Backup Details

Essentially - the main drive is being backed up by TimeMachine (two drives) and all active Music, Movies and Photos are being copied from the laptop to an external drive and that drive is backed up to the other drive.

Time Machine - Laptop Drive

Backs up to two separate external drives

Backs up the entire system - except for:

  • Movies
  • Music
  • Pictures

Which are backed up using Copy Cloner

Carbon Copy Cloner Setup

Entire Laptop Drive

BigData goes to OpenPriarie

BigData goes to ExternalDrive

Sections of Laptop Files to OpenPrairie - and - Backed up to Backblaze

BigData Lightroom

BigData Movies

BigData Music

BigData Photos - Current

Sections of G Drive Files to OpenPrairie

When the laptop hard drive gets full I move photo images to an external drive via the Lightroom catalog - and - those files need to be backed up. This is done to free up laptop drive space.

From there - all of that gets backed up to BackBlaze