Selfie Still Life



The subject of this drawing is the pencil, the phone, and the bottle of hand sanitizer. Like almost all my drawings in this class, this doesn't really have a setting. I drew it using a 2H pencil (i draw everything in 2H), then went over the sketchy lines with a 2B pencil. I chose to draw those objects because they are things that I use literally every day of my life.


I used pure contour in this drawing, as my technique, along with zooming and cropping so that the items go to the end of the paper. Also a little bit of selective focus, because your eyes are drawn to where the 3 items meet and overlap. I didn't really ever need to change anything with this drawing, nothing really needed revision.


Like pretty much all my art, this one doesn't have a story. However, it relates to my life because these are all items that I use literally every single day of my life. I draw a lot in my free time, and I only like to use 2H pencils (i'm picky i know), I use a lot of hand sanitizer, and the bottle has a pun on it, and I LOVE puns. And my phone, I use it everyday to text my friends, listen to music, etc. The drawing could be a little better if I made sure I erased ALL the sketchy lines.