Cinnamon Swirl Brioche (Yeast)

Makes 3 loaves

This is a make ahead dough, you must prepare it 1-5 days before baking.

Brioche Dough:

1 1/2 C. warm water

1 Tbsp. Yeast

1 Tbsp Kosher Salt

8 large eggs, slightly beaten

1/2 C. honey

3/4 C. butter (melted)

3/4 C. extra virgin coconut oil (melted)

7 1/2 C. unbleached all purpose flour (or a mix of white wheat and all purpose)


1/2 C. coconut sugar

1/2 C. organic Brown Sugar

3 Tbsp. Cinnamon

1/2 tsp. salt


Mix the water, yeast, salt, eggs, honey, butter and oil in a 5 qt stand mixer bowl until well blended. Mix in flour a cup at a time until dough is sticky and slack, but comes together somewhat (you may not use all the flour, that's ok). You do not want it to be as firm as a normal bread dough. Loosely cover bowl with plastic (allow to breathe) and a lightweight kitchen towel (I rubber-band this on. Set on counter for 2 hours, or until dough rises and collapses.

Refrigerate in the bowl and use within the next 5 days.

To Assemble:

In a small bowl, combine coconut sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon and salt; set aside.

Butter well, 3 9x4 loaf pans. Turn dough onto well floured surface and divide into 3 portions. Working with one portion at a time; pat each piece into a 7x19 inch rectangle (add more flour underneath to keep from sticking).

Use a spray bottle and lightly mist the top of the dough with water. Sprinkle almost to edges 1/3 of the sugar filling. Spray sugar filling lightly with water. Starting on short side, roll up the dough snugly and seal seam. Set on a well floured surface and let rest 10 minutes. Repeat with remaining dough portions.

After dough has rested, carefully cut into the roll (lengthwise) so that you have two sides, but keep them attached just a bit at one end. Gently stretch each half into a 14 inch length. "Braid" the two pieces together by gently laying the left piece over the right, keeping the cut side up, continue until the pieces of dough are snugly twisted. Pinch ends together and transfer to loaf pan. Repeat with remaining portions.

Cover pans loosely with plastic wrap and allow to rise until double (could take from 1 1/2 to 3 hours). Preheat oven to 350. Bake 25 minutes until crust is lightly golden. Reduce heat to 325 and tent loaves with foil. Continue baking until internal temperature reaches 200.

Let cool 5 mins in pan. Remove to wire rack and cool completely before slicing.