your Waves

Each wave should consist of distinct phases:

  • Learning
  • Designing the changes
  • Building support
  • Implementing the changes
  • Observing the results

Problematic Behavior Patterns - page 120

Promising Basic Principles

  • Focus on a few promising opportunities
  • Get wins that matter to your manager
  • Get wins in the right ways
  • Take the STARS portfolio into account
  • Adjust for the culture

Early Wins Evaluation Tool - page 129

FOGLAMP project checklist

  • Focus: What is the focus for this project?
  • Oversight: How will you oversee this project?
  • Goals: What are the goals and the intermediate milestones and time frames for achieving them?
  • Leadership: Who will lead the project?
  • Abilities: What mix of skills and representation needs to be included?
  • Means: What additional resources, such as facilitation, does the team need to be successful?
  • Process: Are there change models or structured processes you want the team to use?

Avoiding Predictable Surprises

  • The external environment
  • Customers, markets, competitors, and strategy
  • Internal capabilities
  • Organizational politics