Vlaams onderwijs zou de sociale ongelijkheid versterken enz...

PISA-chef Andreas Schleicherschrijft in zijn recent boek dat al bij al de sociale gelijkheid in het Vlaams onderwijs vrij groot is: "But overall, the education system largely succeeds in limiting inequity and social segregation"

Dit is een bevestiging van wat wij steeds hebben gesteld.

Onze Vlaamse sociologen hebben zich steeds voor uitspraken over sociale (on)gelijkheid ten onrechte gebaseerd op de prestatiekloof - en niet op de absolute PISA-prestaties van leerlingen uit kansarmere milieus.

Andreas Schleicher has published a new book called World Class, with as subtitle “How to build a 21st-century school system”

We citeren even:

The Flemish Community of Belgium benefits from many of the advantages of school choice, such as a wide variety of pedagogies, which offers real choice for parents, and a strong drive towards quality, through competition between schools. It also suffers from some of the disadvantages of school choice, such as a relatively high level of socio-economic segregation among schools and a strong relationship between family background and learning outcomes.

But overall, the education system largely succeeds in limiting inequity and social segregation by implementing some steering and accountability mechanisms that apply to all schools.