Sauteed Green Beans with White Wine

Serves: 4

While they are a member of the legume family, Green Beans are low in carbs and are a good source of Chlorophyll and Caratenoids. A one cup serving contains about 10 grams of carb, but 4 are fiber, so only 6 net carbs per cup!

This dish is an ideal side dish for any meal and comes together in just a matter of minutes.

What you'll need:

1 Tbsp. Avocado Oil

20 oz fresh green beans, trimmed

1 tsp. course Sea Salt

1/4 tsp. fresh ground pepper

2 cloves of garlic, minced

1/2 tsp. Onion Powder

1/16 tsp. gound red pepper (more or less as desired)

1 tsp. dried Basil

3 slices of crisp cooked bacon, crumbled

1/4 c. shredded Paremsan

1 Tbsp. White Wine

Heat Avocado Oil in a heavy skillet over med-high. Add green beans, stir to coat. Add salt and pepper and garlic, reduce to medium, cover with lid and steam, covered for 4 minutes. Remove lid, add onion powder, red pepper and basil. Saute 2-3 minutes until crisp tender. Add wine to the pan and deglaze as needed, stirring to coat. Reduce heat to very low, sprinkle with bacon crumbles and Parmesan. Replace lid for a few minutes to allow cheese to melt. Enjoy! :)