Homemade Face Cleanser

NOTE: This is NOT food...come to think of it, it's made from food, so I don't think you would get sick eating it, lol. BUT I am not recommending it for food. It is a facial cleanser...and a GOOD one to boot!

1 oz Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

1 oz local Honey

1 C. Rolled Oats

1 med/lg leaf of Aloe

1/2 C. fresh mint leaves

1/2 C. fresh Lavender leaves

2-7 fresh lavender blossoms

5 drops Lavender essential oil

1/4 oz. Witch Hazel (optional ~ use if you have oily skin)

Slice aloe leaf horizontally and use a spoon to scrape out gel. Place gel into small saucepan with honey and oil. Heat over med-low heat and whisk to incorporate ingredients. Remove from heat and set aside.

Add Oats, all leaves and blooms to food processor or blender. Process on high until almost fine texture. With lid on and processor running, drizzle aloe mixture into oat mixture, allow to process. At this point, add the essential oil and Witch Hazel (if using). Process well. The mixture will be thick and a bit like putty.

I like to store this in the fridge in a jar. I transfer some to a small jar to keep in my bathroom, enough to use for about a week. Since there are no preservatives in this, I am doing this to keep it fresh.