
How to recover when Nike+ does not record a run - an infuriating experience I may add

  1. Go to to enter your run data. The form requires you to enter the data in as metric.
  2. When the file gets emailed copy it somewhere so that you can access it to upload on to your device.
  3. Download and install which will provide you a way to navigate the device and copy files to and from the device.
  4. Close out iTunes.
  5. Connect the device - make sure to eject and quit iTunes.
  6. If you are on a Mac drop the file into: /Volumes/Your iPod Name/iPod_Control/Device/ Trainer/Workouts/Empeds/Latest. When iTunes syncs it sends that file to the Nike+ site and moves it to the history folder.
  7. Fire up iTunes software and hook up the iPod and do a sync. With any luck you should now have your workout uploaded to the Nike+ site.