Measuring relative motion

In this activity you will examine the motion of people on wheely chairs. This will not be a race! This will be a slow motion examination of relative motion!

Clear the furniture in the room.

Mark mark a grid similar to below

Break up into groups of 5.

You will need two chairs

meter rulers

Stop watches, masking tape

2 sets of one person sits in the chair and the the pushes

One person with observing

Measure out a start and finish line at least 6 meters apart.

What to measure...

Moving at the same pace:

1. Role both chairs from the same end attempting to move at 1 m per second or slower.

a) what is the pace relative to the observer?

b) what is the pace relative to the other chair?

2. Role the chairs from either end toward the other end at a pace of 1 m per second.

a) what are the paces relative to the observer?

b) what is the pace relative to the other chair?

3. Starting at the same end. One chair needs to role at half the speed of the other

a) what are the paces relative to the observer?

b) what is the pace relative to the other chair?