20 Questions for Business Leaders

The entire history of management ideas can be seen as a series of answers to a few pragmatic queries.

PWC Strategy + Business


  1. How do we win?
  2. How do we prepare for uncertainty?
  3. What will help us make smarter decisions?
  4. What do we know about change?
  5. What’s the best way to do the work?
  6. How can I possibly get everything done?
  7. What systems should we use to track how we’re doing?
  8. What’s our ideal organizational design?
  9. How shall we grow?
  10. What do we know about global expansion?
  11. How do we attract customers?
  12. What’s the best way to innovate?
  13. What do we do for our best employees?
  14. What is honorable?
  15. How can we fulfill our potential?
  16. How can I work here and still be me?
  17. Why do business enterprises exist?
  18. What is leadership?
  19. Who is the best CEO?
  20. How does the world really work?