Podcasts - This American Life

Best Episodes

Shouting Across the Divide

A Muslim family moves to America. Things are good, until September 11: their daughter’s school begins using a textbook that says Muslims want to kill Christians. This and other stories of Muslims and non-Muslims trying to communicate, and misfiring.

Switched At Birth

On a summer day in 1951, two baby girls were born in a hospital in small-town Wisconsin. The infants were accidentally switched, and went home with the wrong families.

The Ghost of Bobby Dunbar

In 1912 a four year-old boy named Bobby Dunbar went missing in a swamp in Louisiana. Eight months later, he was found in the hands of a wandering handyman in Mississippi. (The picture at left was taken just days later.)

The Super

In 1980's New York City, rent is rising: it seems out of control, and residents struggle to keep up. So Jack Hitt help organize tenants, and threatens a rent strike. This does not go over so well with his building super, who, as it turns out, is a very dangerous man.