Circle Project





The story of this piece is that a chef chopped up some lemons and limes for their dish and arranged them in a pattern of a pink countertop. This project relates to my life because I love cooking with citrus fruits.


This piece was made with watercolors and waterproof ink. After sketching the fruit with my pencil on watercolor paper, I outlined everything in waterproof ink in different colors and then used watercolor paints to finish the piece.


I experimented with pattern and balance in this piece, as the fruit colors are arranged in a pattern, and I played with balance by having it look symmetrical on both sides. This project evolved a bit when I was picking colors. Originally, I was also going to add orange slices, but them changed my mind, and I also ended up switching it to vertical going across instead of horizontal. My next steps might be to improve on my ink and watercolor skills. I wanted to challenge myself and use materials that I am less familiar with, but that caused me to make some mistakes in the ink and painting.