Summarising (U3)

To create / write a good summary, you should read the article or text a number of times to develop a clear understanding of:

    • the author's ideas and intentions

    • the meaning and details

    • the force with which the ideas are expressed.

Writing a summary

Use the following steps to write a summary.

Step 1

    • Write notes in point form using keywords; this will make it easier to express the ideas in your own words.

Step 2

    • Write the summary directly from your notes without re-reading the passage.

Step 3

    • Refer back to the original to ensure that your summary is a true reflection of the writer's ideas.


    • Topic sentences provide a quick outline of the main idea(s) presented in a paragraph.

    • When summarising a chapter or article, the introduction and conclusion should provide a good overview of the content.


Below is an example of this process from the first set of reading in your text:

Step 1: Read the information and take notes

Wilhelm Röntgen


nature of matter

you do not need to summarise the table, it is illustrating a point..

natural radiation

life has adapted

background radiation

terrestrial radiation

low level

Earth’s crust

cosmic radiation

outer space


magnetic field


    • Wilhelm Rontgen’s discovery of x-rays has lead to our modern understanding of matter and the nucleus

    • All of us are exposed to natural radiation. Life on Earth has adapted to this background radiation.

    • Terrestrial radiation is from the Earth, in the crust and low level

    • Cosmic radiation from the sky, universe. Atmosphere stops part of it as well as the magnetic field.