L5 - Methods to find Exoplanets


By the end of this lesson you will be able to explain how analysis of the star light enables us to find the presence of planets around other stars.

Nearly 3,800 have been found so far. The most successful method is using transits, where a planet physically passes in front of its parent star.



When we first started finding planet they all seemed to be "hot Jupiters". Explain what this term means and why these were the most frequent stars found.

What now do we know about hot Jupiters and other exoplanets found.

Explore and Elaborate

Explore this website: NASA exoplanet videos

Watch all three videos, what can you say about our advances in exoplanet detection.

Which is the most effective method?

Do the Agent exoplanet activity

Make a table of all of the different exoplant detection methods explaining how they work and why they might favour particular detections.


Try questions Qs 26-31