Sustained Investigation #3

Roger, 3"x3"



The story of this is that this red squirrel is scavenging for nuts in a tree before hibernation. This relates to my life because we used to see red squirrels in our backyard all of the time when I was a kid.


This piece was made with Sculpey and acrylic paint. I first used the Sculpey to form the shape of the squirrel, and then I baked it. Once it cooled down, I then painted it with acrylic paints to give it the beautiful red color and added flecks of brown and copper to give the appearance of fur.


For this piece I focused on color, with the different shades of red and flecks of color in the fur of the squirrel, as well as shape. This project did not evolve throughout the process. My next steps would be to add more detail in the painting.