Setting Up Your GTD System

There are many ways to setup GTD

Which is a part of its versatility. Use whatever is comfortable for you - change it up over time if it is not working. GTD does not require one tool but each component can be broken down into its essential elements to make it work for you.

Electronic Methods

Setting up Microsoft Products for GTD

Paper-Based Method

  1. You can use any notebook to use the GTD method. Some people use a binder - such as from Franklin so you can add/remove pages and has a calendar. Some people love using a Moleskine. I have used both of those over the years. Currently my favorite is The Bullet Journal.
  2. Use a portable memo pad that you can carry around in your pocket along with a small pen/pencil. This is critical to the system. An example of this memo pad and currently I am using Field Notes
  3. Buy a label maker for your desk so that you can create labels for file folders, etc. An example Personal Label Maker
  4. Create your 43 folders.
  • 31 Daily Files (print out each day per folder)
  • 12 Monthly Files (print out each month per folder)

Tabs to Create for the Binder/Computer

If you have a Bullet Journal / Moleskine / Franklin or other paper-based (or on the computer) system simply create the following tabs (depending on your own style - what is the order of it is not that important). The point is - doing things IN CONTEXT:

: @Calls - where you write down calls you need to make

: @Computer - things you need to do when you are at your computer

: @Office - things you need to do when you are in your office

: @Home - things you need to do when you are at home

: Read/Review - things you want to read

: @Projects (work)

: @Projects (home)

: One-on-Ones - want to remember what to talk about when you meet with your one-on-one? This is an excellent method.

: Waiting For - used when you are waiting on someone else to deliver something so you can move forward with your work

: Someday/Maybe - a list for those things you want to do at some point but not sure when

: @Agendas

: @Errands

: Calendar

In addition to the above tabs - you need to manage your other horizons of time

Create the following tabs in your favorite NoteBook - or manage these documents on your computer - whatever works for you

: 20,000 feet: Areas of responsibility.

: 30,000 feet: 1-2 year goals.

: 40,000 feet: 3-5 year vision.

: 50,000+ feet: Life