Six-level model for reviewing work. Six perspectives for defining your work

50,000+ feet: Life (why do you/company exist?)

40,000 feet: 3-5 year vision

30,000 feet: 1-2 year goals

20,000 feet: Areas of responsibility

10,000 feet: Current projects

Runway: Current actions

Details of the Six Perspectives

Additional details of the Weekly & Daily Vertical Tracking (from above detailed list)

Lists you use to track your actions.

  • Next Action: what is the very next thing you need to do to get your thing done? (E.g., "read chapter 4 and take notes," or "email a copy of my report to Anne for review"
  • Projects: chances are, many of your things will need more than one action to accomplish. Keep track of those multi-action things here. (E.g., "class presentation on Dante," or "write year-end report for boss")
  • Waiting For: often we depend on others to help get things done. If you are waiting on something, write it down here, so you don't forget. (E.g. "get back revised version of report from Anne")
  • Someday/Maybe: for when you have a great idea or long-term goal that you just can't make time to work on now. You don't want to forget about it, but you don't want it to clutter up your Projects list.
  • Context-sensitive lists: e.g., "Phone calls," "Errands," etc.
  • Calendar: try and use your calendar just for appointments and other things that have to happen on a particular day/time.
  • Filing: keep a simple, easy to update filing system. Don't let files pile up in a slush pile. Get comfortable with putting a single piece of paper in a folder, labeling it, and filing it away.